February Edition 2007 - New York Nonprofit Press

February Edition 2007 - New York Nonprofit Press

February Edition 2007 - New York Nonprofit Press


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8 <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> <strong>Nonprofit</strong> <strong>Press</strong> www.nynp.biz <strong>February</strong> 07FACES OF A NEW ADMINISTRATIONDennis P. WhalenDeputy SecretaryFor HealthGladys CarriónCommissionerOCFSDr. Richard F. DainesCommissionerDOHMichael HoganCommissionerOMHDennis P. Whalen will serve as DeputySecretary for Health, the Governor’s top aidein this field. In this position, Whalen is alsoexpected to be a key adviser in the areas ofhuman services.Whalen has served as Executive DeputyCommissioner for the State Department ofHealth since 1996. “Everything that came outof DOH that had anything to do with programsor contracts was signed by Dennis,” said JackO’Connell, Executive Director of the Healthand Welfare Council of Long Island. “He isextremely knowledgeable about health careand he is going to play an extremely importantrole in the new administration.”From November 1998 to June 1999 heserved as the Acting State Health Commissioner.Whalen previously served the Departmentof Health as the Director of theOffice of Health Systems Management, andthe Executive Deputy Director of the AIDSInstitute. He also served in several seniorpolicymaking positions at the Office of Alcoholismand Substance Abuse Services. Hebegan his career with <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> State at theDepartment of Health. Assisting Whalenwill be Joe Baker who has been named AssistantDeputy Secretary for Health and HumanServices. Baker previously served as HealthCare Bureau Chief in the Office of the <strong>New</strong><strong>York</strong> State Attorney General, Executive VicePresident of the Medicare Rights Center andAssociate Director of Legal Services for GayMen’s Health Crisis.BARRIER FREE LIVINGCelebrating 25 years of helping <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>ers withdisabilities live independently in our community.To our groupof innovative clients.FUNDRAISING EXCELLENCE SINCE 1995212-868-4800 _ WWW.LP-ASSOCIATES.COMGladys Carrión has been nominatedto become Commissioner ofthe Office of Children and FamilyServices (OCFS). Prior to her nomination,she served as Senior VicePresident for Community Investmentat United Way of <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> Citywhich she joined in 2005. Prior tothat, Carrión was Executive Directorof Inwood House from 1999 to 2005and Executive Director of FamilyDynamics, Inc. from 1995 to 1999.“I think it is a terrific appointment,”said Jim Purcell, ExecutiveDirector of the Council of Familyand Child Caring Agencies (COF-CCA). “It is a demonstration of theGovernor’s commitment to kids andfamilies in need. I look forward toworking with her.”“This governor has a great commitmentto children and families,”Commissioner Carrión told NYNP.“He understands what the needs are.I am very hopeful that we are goingto be able to do great things.”Commissioner Carrión looksforward to working with the childwelfare community which sheknows well. “I am probably the firstcommissioner who has had to dealwith an MSAR or who actually hashad to work on Connections,” shesaid. “So, I bring a deep appreciationfor those issues.“Running an agency,º you haveto deal with a lot of unfunded mandates,”she continued. “Now, I amin a position to look and see wherewe can make some changes or reallyunderstand the constraints we areunder. Hopefully, we will be ableto bring people in to think throughthese issues and come up with workablesolutions.”Commissioner Carrión plans todivide her time spending three daysin Albany and two in <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>City. “A lot of the work is done in<strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City,” she said.OCFS’s jurisdiction includeschild care, youth development,child welfare and juvenile justiceservices. “It is a large and complexagency and there is a lot of work tobe done,” said Carrión. “I am gearingup for that.”Dr. Richard F. Daines has beennominated to be Commissionerat the Department of Health. Dr.Daines is President and Chief ExecutiveOfficer of St. Luke’s-RooseveltHospital Center in <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>City.“HANYS welcomes the appointmentof Dr. Richard F. Dainesas the <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> State Commissionerof Health,” said Daniel Sisto, Presidentof the Healthcare Associationof <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> State. “Dr. Daines’perspective as a physician, hospitaladministrator, and former medicaldirector makes him uniquely qualifiedto meet the many challengesassociated with providing the highqualitymedical care that <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>ershave come to rely on.“Governor Spitzer has madeclear with this appointment, as hehas with his other health care appointments,that his administrationembraces health care providers asessential partners in achieving ourshared goal of effecting real, lastingreform that strengthens the healthcare system and better serves ourpatients,” Sisto continued.Prior to becoming President, heserved as Senior Vice President forProfessional Affairs and as MedicalDirector. Dr. Daines served in aseries of clinical and administrativepositions at St. Barnabas Hospitalin the Bronx, including Director ofCritical Care, Director of MedicalEducation, Medical Director andVice President for Professional Affairs,and Senior Vice President forProfessional Affairs. He was alsoa founding member of the board ofPartners in Health at St. BarnabasHospital. He chaired the Health,Education and Human Services TaskForce for Bronx Borough PresidentFernando Ferrer from 1998 to 1999and served as Medical Director atLincoln Medical and Mental HealthCenter. Dr. Daines received his B.A.from Utah State University, and hisM.D. from Cornell University MedicalCollege; he did his residencyin Internal Medicine at <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>Hospital.Michael Hogan has been nominatedas Commissioner of the Office of MentalHealth. He has served as the Director ofthe Ohio Department of Mental Healthsince 1991. While there, he was Chairmanof Federal Government’s <strong>New</strong> FreedomCommission on Mental Health from 2001to 2002. Previously, Hogan served as Commissionerof the Connecticut Departmentof Mental Health from 1987 to 1991.“We want to welcome him to the BigApple,” said Philip Saperia, Executive Directorof the Coalition of Behavioral HealthAgencies. “He is obviously a nationalleader of repute and has said some reallyimportant things about mental health servicesthat we are quite supportive of. <strong>New</strong><strong>York</strong> has a rich service delivery system andwe are looking forward to working him tomake it better.”“<strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>ers with psychiatric disabilitiesand their families, communitymental health providers and taxpayersalike will be extremely well served by DrHogan’s selection,” said Harvey Rosenthal,Executive Director of the <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>Association of Psychiatric RehabilitationServices.Hogan draws strong praise from mentalhealth advocates and providers in Ohiowho typically seemed “sorry to see himgo.”“Our association had a great relationshipwith him,” said Cheri Walter, ExecutiveDirector of the Ohio Association ofCounty Behavioral Health Authorities. “Ithink you got somebody who has a lot ofvision and who really can move your systemforward. He has been a huge advocateof the recovery process and of consumerrights and consumer involvement.”“He is a family member so he has thatsense about all of this that sometimes escapesthose who haven’t had to live withthis for some time,” said Jim Mauro, ExecutiveDirector of the National Alliancefor the Mentally Ill in Ohio.Hogan has also been seen as a strongadvocate for mental health services withinstate government. “Mental Health wasone of the few agencies in the last bienniumthat didn’t get cut,” said Mauro. “Infact it received a 3% increases. He workedvery hard on maintaining what was alreadyexisting in an environment where no newmoney was coming down the pike.”

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