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©2012 PerkinElmer, Inc. 400214_01. All rights reserved. PerkinElmer ® is a registered trademark of PerkinElmer, Inc. All other trademarks are the pro<strong>per</strong>ty of their respective owners.PinAAcle AA SpectrometersDiscover the PinAAcle of Performance in AA. Engineered around cutting-edge iber-optictechnology for enhanced light throughput and su<strong>per</strong>ior detection limits, the new PinAAcleseries is the latest innovation from the world leader in atomic absorption. Available in lame,furnace, or combination models, PinAAcle instruments ofer exactly the level of <strong>per</strong>formanceyou need with the smallest footprint of any combined lame/graphite furnace AA system on themarket. Ex<strong>per</strong>ience peak <strong>per</strong>formance and unmatched productivity. Step up to the PinAAcleseries from PerkinElmer.www.<strong>per</strong>kin<strong>elmer</strong>.com/pinaacle

ATOMICSPECTROSCOPYPerkinElmer is the world leader inatomic spectroscopy solutions for atomicabsorption (AA), inductively coupledplasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma massspectrometry (ICP-MS). With instrumentsthat are the industry standard worldwide,PerkinElmer accessories, consumables,methods and application support meetthe most demanding requirements andare the preferred choice in thousands oflaboratories globally.We invest heavily in testing and validatingour complete portfolio of solutionsto ensure that you receive accurate,repeatable results, on-time, every timethroughout the lifetime of your instrument.From Lumina hollow cathode lamps thatallow automatic setup and provide longlamp lifetime to our pure standards thathave been analyzed and certiied to yieldreliable, accurate results, you’ll be able torelax knowing you have the best. We alsooffer a complete portfolio of specializedconsumables that deliver reliable<strong>per</strong>formance, control o<strong>per</strong>ating costs andmaximize the uptime of your instrument.When you order our precision-designed,genuine Atomic Spectroscopy PerkinElmerconsumables and supplies, you’ll get theresults you need - accurately and on time.Atomic AbsorptionAutosampler Supplies 19Burner System 14-15Graphite 20-23Lamps 8-13Nebulizers 16-18Pump Tubing 48ICP-OESChillers 69Compressors 35Injectors and Adapters 33Load Coils and Purge 34ComponentsNebulizers 24-27Pump Tubing 48Sample Introduction Kits 31Spray Chambers 28-29Torch Modulesand Torches 30, 32ICP-MSChillers 69Cones 45Detectors 44Injectors and Adapters 42Load Coils 43Nebulizers 36-38Pump Tubing 48Sample Introduction Kits 46-47Spray Chambers 39-41Torches 43Vacuum Pump Supplies 44Atomic SpectroscopyApplication Packs 53Autosampler Supplies 50-52Chillers 69Filters and Regulators 71-72Flow Injection Supplies(FIAS/FIMS) 54 - 55Internal Standard Kits 49Line Conditionrs andUPS Systems 70Pump Tubing 48Sample PreparationBlocks 74-75SMS 100 MercuryAnalyzer Supplies 73Standards 56 - 68www.<strong>per</strong>kin<strong>elmer</strong>.com/supplies5

XXX ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPYWORLD LEADER IN AA, ICP-OES AND ICP-MSAAnalyst 200/400 Atomic Absorption SpectrometersWhether you choose the AAnalyst 200 or AAnalyst 400, you’lldiscover an easy, affordable and reliable lame atomic absorption(AA) solution. We’ve simpliied the process of AA analysis, fromsample introduction to results. We’ve made it easy for anyonewith a basic understanding of AA to get fast, reliable results everytime, and we’ve made the quality and reliability of PerkinElmeravailable to everyone with these affordable systems.Easy to use, easy to own, and featuring many of the advances thathave made PerkinElmer the market leader, the AAnalyst 200 and400 are the <strong>per</strong>fect choice for any laboratory needing a reliable,trouble-free solution for lame AA analysis.Flame AAHydride Generation AAGFAAICP Emission – RadialICP Emission – AxialPinAAcle 900 Atomic Absorption SpectrometersThe PinAAcle series of atomic absorption (AA) spectrometersbrings AA <strong>per</strong>formance to new heights. Engineered with anarray of exciting technological advances, it offers a variety ofconigurations and capabilities to deliver exactly the level of<strong>per</strong>formance you need:• Flame only, furnace only, or space-saving stacked designsfeaturing both• Flame, furnace, low injection, FIAS-furnace and mercury/hydridecapabilities on a single instrument• Choice of Deuterium or longitudinal Zeeman backgroundcorrection• TubeView color furnace camera simpliies autosampler tipalignment and sample dispensing• Proven WinLab32 software offering both ease-of-use andexceptional lexibilityAnd no matter which model you select (900F, 900Z, 900H, 900T),you’ll discover an intuitive, highly eficient system capable ofsimplifying your journey from sample to results – even with themost dificult matrices.ICP-MS100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001Detection Limit Ranges (ppb or µg/L)Typical detection limit ranges for the major atomic spectroscopy techniques.PinAAcle 900 nebulizersare adjustable foroptimized <strong>per</strong>formanceand include easilyreplaceable capillaryassemblies and venturisfor simple, reduced costmaintenance.6 ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY: ATOMIC ABSORPTION

XXXATOMIC SPECTROSCOPYOptima 8x00 ICP-OES SpectrometersWith its groundbreaking features and expanded capabilities,the Optima 8x00 series is more than just an evolution of theworld’s most popular ICP-OES… it’s a revolution. Built around theproven design of the Optima platform, the 8x00 series deliversbreakthrough <strong>per</strong>formance through a series of cutting-edgetechnologies that optimize sample introduction, enhance plasmastability, simplify method development and dramatically reduceo<strong>per</strong>ating costs:• Adjustable Torch Cassette - makes it easy to optimize<strong>per</strong>formance - even with the most dificult samples and offerssimple maintenance.• Flat Plate Plasma Technology – with a patented, maintenancefreeRF generator uses half the argon of traditional systemsdramatically reducing o<strong>per</strong>ating costs.• PlasmaCam Viewing Camera – offers continuous viewingof the plasma, simplifying method development and enablingremote diagnostic capabilities for maximum uptime.NexION ICP-MS SpectrometersEngineered to deliver a level of stability, lexibility and <strong>per</strong>formancenever before seen in an ICP-MS instrument, the NexION ® 300systems represent the irst truly signiicant and revolutionaryindustry advancement in recent memory.For the irst time ever, a single ICP-MS instrument offers both thesimplicity and convenience of a collision cell and the exceptionaldetection limits of a true reaction cell.With this patented Universal Cell Technology (UCT), analysts cannow choose the most appropriate technique for a speciic sampleor application. No restrictions on which gases you can use. Nolimits on your mass range. No compromises on how you chooseto work. And no hassles switching from one mode to another.Just the promise of su<strong>per</strong>ior accuracy and detection limits, fasteranalysis times, and an easier, more customizable o<strong>per</strong>atorex<strong>per</strong>ience than with any other instrument on the market.Signal responses are kept stable hour after hour by a unique TripleCone Interface and Quadrupole Ion Delector. Designed to removean unprecedented level of un-ionized material (and preventing itfrom entering the Universal Cell), this innovative ion path keepsthe instrument clean, minimizing drift and completely eliminatingthe need for cell cleanings.Quick-change adjustable torch mountTriple cone interfaceproduces the most tightlyfocused ion beam in theindustry, reducing build-upon internal components somaintenance and cleaningare minimized.www.<strong>per</strong>kin<strong>elmer</strong>.com/supplies7

