July/August 1978 - American Handgunner

July/August 1978 - American Handgunner

July/August 1978 - American Handgunner


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~ ~looked at him, discarded the object as notbeing a bear and was looking in anotherdirection. The Zeiss 8 X 20s provedGerry right-he looked like a Humongousmotionless in the shadows. Before wecould react he started across the clear cutparalleling the timber and about 50 yardsaway from it. The terrain was rough,crisscrossed with ditches, logs, stumps,weeds, etc. Visibility was just plain lousy.Gerry stayed where he was and Larry andI attempted a parallel course at maximumattainable speed about 100 yards to theside of the bear to catch up with, flankand cut him off. He wasn't alarmed; justtravelling. After about 300 yards we gotup even with him just as he started foolingaround at the edge of the timber. Thewind was no problem-there just wasn'tany. As we stalked closer, Larry passedon the opportunity to shoot on severaloccasions as the exertion of the fast stalkmade it impossible to place a shot positively,and we never did get a really goodlook at the bear. At a range of about 40yards he disappeared into the timberand deep shadows. As we slowly edgedour way closer we heard him crashingthrough the brush, just as I felt a chill onmy back as a stray puff of wind betrayedus.On numerous occasions we stalked towithin pathetically easy handgun rangesof ravenously hungry bears feeding ongrass. They were all quite intent on catchingup on their calories after hibernationand were not at all cautious. Frequently,we were completely in the open and itwas only necessary to "freeze" when Mr.Bear raised his head for a quick look see.A couple of them seemed to sense somethingwas amiss and when we were within40 yards or so would raise their head, lookabout for quite awhile, start to graze andsuddenly jerk their head up for a look inour direction. Usually, upon discoveringtwo or three red eyedsmelly-,monsters intheir close proximity theeould exit insheer panic.Kelly passed shooting at least fourbears I felt were fully as large if not largerthan the one I took. My luck at findingbears where it was possible to get decentphotos was on a par with Kelly's trying tolocate Humongous. Typically, bright sunlighton a logging trail with a black bear indeep shadows was what was offered tophotograph. We saw about 32 bears thatall three of us observed. After severallong days and short nights all of us couldhave been sharper both mentally andphysically. It's hard to guess how manybears we overlooked but I'm convinced itwas quite a few.It's a dirty shame that we didn't findHumongous, but Kelly and Gerrywouldn't settle for anything less. Fromthe way things looked when we partedcompany it would be Larry's turn to shootuntil he got one. As for myself, I'm plentyatisfied with both theshot and the bear.AMERICAN HANDGUNNER .THE HANDGUN MARKETClassified ads 254 per word insertion including name and address. Payable in advance. Minimumad 10 words. Closing date Nov./Dec. <strong>1978</strong> issue (on sale Sept.) is June 15. Print carefully and mailto THE AMERICAN HANDGUNNER Maaazine. 8150 No. Central Park Blvd.. Skokie. I1 60076. .BOOKS-Order these fobulous books from our extensive book clublArt of Engraving by Meek. $19.95; The Book of Colt En.graving by Wilson. $39.95; The Book of Winchester En-!roving by Wilson $39.95; Pistolsmithing by Monte,14.95; No Second Place Winner by Jordan $6.50; GunsmithKinks by Brownell, $9.95; The Book of the Rifle bOlson, $9.95. Allow 50- postage and handling for eachbook, cash with order. Allow 6 weeks for delivery. Orderfrom <strong>American</strong> <strong>Handgunner</strong> Classified Books, 591 Caminode la Reina, San Diega, CA 92108."SURVIVAL/GUERRILLA WARFARE"-BOOKS/MANUALS."SURVIVAL" FREEZE DRIED FOODS BY CASE/UNITS/.CAMPING PACKAGES. LARGEST CATAlOG AVAILABLE.FREE: WRITE KEN HALE (AH-FOJ, MCDONALD, OHIO44437.STATE PISTOL LAWS latest pistol carrying, purchosinetc., regulations for all states and FEDERAL GUN LAW!:both booklets $3.00. POLICE EQUIPMENT CATALOG $1.00.Schlesinger, 415 East 52nd St., New York, NY 10022, De.partment E.AVAILABLE NOW, the New MERUSURVIVALCATALOGfrom Phoenix Associates, featuring hard to find military sciencebooks on guerrilla warfare, demolitions, FM's, survival,weapons, and self defense. Plus top quality mil!.tory/poro-military and survival equipment for the rofessionol. Order the MERUSURVIVA~ CATALOG from phoenixAssociates, P.O. Box 693, Dept. HG, Boulder, CO 80306,for $1.00. Refundable with first order.FORT FIZZLE BOOK COMPANY. Books On Firearms. 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You can turn aoker into o 2nd Income. Consistentwinnin not de endent upon odds Complete details inpoker handbook-nly $3 00 Write Prolects (AH), 12Sunset Hill Rd , Newtown, Conn 06470FIREWORKS. New <strong>1978</strong> Catalog, $1.00. Buckeye FireworksMfg. Co., Inc. P.O. Box 22, Deerfield, Ohio 4441 1.OPTICSGIANT OBSERVATION BINOCULARS 25x150 Finest Binoc.ular MadeÑDetail $2.00 Refundable With Purchose. MIL-ITARY OPTICS, Box 30243-AH, St. Poul, Minn. 55175.REAL ESTATEGIVE your children a Living, GrowinEstate LAND1 InNorthwest Arkans-Timber, Water, Good Roads Write- . . ,"WILDERNESS' Box 1 I82 Foy, AR 72701 ,

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