Capel Nasareth Nazareth Chapel - Tal-y-bont

Capel Nasareth Nazareth Chapel - Tal-y-bont

Capel Nasareth Nazareth Chapel - Tal-y-bont


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Ein Canrif – Our CenturyY Gweinidog a’r blaenoriaid adeg ycanmlwyddiant 1969. O’r chwith: GarethHughes, R.W. Morgan, Caledfryn Evans, Parch.Tudno Williams, James Morgan, W.J. Watkin,Geraint Hughes.The Minister and the deacons at the time of thecentenary 1969. From the left: Gareth Hughes,R.W. Morgan, Caledfryn Evans, Parch. TudnoWilliams, James Morgan, W.J. Watkin, GeraintHughes.â’r eglwys o’r dechrau, sef teuluMaesnewydd. Y gãr a benodwyd gan yfam eglwys Rehoboth i ofalu am yr achosnewydd oedd John Davies, Erglodd – un aadwaenid yn ei ddydd fel ‘apostol y plant’ar gyfrif ei waith mawr dros yr Ysgol Sul.Priododd ei nith, Mary Jones, a godwydgyda’i hewythr yn Erglodd, JamesMorgan, Maesnewydd – aelod gyda’rAnnibynwyr yn Nhal-y-<strong>bont</strong>. Cofnodwydyn y Drysorfa am 1869 bod Mary Joneswedi anrhegu’r eglwys newydd â llestricymundeb ardderchog a chostus.Ymaelododd James Morgan yn <strong>Nasareth</strong>ac fe’i etholwyd yn flaenor a bu’ndrysorydd yr eglwys hyd 1923. Ynadilynodd ei fab, Richard William MorganY.H., ef yn drysorydd ac erbyn heddiw eifab, James Hughes Morgan, sy’n dal yn yswydd. Erbyn hyn mae ei blant yntau yndilyn yr un traddodiad. Dyna etogysylltiad arbennig o faith â’r eglwys hon.1976Yn ystod y flwyddyn cawsom gyfle ilongyfarch hynafgwr ‘ifanc’, un o’nhas been associated with the chapel from theoutset. The man appointed by the motherchapel Rehoboth, to be in charge of the newcause was John Davies, Erglodd, known inhis time as the ‘children’s apostle’ because ofhis work with the Sunday School. His niece,Mary Jones who was brought up by heruncle at Erglodd, married James Morgan,Maesnewydd who was a member with theIndependents at <strong>Tal</strong>-y-<strong>bont</strong>. It was recordedin the ‘Trysorfa’ in 1869 that Mary Jones hadpresented a set of beautiful and expensivecommunion glasses to the chapel. JamesMorgan became a member at <strong>Nazareth</strong> andwas elected a deacon; he was treasurer ofthe chapel until 1923. His son, RichardWilliams Morgan JP, followed in hisfootsteps as treasurer and today his sonJames Hughes Morgan holds the sameposition. Now his children follow thetradition. This is another example of a longconnection with the chapel.1976During the year we had the opportunityto congratulate a ‘young’ gentleman, one of252

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