lumina hollow cathode lamPsdesigning andmanufacturingexPertisePerkin<strong>elmer</strong> has 40 years of exPertisedesigning and manufacturing hollowcathode lamPs.Features and Beneits• Long Life: PerkinElmer’s larger lamp volume results inlonger lamp lifetime• Automation: PerkinElmer coded lamps allow automaticsetup• Easy Installation: It’s as simple as sliding the lamp intothe instrument’s lamp bracket or turret• Complete Compatibility: Lumina hollow cathode lampscan be used with PerkinElmer’s entire range of atomicabsorption spectrometers• Testing: Every lamp is thoroughly tested before leavingthe factory• Quality: Carefully selected materials used in themanufacturing of our lamps avoid spectral interference• Design: Our design provides you with the low detectionlimits needed for your most diicult determinations• Selection: PerkinElmer ofers a wide selection ofsingle-element and multi-element lamps• Easy To Order: It’s easy to ind the right lamp for youranalytical needs — simply use the selection charts on thispage or visit our website for a complete listing• Warranty: he <strong>per</strong>formance of every PerkinElmer lamp isfully warranted*Lumina Single-Element Hollow Cathode Lampslumina lamp withelement element lumina lampintensitron ® adaptername symbol Part no. Part no.Aluminum Al N3050103 N3050303Antimony Sb N3050170 N3050370Arsenic As N3050105 N3050305Barium Ba N3050109 N3050309Beryllium Be N3050110 N3050310Bismuth Bi N3050111 N3050311Boron B N3050108 N3050308Cadmium Cd N3050115 N3050315Calcium Ca N3050114 N3050314Chromium Cr N3050119 N3050319Cobalt Co N3050118 N3050318Cop<strong>per</strong> Cu N3050121 N3050321Dysprosium Dy N3050122 N3050322Erbium Er N3050123 N3050323Europium Eu N3050124 N3050324Gadolinium Gd N3050129 N3050329Gallium Ga N3050128 N3050328Germanium Ge N3050130 N3050330Gold Au N3050107 N3050307Hafnium Hf N3050133 N3050333Holmium Ho N3050135 N3050335Indium In N3050137 N3050337Iridium Ir N3050138 N3050338Iron Fe N3050126 N3050326Lanthanum La N3050141 N3050341Lead Pb N3050157 N3050357Lithium Li N3050142 N3050342Magnesium Mg N3050144 N3050344Manganese Mn N3050145 N3050345Mercury Hg N3050134 N3050334Molybdenum Mo N3050146 N3050346Neodymium Nd N3050150 N3050350Nickel Ni N3050152 N3050352Niobium Nb N3050149 N3050349Palladium Pd N3050158 N3050358Phosphorus P N3050155 N3050355Platinum Pt N3050162 N3050362Potassium K N3050139 N3050339Praseodymium Pr N3050161 N3050361Rhenium Re N3050165 N3050365Rhodium Rh N3050166 N3050366Chart continues on next page8 ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY: ATOMIC ABSORPTION

Lumina HoLLow CatHode LampsLumina Lamp withelement element Lumina Lampintensitron ® adaptername symbol part no. part no.Samarium Sm N3050174 N3050374Scandium Sc N3050171 N3050371Selenium Se N3050172 N3050372Silicon Si N3050173 N3050373Silver Ag N3050102 N3050302Sodium Na N3050148 N3050348Strontium Sr N3050176 N3050376Tantalum Ta N3050177 N3050377Tellurium Te N3050180 N3050380Terbium Tb N3050178 N3050378Thallium Tl N3050183 N3050383Thulium Tm N3050184 N3050384Tin Sn N3050175 N3050375Titanium Ti N3050182 N3050382Tungsten W N3050187 N3050387Vanadium V N3050186 N3050386Ytterbium Yb N3050190 N3050390Yttrium Y N3050189 N3050389Zinc Zn N3050191 N3050391Zirconium Zr N3050192 N3050392<strong>per</strong>kineLmer exCLusive 6/24 warrantY*Lumina Hollow Cathode Lamps1. We warrant that during the irst six months or after5,000 milliam<strong>per</strong>e-hours of o<strong>per</strong>ation, whichever comesirst, from initial date of shipment, the lamps will meetor exceed the intensity and absorption speciications towhich all new lamps are tested.2. All our hollow cathode lamps are warranted to lightand emit the spectra of the element indicated for twoyears or 5,000 milliam<strong>per</strong>e-hours of o<strong>per</strong>ation from thedate of the shipment, whichever comes irst.3. If any lamp fails before the expiration of the warranty<strong>per</strong>iod, it will be replaced free of charge.* The lamp warranty is void for lamps which sustain physical damage or are o<strong>per</strong>ated at power levelssubstantially above or below the power level recommended on the lamp label. The lamp warranty mayvary in different countries.Lumina Multi-Element Hollow Cathode LampsLumina Lamp withLumina Lampintensitron ® adapterelement name element symbol part no. part no.Two-element LampsSilver, Gold Ag, Au N3050201 N3050401Calcium, Magnesium Ca, Mg N3050202 N3050402Calcium, Zinc Ca, Zn N3050203 N3050403Potassium, Sodium K, Na N3050204 N3050404Platinum, Ruthenium Pt, Ru N3050205 N3050405Tin, Tellurium Sn, Te N3050206 N3050406Three-element LampsCalcium, Magnesium, Zinc Ca, Mg, Zn N3050208 N3050408Cop<strong>per</strong>, Iron, Nickel Cu, Fe, Ni N3050209 N3050409Four-element LampsCop<strong>per</strong>, Iron, Manganese, Zinc Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn N3050212 N3050412Five-element LampsSilver, Chromium, Cop<strong>per</strong>, Iron, Nickel Ag, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni N3050213 N3050413Cobalt, Chromium, Cop<strong>per</strong>, Manganese, Nickel Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni N3050214 N3050414Six-element LampsCobalt, Chromium, Cop<strong>per</strong>, Iron, Manganese, Nickel Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni N3050217 N3050417Seven-element LampsAluminum, Calcium, Cop<strong>per</strong>, Iron, Magnesium, Silicon, Zinc Al, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Si, Zn N3050218 N3050418www.<strong>per</strong>kin<strong>elmer</strong>.com/supplies9

