IPfocus - IP UserGroup

IPfocus - IP UserGroup

IPfocus - IP UserGroup


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<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong>Barriers to adoptionThe Debate Topic at the recent <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> Regional meeting in StockportDavid PetrookThe audience were quickly engaged by Davidthrough his humourous and anecdotalintroductions. The level of participation wasimmediately high with comments and viewsbeing made from all corners of the industry.From manufacturers and distributors throughto consultants and end-users, everyone hadsomething to say on the matter. If there was an<strong>IP</strong> sceptic in the house, he didn’t raise eitherhis head or his voice.From the start of the debate, it was clear thatthose in attendance had a number of differingviews as to what issues contributed to thereluctance of adoption. Some felt the problemswere based around the unwillingness orinability to learn amongst the installers andintegrators. Others were of the opinion that thetraditional route to market via distributors washindering progress because the distributorshad catalogues (and warehouses) full ofanalogue products or that they had notthemselves fully learned about the technologyand embraced the opportunity.The media was also considered as havingcontributed to the confusion that exited. With aHeld at the Britannia Hotel in Stockport at the end ofMarch, the second <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> meeting included adebate session entitled “Barriers to Adoption”. Expertlyled by David Petrook, UK and EMEA Sales Director atDVTel, the session provided an opportunity for affiliatesand members to discuss the issues surrounding thebarriers encountered to the furtherance of <strong>IP</strong> technologywithin the security industry and together identify theareas that needed to be addressed.constant stream of articles and reports raisingquestions against “the <strong>IP</strong> issue” from both acustomer and installers’ viewpoint, they hadachieved a high level of uncertainty amongsttheir readers. Having posed more questionsthan answers it was felt that the media hadonly recently started to dispel the rumours andprovide the answers to the questions.SolutionsWith the session moving on to look at thesolutions, it became evident that EDUCATIONwas the required activity to address themajority of issues raised. The group wereunanimous in the opinion that by providing theindustry and its customers with clearly writtenand easily understood information andeducational material, greater understandingand therefore improved acceptance and usewould result. The group acknowledged thatalthough a number of attempts had been madeby some progressive players in the past, aconcerted effort by the group in combining thebest of the information available into a set ofdocuments would be the best way forward.By producing an "Expanded Glossary of Terms"along with other white paper type documentssuch as “Analogue vs. Digital” the attendeesagreed users at all levels of knowledge wouldbe provided with the right information in theright format.The group were also keen to ensure thatEnd-users were not inundated withspecification overload or “techno babble”(as Keith from CNL put it). They should not beexpected to understand or even want to knowthe convoluted details of compressiontechniques of a product. Rather, they should beprovided with examples of relevant informationsuch as picture qualities at specific framerates. By providing material in the “Languageof the User” the industry would avoid furtherconfusion in the marketplace and allow theircustomers to gain a far better understandingof the undeniable potential their <strong>IP</strong> basedproducts and services can provide.Next Meeting DateThe next meeting is to take placein the Reading area on Thursday,24th June at the Calcot Hotel andwill include presentation materialconcerning the Retail marketplace.If you wish to participate or haveany questions concerning theReading meeting, please contactAndy on +44 (0) 1983 403693 orandy.hennings@ipusergroup.com38_issue 3

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