1 - Library and Information Technology - Bucknell University

1 - Library and Information Technology - Bucknell University

1 - Library and Information Technology - Bucknell University

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fourtb jform Glace bietorpwE know that wk are still in the shell. an11 for that reason we will not chirrup very loullly. Indeetl we woulil not havechirruped at all hail it not been that the oliler chicks have ask:il us to give forth a fex vigorous chirps. Like"The Toad in theTVel1," our kno~rleclge of the great world heyonil us is very 1inl;terl. We shall therefore try to keepwitl~in our narrow walls.We feel that as a class our history is not large. Most of us met for the first time in the fall of '93; some few havestragglerlinsince. One thin: al~x~t us is that \ye have., with one or two ,-sc,-ptions, h21d t> the cxlrs: in m-\-:~icl~ \I-- started.thus showing determination. 111 fact determination has heen one of our chief characteristics. IT'e determillei1 to ,qet ourlessons, <strong>and</strong> to respect hot11 faculty <strong>and</strong> stuclents.We thought it our own affair \x-11en we c11ose to wear our class colors in our Junior year. The Seuiorsanil Seconcl Forn~,combined, trier1 to relieve us. They did-that is, they to& th-tn from a cril~ple while in prayer meeting. It stoppeil there -our rletermination.TVe have kept closely to our hooks <strong>and</strong>have not taken n~ucl~ part in athletics, yet we modestly claim the present record for the high-pole vault <strong>and</strong> hig11 jump, while in the recent indoor mect one of our class~nates came in second in the mile run.We are also represented in the foothall fiel(1. Our I~oast is in our giant. He can lift, thoug11 spiked to the ties, a thirty-two foot steelrail, <strong>and</strong>, using the rail as a I~amtner, drive the spikes back into the ties.AS to our ability in class, we may say that we 11ave accot~~plisl~ed all work required.\t7ith gratitude we mention our class girls, ~vho hy their presence hare inspired us to tnany lofty tlloughts.TVitll one mighty chirp we close our work: Tl~ougll in the shell, welook forward with pleasure to the training that is to rlevelop us into fullfledged chicks.iilHISTORTAN.

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