ELEctroDELEss DischargE LampsmaximumintEnsity,Long LifEELEctroDELEss DischargE Lamps forgrEatEr brightnEssEDLs are typically much brighter and, in some cases, provide bettersensitivity than comparable HCLs. EDLs are preferred for certain volatileelements. They offer better precision and lower detection limits foranalyses that are “noisy” due to weak hollow cathode emission.PerkinElmer System 2 EDLs consist of the element or a salt of the elementsealed in a quartz bulb containing an inert gas atmosphere. When an RField of suficient power is applied, the inert gas is ionized and the coupledenergy vaporizes the element and excites the atoms inside the bulb,resulting in the emission of the characteristic spectrum.PerkinElmer’s System 2 EDLs consist of two major components: adual-channel power supply with matched dual RF driver assemblies,which allows simultaneous, independent o<strong>per</strong>ation of two EDLs, andthe interchangeable lamp sleeves. The lamp sleeve contains thepre-aligned bulb for the element of interest. The sleeve has the sameexterior dimensions as the PerkinElmer HCLs, allowing System 2 EDLs tobe used in the same lamp mounts and turrets.To ensure o<strong>per</strong>ator safety, a built-in interlock prevents lamp o<strong>per</strong>ation ifthe lamp is not pro<strong>per</strong>ly installed.Electrodeless Discharge Lamps are an ideal source for determiningvolatile elements.Electrodeless Discharge LampsEDLs proviDE grEatEr Light output anDLongEr LifE than corrEsponDing hcLsFor certain elements such as Arsenic and Selenium, EDLswill also provide improved sensitivity and lower detectionlimits. System 2 electrodeless discharge lamps providethe optimized spectral output needed to get themaximum <strong>per</strong>formance from PerkinElmer atomicabsorption spectrometers.aanalyst codedElement Element system 2 EDLintensitron ® adaptername symbol part no. part no.Antimony Sb N3050670 N3050869Arsenic As N3050605 N3050860Bismuth Bi N3050611 N3050861Cadmium Cd N3050615 N3050862Cesium Cs N3050620 N3050863Germanium Ge N3050630 N3050864Lead Pb N3050657 N3050867Mercury Hg N3050634 N3050865Phosphorus P N3050655 N3050866Rubidium Rb N3050664 N3050868Selenium Se N3050672 N3050870Tellurium Te N3050680 N3050872Thallium Tl N3050683 N3050873Tin Sn N3050675 N3050871Zinc Zn N3050691 N305087410 ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY: ATOMIC ABSORPTION

elecTrodeless dischArge lAmPsFeatures and Beneits• Brightness: EDLs are much brighter and, in some cases, providebeter sensitivity than comparable hollow cathode lamps• Precision: EDLs ofer lower detection limits and are preferredfor analyses that are “noisy” due to weak hollow cathode emission• Long Life: System 2 EDLs are long-lived for exceptionalcost-efectiveness• Automation: PerkinElmer coded lamps allow automatic set-upon systems with automated turret• Quality: Carefully selected materials used in the manufacturing ofour lamps avoid spectral interference• Testing: Every lamp is thoroughly tested• Design: Our design provides you with the low detection limitsneeded for your most diicult determinations• Warranty: he <strong>per</strong>formance of every PerkinElmer lamp isfully warranted*The Perkin<strong>elmer</strong> exclusive WArrAnTY*System 2 Electrodeless Discharge Lamps1. We warrant that during the irst six months or after 500 hoursof o<strong>per</strong>ation, whichever comes irst, from initial date ofshipment, the lamps will meet or exceed the intensity andabsorption speciications to which all new lamps are tested.2. All our Electrodeless Discharge Lamps are warranted to lightand emit the spectra of the element indicated for two years or1,000 hours of o<strong>per</strong>ation from the initial date of shipment,whichever comes irst.3. If any lamp fails before the expiration of the warranty <strong>per</strong>iod,it will be replaced free of charge.* The lamp warranty is void for lamps that sustain physical damage or are o<strong>per</strong>ated at power levelssubstantially above or below the power level recommended on the lamp label. The lamp warranty may vary indifferent countries.edl Assemblies And comPonenTsEDL Driver AssembliesdescriptionFor AAnalyst 200/400For PinAAcle 900, AAnalyst 600/700/800,For use with all that do not contain built-in EDLpower supplies (short cable)For all models except AAnalyst 600/700/800,For use with all that do not contain built-in EDLpower supplies (long cable)EDL Driver ComponentsdescriptionDriver Assembly Adapter CableAllows System 2 EDL Drivers (03030793 and03030997) to be used on an AAnalyst 200/400Extension CableConverts cable on the PinAAcle 900, AAnalyst600/700/800, for Short CablePart no.N31501310303099703030793Part no.N315030303030998www.<strong>per</strong>kin<strong>elmer</strong>.com/supplies11

