Volume VII - Modernist Magazines Project

Volume VII - Modernist Magazines Project

Volume VII - Modernist Magazines Project

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By Henry Harland 53natural allies, Russia and France. Because Tsargradev ispaid to pursue an anti-Russian, a German, policy. If you wouldtake my advice, you'd dismiss him, and have him put in prison.Then you could explain to the Soviete that he is a murderer, athief, a traitor, and a monster of secret immorality, and appoint adecent person in his place."Her husband laughed with great amusement.u You don't appear quite yet to have mastered the principles ofconstitutional government, my dear. I could no more dismissTsargradev than you could dismiss the Pope of Rome."" Are you or are you not the King of Monterosso ? ""I'm Vice-King, perhaps. You're the King, you know. Butthat has nothing to do with it. Tsargradev is leader of theSoviete. The Soviete pays the bills, and its leader governs. TheKing's a mere fifth-wheel. Some day they'll abolish him. Meanwhilethey tolerate him, on the understanding that he's not tointerfere."" You ought to be ashamed to say so. You ought to take thelaw and the Constitution and everything into your own hands.If you asserted yourself, they'd never dare to resist you. Butyou always submit—submit—submit. Of course, everybody takesadvantage of a man who always submits. Show that you havesome spirit, some sense of your own dignity. Order Tsargradev'sdismissal and arrest. You can do it now, at once, this evening.Then to-morrow you can go down to the Soviete, and tell themwhat a scoundrel he is—a thief, a murderer, a traitor, an impostor,a libertine, everything that's foul and bad. And tell them thathenceforward you're going to be really King, and not merelynominally King ; and that you're going to govern exactly as youthink best ; and that, if they don't like that, they will have tomake the best of it. If they resist, you can dissolve them, andThe Yellow Book—Vol. <strong>VII</strong>. D order

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