1 - Library and Information Technology - Bucknell University

1 - Library and Information Technology - Bucknell University

1 - Library and Information Technology - Bucknell University

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A short time after the occurence of the above incide~~t, again our friends l~cgati to playtheir funny antics. One ti~ornin:: on emerging frorrl our tlorn~itories, n-e fouild posted on ourstudy doors, snlall posters, containing ahout a llalf page of printe(l ~tiatter, entitle11 "Frcshr~~anCommantl~nents."Closer esa111illatio11 at last partly revealed w11at they \vould Ilavehad us do 011 that previous occasion after cllapel. It xvas illtleerl pleasing to tinil sollle lighton that subject, althougl~ Tve are ii~cline(l to t11i11k that it \\as rather poor generalsl~ip 0x1 tliepart of the Sophs, or we would hare receivetl our "Conirna~~dr~~ents" hefore heing espected toobey tl~en~.In regar11 to follo~ving out the oltl custot~ls of college cl:lsses, our Sop11111ores are anailn~iral~ly loyal class: we atl~i~ire the111 for it; but \vc rlo \\.is11 they ~voulil Ilave gotten off some-thing new, ill a(l(1ition. In inany cascs a(l11erence to sotlle law or scl~e(lnle is necessary, ere11pleasing; hut here it groxvs tl~onotonous <strong>and</strong> takes the spice out of everytl~ing.For the nest fe~v 111ontlls after the *'Co~i~t~~antll~~ents" were issued, notliing ~rortl~y ofnote I~appened. The Sophn~ores got canes, at least sotlle of tllen~ (lid. Custorn tleri~an(lc(l it.Now we don't object to their I~aving this us-less article of ~lecoration to ador11 the \r:llk anilcorners of their roonis, ant1 as they Ilave never appe:~rell wit11 tl~en~ in pul~lic, it does not sect11ollr duty to 111olest t11e111 011 that accoui~t. \I-e Iiave not colne l~ere to \vipc. out old a11d titilel~onoredcusto~ns.Our first ter111 p;lssed peacefully, ant1 the sccontl \ms entered upon ~ritl~ no otl~er I)rosl)ectsthat1 that it \vould also go ~ ~ I V Iin I our llistory uilmarked by any special occnrrcnce. Rnt as

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