ATOMAX HOLLOW CATHODE LAMPS1.5 INCH LAMPSDESIGNED FORNON-PERKINELMERINSTRUMENTSATOMAX 1.5" AA LAMPS FROM PERKINELMER, THEWORLD LEADER IN ATOMIC ABSORPTIONAtomax 1.5" hollow cathode lamps are crafted to the samehigh standards that have made PerkinElmer 2" Lumina hollowcathode lamps the best in the industry. Drawing on more than40 years of HCL design and manufacturing ex<strong>per</strong>tise, Atomaxlamps now offer laboratories around the world a dependable,top-quality lighting source, regardless of the brand of AAinstruments used.Value-Priced and Fully Compatible with 1.5" FormatAA InstrumentsPerkinElmer Atomax lamps are designed to it most commerciallyavailable atomic absorption instruments including Varian,Thermo, Shimadzu, GBC, Analytic Jena, Hitachi and many more.Combining affordability and industry-wide compatibilty allowsusers of other brands of AAs to beneit from PerkinElmer’s provenlamp <strong>per</strong>formance. Each lamp is thoroughly tested to ensure thatit will stand up to the most demanding requirements. Atomaxlamps represent an exceptional value, and our money-backguarantee means you can order with complete conidence.Tested and Validated for Highest Quality PerformanceAll 1.5" Atomax hollow cathode lamps are thoroughly tested toensure maximum light output and spectral purity. Comparativeresults show that Atomax lamps provide equal or better<strong>per</strong>formance than other AA lamps in the market. Precisionengineered for high sensitivity, stable light output, low noise,and long life, you can rely on Atomax lamps for the accurateresults you need.Features and Beneits• Ex<strong>per</strong>ts: Ex<strong>per</strong>tise designing and manufacturing quality lamps forover 40 years. A brand you can trust• Compatibility: Compatible with other manufacturer’s instruments— tested and approved• Lifetime: Long lifetime and <strong>per</strong>formance. As the world’s leading AAsupplier, we know how to build lamps that provide maximum lightoutput and spectral purity for optimum <strong>per</strong>formance• Quality: Every lamp ships with Certiicate of Quality• Testing: Lamps are thoroughly tested before leaving the factory• Raw Materials: Carefully selected materials used in themanufacturing of our lamps avoid spectral interference• Clean: Lamps are built to stringent speciications in a state-of-theartlamp manufacturing facility. Great quality every time• Design: Our design provides you with the low detection limitsneeded for your most diicult determinations• Value: Equivalent or beter <strong>per</strong>formance than your current lamp ata great priceEvery Atomax lamp includes a certiicate of quality, ourpromise of outstanding <strong>per</strong>formance levels from theleader in AA.Each lamp is designed and tested to ensureoptimal <strong>per</strong>formance on PerkinElmer and othermanufacturer’s instruments.Test data for each lamp is stored and trackedby serial number allowing <strong>per</strong>formance data tobe retrieved on an individual basis rather thanconventional batch testing.Atomax TM Certificate of QualityHigh quality equivalent lamps for all major instrument manufacturers. Rigid quality control assures that all lampsmeet the same high standard for intensity,stability, and spectral purity. Carefully selected materials used in themanufacturing of our lamps avoids spectralinterference. Every Atomax lamp has a warranty of5,000 milliam<strong>per</strong>e-hours.** Please refer to warranty card for full details.Please retain for your records.008218_0312 ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY: ATOMIC ABSORPTION

ATOMAx Hollow CAtHode lAmps<strong>per</strong>kin<strong>elmer</strong> exClusive 6/24 wArrAnty*AtomAx Hollow CAtHode lAmps1. We warrant that during the irst six months or after 5,000milliam<strong>per</strong>e-hours of o<strong>per</strong>ation, whichever comes irst, frominitial date of shipment, the lamps will meet or exceed theintensity and absorption speciications to which all new lampsare tested.2. All of our hollow cathode lamps are warranted to light and emitthe spectra of the element indicated for two years or 5,000milliam<strong>per</strong>e hours of o<strong>per</strong>ation from the date of the shipment,whichever comes irst.3. If any lamp fails before the expiration of the warranty <strong>per</strong>iod, itwill be replaced free of charge.* The lamp warranty is void for lamps which sustain physical damage or are o<strong>per</strong>ated at power levels substantiallyabove or below the power level recommended on the lamp label. The lamp warranty may vary in differentcountries.element symbol part no.Aluminum Al N2025301Antimony Sb N2025347Arsenic As N2025302Barium Ba N2025305Beryllium Be N2025306Bismuth Bi N2025307Boron B N2025304Cadmium Cd N2025309Calcium Ca N2025308Cesium Cs N2025312Chromium Cr N2025311Cobalt Co N2025310Cop<strong>per</strong> Cu N2025313Dysprosium Dy N2025314Erbium Er N2025315Europium Eu N2025316Gadolinium Gd N2025319Gallium Ga N2025318Germanium Ge N2025320Gold Au N2025303Hafnium Hf N2025321Holmium Ho N2025323Indium In N2025324element symbol part no.Iridium Ir N2025325Iron Fe N2025317Lanthanum La N2025327Lead Pb N2025339Lithium Li N2025328Lutetium Lu N2025329Magnesium Mg N2025330Manganese Mn N2025331Mercury Hg N2025322Molybdenum Mo N2025332Neodymium Nd N2025335Nickel Ni N2025336Niobium Nb N2025334Osmium Os N2025337Palladium Pd N2025340Phosphorus P N2025338Platinum Pt N2025342Potassium K N2025326Praseodymium Pr N2025341Rhenium Re N2025344Ruthenium Ru N2025346Rhodium Rh N2025345Rubidium Rb N2025343element symbol part no.Samarium Sm N2025351Scandium Sc N2025348Selenium Se N2025349Silicon Si N2025350Silver Ag N2025300Sodium Na N2025333Strontium Sr N2025353Tantalum Ta N2025354Terbium Tb N2025355Tellurium Te N2025356Thallium Tl N2025359Thorium Th N2025357Thulium Tm N2025360Tin Sn N2025352Titanium Ti N2025358Tungsten W N2025362Vanadium V N2025361Ytterbium Yb N2025364Yttrium Y N2025363Zinc Zn N2025365Zirconium Zr N2025366www.<strong>per</strong>kin<strong>elmer</strong>.com/supplies13

BURNER SYSTEM COMPONENTSEXPERIENCE OPTIMALEFFICIENCYSingle-slot Nitrous Oxide-acetylene 5 cmThe 5 cm nitrous oxide burner head is required for nitrous oxideacetyleneo<strong>per</strong>ation. This burner head can also be used withair-acetylene or rotated to provide reduced sensitivity.DescriptionSingle-slot Nitrous Oxide-acetylene 5 cmPart No.N0400100Single-slot Air-acetylene 10 cmThe 10 cm burner head is designed to be used with the airacetylenelame. Because of its long burner path length, itprovides the best sensitivity for air-acetylene elements.An eficient burner system is essential for obtainingoptimal <strong>per</strong>formance from your AA instrument, andpro<strong>per</strong> maintenance is required to obtain precise andaccurate determinations.Features & Beneits• 100% titanium burner heads, an exclusive PerkinElmer featurethat provides maximum corrosion resistance when analyzing anytype of sample• Burner chambers constructed of inert, wetable plastic to allow forpro<strong>per</strong> drainage of excess sample and to prevent burner carryoverof previous analyses• Multivaned low spoilers remove large sample droplets from thenebulized spray and reduce susceptibility to analytical interference• Gaskets designed for use with aqueous and organic samples.Choose from rubber O-rings for aqueous solutions or Corkprene orALREZ® gaskets for organic solutions• PinAAcle uses the same Burner Heads as AAnalyst series. he latestdesign has a hole on the rim for ease of rotation during o<strong>per</strong>ation.he handle is provided with the instrument.DescriptionSingle-slot Air-acetylene 10 cmSingle-slot Air-acetylene 5 cmPart No.N0400102A 5 cm air-acetylene burner head is available for applicationsin which reduced sensitivity is required. It can be rotated toprovide further sensitivity reduction, and it has a wide slot toprevent clogging.DescriptionSingle-slot Air-acetylene 5 cmThree-slot Air-acetylene 10 cmPart No.N0400101The three-slot burner head is designed to be used whenanalyzing samples with high concentrations of dissolved solids.The three-slot burner head is not compatible with some older gascontrol systems.DescriptionThree-slot Air-acetylene 10 cmPart No.N0400103Single-slot Nitrous Oxide-acetylene 5 cmSingle-slot Air-acetylene 5 cmSingle-slot Air-acetylene 10 cmThree-slot Air-acetylene 10 cm14 ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY: ATOMIC ABSORPTION

Burner SyStem ComponentSBurner System ComponentsA Burner HeadD Flow SpoilereDCAB Burner Mixing ChamberC Clamping Ringe End Cap O-RingF End Cap AssemblyFBurner HeadsPinAAcle Burner Chamber AssemblyBurner System ComponentsAAnalystpinAAcle 900100/200/300/400/700/800Description Length Flame type part no. part no.Single-slot 5 cm Nitrous Oxide-Acetylene N0400100 N0400100Single-slot 10 cm Air-Acetylene N0400102 N0400102Three-slot 10 cm Air-Acetylene N0400103 N0400103Single-slot 5 cm Air-Acetylene N0400101 N0400101Burner System ComponentsAAnalystpinAAcle 900100/200/300/400/700/800Description part no. part no.Burner Head Viton O-Ring 09902219Burner Mixing Chamber Assembly N3160106 00570948End Cap Latch AssemblyBurner Head AssemblyClamping RingN3160107N3161034ABN0401171Flow Spoiler 00572561 00572561End Cap O-Ring 0.312 x 0.070 09200253End Cap Viton O-Ring Standard 09902147 09902147End Cap O-Ring Organics (Corkprene) 00472014End Cap O-Ring Organics/Aqueous (KALREZ ® ) 09921044End Cap Assembly (for use with metal body nebulizers) N3160102 00570984End Cap Assembly (for use with plastic body nebulizers) N3160111 N0370392Burner Gasket Kit for End Cap Assembly 00570984Contains 00472014(5), 09902147(3), 09902219(1), 09902236(3), 09902240(3)Burner Head O-Ring 0.984 x 0.139 0920007900470988Drain Tubing - Tygon Tubing with FEP lining 02507987Seal Plug Pyrex Impact Bead used with (00570984) end cap Part No. 00572615 00572624O-Ring ( 1 ⁄4 in 6 mm i.d.) for end cap assembly 00570984 09902240O-Ring ( 1 ⁄8 in 3 mm i.d.) for Seal plug in end cap 00570984 09902236Burner Drain Assembly for Organic Solutions N3150232*** N3150230*Burner Drain Assembly (includes tubing and drain interlock, drain bottle 09904991 not included) N2011074*Burner Drain Assembly (includes tubing and drain interlock, drain bottle 09904991 not included) N0400058 N0400058**Burner Head Cleaning Tool 03031573 03031573Burner Head Adjustment Tool for burner heads with adjustment tool hole N3161040 N3161040*For AAnalyst 700/800 **For AAnalyst 200/400 ***For AAnalyst 100/200/300/400BA Burner HeadD Burner ChamberDB Retaining RingC Burner Head O-Ringe End Cap AssemblyF Stainless Steel NebulizerFeCPinAAcle Burner Chamber Assemblywww.<strong>per</strong>kin<strong>elmer</strong>.com/supplies15

NEBULIZERSWIDE VARIETY OFHIGH PERFORMANCENEBULIZERSPinAAcle 900 Removable Burner Assemblyallows switching between analyticaltechniques in a mater of seconds on lame/furnace combination instrumentsHigh-Sensitivity Nebulizerwith Pt/Ir CapillaryPinAAcle High-Sensitivity NebulizerPart No. N3160144THE NEBULIZER IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANTCOMPONENTS IN A FLAME AA SPECTROMETERSample solutions, with differing physical pro<strong>per</strong>ties, must beconverted into an aerosol of small, similarly-sized droplets. Thisplaces great demands on the design of the nebulizer.All PerkinElmer nebulizer assemblies are adjustable for optimized<strong>per</strong>formance and include easily-interchanged capillary assembliesfor simple, reduced-cost maintenance. PerkinElmer nebulizersare manufactured to exacting tolerances to provide maximumsensitivity. Universal, or, “standard” nebulizers are less expensivethan the corresponding high-sensitivity nebulizers and provide alower level of sensitivity. The universal, or, “standard” nebulizerstypically provide better precision and reduced “carryover”interference when used with solutions that contain high dissolvedsolids content of higher analyte concentrations.HIGH-SENSITIVITY NEBULIZER WITH PT/IR CAPILLARYOur high-precision nebulizer maximizes stability and sensitivity,even for the toughest matrices. The nebulizer is adjustable soa wide variety of sample matrices — aqueous or organic, acidor base, diluted or concentrated — can be analyzed underoptimum conditions. This high-sensitivity nebulizer is fabricatedentirely of inert plastic materials for maximum <strong>per</strong>formance andcorrosion resistance.High-Sensitivity Nebulizer• Provides maximum sensitivity, precision and freedom fromanalytical interferences• he high-sensitivity nebulizer with platinum/iridium capillaryis for most solutions, but not for precious metal samplescontaining aqua regia• High-sensitivity nebulizer with tantalum capillary used forsolutions containing aqua regia16 ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY: ATOMIC ABSORPTION

NEBULIZERSMetal Body Corrosion-Resistant Nebulizers• For all solutions containing hydroluoric acid or aqua regia• For all solutions containing high concentrations of dissolved solids• All internal components in contact with solutions are constructedof plastic to resist corrosion from concentrated acids• Reduced <strong>per</strong>formance compared with stainless steel or platinum/rhodium nebulizersMetal Body Platinum Alloy Nebulizers• Recommended for most concentrated acids containing >5% acid• Includes a platinum alloy needle assembly and a tantalum venturi• Provides maximum chemical resistance• Not suitable for use with aqua regia or hydroluoric acidPlastic Body GemTip Nebulizers• Corrosion-resistant and can be used to aspirate almost all solutions,even those solutions containing a high <strong>per</strong>centage of acids• Designed to obtain optimum sensitivity, detection limits andprecision with lame atomic absorption for both air-acetylene andnitrous oxide-acetylene lamesMetal Body Stainless Steel Nebulizers• For most solutions containing

NEBulizer Assemblies ANd spAresPlastic Body NebulizerspinAAcle 900 AAnalyst 200/400 AAnalyst 100/300/700/800description part No. part No. part No.High-sensitivity Nebulizer with pt/ir capillaryNebulizer Assembly N3160144 N3150188* B0505480Impact Bead B0505086 B0505086 B0505086O-Ring 09902015 09902015 B0190672O-Ring B0507708 09926126 B0506143O-Ring 9.25 X 1.78Needle Assembly 03030354B0174378Spring 09920483 09920483 B0165332End Cap N3160111 N0370392 N0370392High-sensitivity Nebulizer with tantalum capillaryNebulizer AssemblyImpact BeadO-Ring 1.78 X 1.02O-Ring 4.47 X 1.78O-Ring 9.25 X 1.78SpringEnd CapGemtip NebulizersGemTip Nebulizer AssemblyHigh-Sensitivity Nebulizer AssemblyImpact BeadB0505590B0505086B0190672B0506143B0174378B0165332N0370392N0370394N0370393B0505086Spring 09902473End Cap*May also be used with AAnalyst 100/300/700/800metal Body NebulizersN0370392pinAAcle 900 AAnalyst 200/400 AAnalyst 100/300/700/800description part No. part No. part No.stainless steel NebulizerNebulizer Assembly N3160143 03030352 03030352Capillary Assembly N3160113 03030354 03030354O-Ring Kit (Includes O-Rings in Neb Assembly) N9300065 N9300065O-Ring 0.176 ID x 0.070 WD 09902005O-Ring 0.364 ID x 0.070 WD 09902015O-Ring 0.208 ID x 0.070 WD 09902239Spring 03031806 03031806 03031806End Cap N3160102 00570984 00570984corrosion-resistant NebulizerNebulizer Assembly 03030404 03030404Capillary Assembly 03030402 03030402O-Ring Kit (Includes O-Rings in Neb Assembly) N9300065 N9300065Spring 03031806 03031806End Cap 00570984 00570984platinum alloy NebulizerNebulizer Assembly 03030299 03030299Capillary Assembly 03030433 03030433O-Ring Kit (Includes O-Rings in Neb Assembly) N9300065 N9300065Spring 03031806 03031806End Cap 00570984 00570984Nebulizer accessoriesdescriptionpart No.Capillary Tubing 09908265Nebulizer Cleaning Wires Pkg. 5 03030135Nebulizer Grease 03030405Nebulizer Capillary TubingNebulizer Cleaning WiresNebulizer Grease18 ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY: ATOMIC ABSORPTION

AutosAmpler Cups And supplies88-Position Tray148-Position TrayAutosampler TraysFor a quick change to another series of samples, a second sampletray is recommended.For Model AS-800/AS-900description88-Position Tray, Polypropylene80 sample locations for 2.0, 2.5 or 3.5 mL samplecups. Each sample tray also has eight positions for7.0 mL reagent containers.148-Position Tray, Polypropylene132 sample locations for 1.2 mL sample cupsand eight locations for 2.5 or 3.5 mL samplecups. Each sample tray also has eight positionsfor 7.0 mL reagent containers. One is providedwith the autosampler.CoverArmpart no.B3001507B3001506B3001505B3002046GrAphite FurnACe AutosAmpler CupsSample cups are of heavy-duty construction to prevent crackingor tipping. Their conical design allows for use of nearly theentire sample.Sampling CapillariesMade of PTFE, these are capable of pipetting a variety of corrosivematrices and organic solutions.Features and Beneits• Works well with solvent and acid-resistant sampling components• PTFE pipete tips and capillaries reduce contamination• Easy replacementdescriptionFor Models AS-60/AS-70/AS-71/AS-72/AS-800/AS-900Reagent Containerspart no.B0129258For blank solutions, reagent solutions or matrix modiiers.descriptionRound Reagent ContainersFor Models AS-40/AS-60/AS-70/AS-71/AS-72.25 mL polypropylene. Suitable for organic solutions.part no.B010116430 mL Polystyrene – Not for organic solutions. B0102332Cloverleaf-shaped Reagent ContainersFor Models AS-60/AS-70/AS-71/AS-72.30 mL polypropylene.B0132799Your choice of materials:• Polystyrene – Clear, recommended for use with mostaqueous solutions• Polyethylene – Translucent, low-density, recommended for usewith most aqueous and organic solutions• Telon® – Recommended for use with most concentrated acidsincluding HF, and for analyses where the lowest detection levelsare required• Polypropylene – Translucent; preferred for most solventsVolume Compostition Qty. part no.1.2 mL* Polypropylene 2,000 B05103972.5 mL Polypropylene 1,000 B30015667.0 mL** Polypropylene 100 B30015672.0 mL Polyethylene 1,000 B00870562.0 mL Polystyrene 1,000 B01190793.5 mL Polystyrene 100 B01293032.0 mL Telon® 30 B0087600* For use with AS-71/72/800/900 ** For use with AS-800/AS-900PliersdescriptionFor 1.2 mL sample cups.part no.B0510398www.<strong>per</strong>kin<strong>elmer</strong>.com/supplies19

THGA GRAPHITE TUBESEXCLUSIVE DESIGNENSURES EVEN HEATINGSTANDARD THGA GRAPHITE TUBESToday’s analysts expect exceptional analytical <strong>per</strong>formance fromtheir graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometers. That<strong>per</strong>formance must be reproducible from day to day with respect tosensitivity (characteristic mass), accuracy and precision.The graphite tube, the heart of the graphite furnace, plays a vitalrole in the overall stability of an analysis. In order to assure stableanalytical conditions from one atomization cycle to the next, andfrom graphite tube to graphite tube, all graphite parts — contacts,tubes and platforms — must be subject to strict quality control byboth the instrument manufacturer and the graphite manufacturer.PerkinElmer’s unique, transversely-heated graphite tube includesan integrated platform. The exceptionally uniform tem<strong>per</strong>aturedistribution obtained with transverse heating signiicantly reducesor eliminates condensation of the sample matrix components and“memory” effects, and improves the atomization eficiency forrefractory elements.Standard THGA Graphite Tubes with End CapsFor improved characteristic mass with volatile and mediumrefractory elements such as Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Pb, Se and Tl,the THGA graphite tubes with end caps are recommended. Note:THGA graphite tubes with end caps are not recommended forrefractory elements such as V or Ba.Standard THGA Graphite TubesDescription5-pack20-pack100-packPart No.B3000641B0504033N3110147Features and Beneits• Improved detection limits for volatile and mediumrefractory elements• Faster drying for complex matrices due to enlarged dosing holeStandard THGA Graphite Tubes with End CapsDescription5-pack20-packPart No.B3000653B300065520 Atomic spectroscopy: atomic aBsorptioN

THGA GRAPHITE TUBESUltraClean THGAGraphite TubesFor the lowest possibledetection limits, residualcontaminant levels may notbe low enough to meet yourrequirements. For the most demanding analyses, PerkinElmeroffers UltraClean THGA graphite tubes — delivering exceptionallylow levels of contamination due to advanced high-tem<strong>per</strong>aturegas-phase cleaning procedures. UltraClean graphite tubes offerunmatched analytical advantages for special applications such asthe determination of extremely low traces of Na, Ca, Fe, Cr andNi in ultra-clean reagents used in the semiconductor industry, andultra-trace analyses of environmental, clinical, or food samples.Features and Beneits• UltraClean THGA graphite tubes have the lowest possiblecontamination levels due to extensive high-tem<strong>per</strong>ature gas-phasecleaning procedures• UltraClean THGA graphite tubes are tested and speciied for blanklevels of Cr, Ni, V, Mo, Ti (

HGA GrApHite tubesMAnufActuredto tHe HiGHest quAlityspecificAtionsThe production of high-quality graphite components requiresstringent quality control. To ensure high quality and consistency,a speciic grade of high-density base graphite material has beendeveloped for PerkinElmer’s exclusive use. This base graphitematerial is used for the manufacturing of all PerkinElmergraphite tubes.Selection and careful control of raw materials are extremelyimportant. The composition and the microstructure of the basegraphite material determine the speciic resistivity of the tube andits heating characteristics.When you purchase graphite supplies from PerkinElmer, youget the results of our many years of ex<strong>per</strong>ience with qualitygraphite parts.The pro<strong>per</strong> <strong>per</strong>formance, maintenance, and serviceability of ourgraphite furnace systems can be assured only through the use ofgenuine PerkinElmer graphite components.pyrocoAted GrApHite tubesGrooved Pyrocoated Graphite TubesInternally grooved to accept L’vov platforms. Does notinclude platformdescription5-pack10-pack20-pack50-pack100-packPyrocoated Graphite Tubes*description5-pack10-pack20-pack20-pack (Forked Platform)50-pack*Not compatible with L’vov platformspart no.B0137111B0121092B3001254B0109322N3110146part no.B0105197B0135653B3000342B0505057B0091504pyrocoAted GrApHite tubes WitHinteGrAted plAtforMsProven in labs throughout the world, graphite tubes withintegrated platforms provide su<strong>per</strong>ior <strong>per</strong>formance and are easyto use. Graphite tubes with integrated platforms are machinedfrom one piece of graphite and are totally pyrocoated, providingexceptional tube-to-tube reproducibility. The spherically-shapedplatform accommodates up to 50 µL of sample.Features and Beneits• Provide STPF conditions for volatile and nonvolatile refractoryelements due to the signiicantly higher heating rates of tube andplatform, which can be used for all elements• Ofer an extra measure of convenience versus manually inserting aseparate platform• Provide longer life with many aggressive sample matrices, such asconcentrated acidsPyrocoated Graphite Tubes with Integrated Platformsdescription5-pack20-pack40-packUncoated Graphite Tubes*description5-pack20-pack50-packpart no.B3001262B3001264N9300651part no.B0137113B3001253B0070699*Not compatible with L’vov platforms22 Atomic spectroscopy: atomic aBsorptioN

HGA GrApHite tubesL’VOv pLAtformsThe L’vov platform is a small plate of solid pyrocoated graphitethat is inserted into the graphite tube. It has a slight depressionin the center, which can accommodate up to 50 µL of solution.The function of the L’vov platform is to isolate the samplefrom the tube walls to allow more reproducible atomizationof the sample through indirect heating. The platform heatsprimarily by the radiation given off from the tube walls. Samplevaporization and atomization occur after the tube reaches asteady-state tem<strong>per</strong>ature.Use of the L’vov platform provides:• Vaporization into a higher tem<strong>per</strong>ature gas atmosphere producingmore free atoms, which reduce interferences• Longer tube life because aggressive samples are only in contact withthe solid pyrolytic graphite platformCoNtACt CYLiNDersThe graphite contact cylinders used in the HGA Graphite Furnaceare engineered for a precise it so that variations in electricalcontact — which might affect the analytical <strong>per</strong>formance — arereduced to a minimum. The graphite contacts are shaped so thatthey completely encase the graphite tube. Thus, the graphite tubeis located in a deined inert environment, which ensures uniformheating conditions and long tube lifetime.Contact CylindersFor HGA-900/850/800/700/600/300 Furnaces• Includes let-hand Contact, right-hand Contact, Shield RingDescriptionpart No.1 set B01284955 sets B3130086Description5-pack10-pack20-pack50-pack100-packPyrocoated Graphite Tubewith L’vov PlatformCross-section of the PerkinElmer HGAgraphite tube with manually insertedL’vov platform shown.part No.B0137112B0121091B3001256B0109324N3110145Pyrocoated Graphite Tube withIntegrated PlatformsCross-section of the PerkinElmer HGAgraphite tube with integrated platformshown.For Zeeman Furnaces• Includes let-hand Contact, right-hand ContactDescriptionpart No.1 set B01168235 sets B0180361Matrix Modiiers forGraphite Furnace AAPerkinElmer provides you with themaximum <strong>per</strong>formance and thelowest possible detection limits withour high-quality matrix modiiers.PerkinElmer matrix modiiers thermally stabilize the analyte,allowing higher pyrolysis tem<strong>per</strong>atures to be used, reducingbackground absorption, and eliminating potential interferences.modiiers Concentration volume part No.Mg(NO 3) 21% Mg (as nitrate) 100 mL B0190634Pd 1% Pd (as nitrate) 50 mL B0190635NH 4H 2PO 410% NH 4H 2PO 4100 mL N9303445www.<strong>per</strong>kin<strong>elmer</strong>.com/supplies23

ATOMIC ABSORPTION INDEXAtomic Spectroscopy - Instrument Overview .............. 6-7AAnalyst 200/400 Atomic Absorption Spectrometers .............6NexION ICP-MS Spectrometers ...............................................7Optima 8x00 ICP-OES Spectrometers ......................................7PinAAcle 900 Atomic Absorption Spectrometers ....................6Autosampler Cups and Supplies .................................... 19Autosampler Cups ................................................................19Autosampler Trays ................................................................19Pliers ....................................................................................19Reagent Containers ..............................................................19Sampling Capillaries .............................................................19Burner System Components...................................... 14-15Burner Heads .......................................................................14Burner System Components .................................................15Graphite Furnace Tubes and Supplies ...................... 20-23HGA Graphite Tubes And Supplies.................................. 22-23Contact Cylinders ............................................................23Graphite Tubes .................................................................22Matrix Modiiers ...............................................................23THGA Graphite Tubes And Supplies ................................ 20-21Accessories And Spare Parts ..............................................21Contact Cylinders .............................................................21Graphite Tubes .................................................................21Instrument Mirror .............................................................21Matrix Modiiers ...............................................................21Lamps ............................................................................ 8-131.5" Atomax Hollow Cathode Lamps ............................. 12-132" Lumina Hollow Cathode Lamps ..................................... 8-9Lumina Multi-Element Hollow Cathode Lamps ....................9Lumina Single-Element Hollow Cathode Lamps ............... 8-9Electrodeless Discharge Lamps ........................................ 10-11EDL Driver Assemblies .......................................................11EDL Driver Components ....................................................11Electrodeless Discharge Lamps ..........................................10Nebulizers, Assemblies and Spares .......................... 16-18Nebulizer Accessories ...........................................................18Nebulizers ...................................................................... 16-18www.<strong>per</strong>kin<strong>elmer</strong>.com237

ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY GENERAL INDEXApplication Packs ............................................................ 53Application Pack for Blood Lead Determination ....................53Application Pack for Multi-Element Analysis of Rocksand Sediment ...................................................................53Application Pack for Toxic and Trace Elements in Food ..........53Application Pack for Toxicity Characteristic LeachingProcedure (TCLP) ..............................................................53Application Pack for Trace Metals in Water by GFAAS ...........53Autosampler Probes ....................................................... 50Accessories ...........................................................................50Autsampler Probe Assemblies ...............................................50Cetac ................................................................................50ESI ....................................................................................50PerkinElmer ......................................................................50Used Oil Autosampler Probe .................................................50Autosampler Tubes ......................................................... 52Cooling Systems .............................................................. 69Chiller Coolant Mix ..............................................................69Chillers/Recirculating Water Cooling Systems ........................69Coolant Fluid ........................................................................69Heat Exchanger System ........................................................69Flow Injection System ................................................ 54-55Adapters and Connectors .....................................................54Mixing/Separation Assembly .................................................55Flow Injection Furnace Supplies.........................................55Gas/Liquid Separator .........................................................55Mixing Block .....................................................................55Sample Loops ...................................................................55Tool, Screw Connectors ....................................................55Tubing ..................................................................................55Internal Standard Kits ..................................................... 49Internal Standard Kits ...........................................................49HF-Resistant Internal Standard Kit .....................................49Non HF-Resistant Internal Standard Kit ..............................49Laboratory Products .................................................. 71-72Regulators ............................................................................71Dryers, Filters, and Replacement Parts ...................................72Instrument Filters ..................................................................72Polyscience Replacement Air Filters .......................................72Hose Assemblies ...................................................................71Blower and Vent Assembly ...................................................71Matheson Flashback Arrestor ...............................................71AA Gas Puriier and Filters ....................................................72Line Conditioners and UPS Systems .............................. 70Line Conditioners .................................................................70Uninterruptable Power Supply Systems .................................70Pump Tubing ................................................................... 482-Stop Peristaltic Pump Tubing .............................................483-Stop Peristaltic Pump Tubing .............................................48SMS 100 and Supplies ..................................................... 73PerkinElmer SMS 100 Mercury Analyzer ...............................73SMS 100 Consumables and Supplies .................................73Spares Kits ........................................................................73Sample Preparation Blocks ........................................ 74-75Sample Preparation Blocks and Controllers ...........................74Automatic Shut-Off System ..............................................75Digi FILTERS ......................................................................75SPB Hoods ........................................................................75SPB Vacuum Pumps ..........................................................75Start Up Kits .....................................................................74Tem<strong>per</strong>ature Probes ..........................................................75Tubes, Caps & Watch Glasses ............................................75Standards .................................................................... 56-68Inorganic Aqueous Standards ...............................................56AA Test Mix ......................................................................59Contract Required Detection Limits (CRDL) .......................59Environmental Method Sets ........................................ 62-65GFAAS Mixed Standard .....................................................59Initial Calibration Veriication Standards ............................58Instrument Calibration Standards ......................................62Instrument Calibration Standards for CLP ..........................58Instrument Check Standards .............................................59Instrument Setup Solutions ...............................................60Interference Check Standards ...........................................59Internal Standard Solutions ...............................................61Isotope Standard ..............................................................61Matrix Blanks ....................................................................59Matrix Modiiers for Graphite Furnace AA.........................59Mixed Calibration Standards .............................................58Multi-Element Standards ............................................. 61-62Performance Veriication Standards ...................................65Quality Control Standards .................................................58Reagents ..........................................................................59Single-Element Standards ........................................... 56-58SmartTune Standards ........................................................62Spike Sample Analysis .......................................................60Toxicity Characteristic Leachate Procedure(TCLP) Standard ............................................................65Universal Data Acquisition Standards Kit ...........................60USP Elemental Impurities Kit .............................................65Wash Standards ................................................................61Water Pollutant Standards ................................................60Wear Metal Metallo-Organic Standards ................................66Biodiesel Standards ...........................................................68Fuel Dilution Oils ...............................................................67Internal Standards .............................................................67Karl Fischer Standards .......................................................68Matrix Oils and Solvents ....................................................67Metal Additive Standards ..................................................67Performance Testing Program ...........................................68Single-Element Standards .................................................66Soot Content Standards ....................................................68V-21 Wear Metal Standards ..............................................66V-23 Wear Metal Standards ..............................................67Viscosity PTP Test Standard ...............................................68Viscosity Reference Standards ...........................................68V-Solv ...............................................................................67Trays and Racks ............................................................... 51Cetac Autosampler Supplies .................................................51Racks ................................................................................51ESI Autosampler Supplies .....................................................51Racks and Rack Covers .....................................................51PerkinElmer Sample Trays .....................................................51Trays and Supplies ............................................................51238 www.<strong>per</strong>kin<strong>elmer</strong>.com

ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGY srl - Via San Domenico Savio, 16 - 20861 Brugherio (MB)Tel. ++39 039 87 00 26 - 87 05 12 - Fax ++39 039 28 71 442 - e-mail: antec@antec.it - www.antec.itAAPE2013

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