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The <strong>Region</strong> 2 Hybridizers Corner and Local Club News This and That from <strong>AHS</strong> to <strong>Region</strong> 2The Birth of the Chicagoland Daylily Society(Continued from page 41)lings and helped her name them. To Bill, they are memories to lastthree lifetimes.Other plant loves are Daffodils, Hellebores, Snowdrops, Muscari,Epimediums, and Dwarf Iris, which he is trying again after hearingof Merit to control the borers. He grows many indoor tropicalplants as well, and is now adding to his collection of miniature andspecies Gladiolus, especially since he found that some of them arewinter hardy in his Chicago suburban garden. As he says, “If itgrows and I do not have it, then I want it!” Other interests are ArtGlass, Higgins Glass, Cats, Cooking, Oriental Art, Netsuke, Paintingsand reading.Besides being one of the founders of THE CHICAGOLANDDAYLILY SOCIETY, he has served as the <strong>Region</strong> 2 Vice President(1962-1963) and served on the <strong>AHS</strong> board of directors for 6 years,most of the term as Awards and Honors Chairman. He is a LifeMember of the DAFFODIL, DAYLILY and HOSTA SOCIETIES,and he is a member in several other plant groups. He was an <strong>AHS</strong>Awards & Honors Judge (note: known today as Garden Judge)for over 40 years until he was dropped when he tried to renew at aregional meeting. Bill passed along this interesting information:The judging course was held in Bill Sevetson’s garden. He let us inon the fact that Leo Sharp and he took the course together; he,Bill, had the higher score, but never received renewal while Leodid. Bill says he could never find out what had happened. Hethinks that the reason for being dropped off the Garden Judges listis that someone, somewhere, somehow lost his renewal applicationand/or perhaps his A&H ballots...<strong>Region</strong> 2 Archivist-Historian and longtime Chicagoland DS MemberJoanne Larson contributes these additional, interesting piecesof information about Bill:Bill was Chicagoland DS’ newsletter editor in 1966. Duringthe CDS meeting on June 17, 1966, Bill (who waswell qualified, since he was a graduate florist designer)presented a program and demonstration in flower arranging inpreparation for Chicagoland DS’s first daylily show, which washeld on July 23 at the Hinsdale Community House. The Themewas: Daylilies Debut.Bill was also the chairman of the <strong>Region</strong> 2 nominating committeein 1966. According to the first issue of the ChicagolandSociety’s newsletter authored by Bill Vaughn, the group wasformed in 1963. Officers were Hubert Fischer, president, Bill Vaughn,secretary; George Watts, treasurer; and board members were JamesCoffee and Nathan Rudolph. There were 65 in attendance at thisfirst meeting. A garden tour was scheduled for July 11 and 12,1963, with the gardens of the following members open: David Hall,Mrs. Elmer Claar, Orville Fay, Brother Charles Reckamp, and JamesMarsh.On September 7, the first annual plant sale was held at the homeof the Fischers, which netted proceeds of $906.70, an impressiveamount for 1963. A Christmas meeting was held with one hundredin attendance; past <strong>AHS</strong> president Wilmer Flory was the featuredspeaker. Meetings were held at the Community House in Hinsdale,Illinois, where 42 years later, Chicagoland’s meetings, shows, andplant sales continue to be held. Hinsdale, however, has built abeautiful new Community House. Here is a quote from PresidentHubert Fischer’s message in that first Chicagoland newsletter:“We have made a good start with our Chicagoland D S, but it isonly a beginning. We now have over one hundred members, are ingood financial condition, are ideally located, have many fine gar-dens, daylily collections, and growers. We are moving forward, let’skeep it rolling!”Indeed, Chicagoland has rolled right along for forty-two years!Bill Vaughn’s registered cultivars:TOY TIGER 1966TBERSHEEBA 1968BIMBO 1968DEAR HEART 1968LITTLE REBEL 1968Sources:SPARROW 1968GREENSLEEVES 1968JOHN BRYANT 1968CIRCLETS 1970SKEEBO 1974*BEGUINE 1975COZY 1975TOMMY 1975KATHY KAT 1981TOM KITTEN 1981Our <strong>Region</strong> 2 Archivist-Historian Joanne Larson has spent many years ofdedicated effort to preserve the historical records of our region’s materialrelating to daylilies, their hybridizers, <strong>Region</strong> 2 members, and its leaders.Thanks to generous <strong>Region</strong> 2 members, who have donated Daylily Journals,<strong>Region</strong> 2 Newsletters, local clubs’ newsletters, some of the information inthis article came from these sources:♦ <strong>AHS</strong> The Daylily Journal, Vol. 35, No. 3, Fall 1981, p.p. 24-26♦ <strong>AHS</strong> <strong>Region</strong> 2 Winter Newsletters, December 1962♦ <strong>AHS</strong> <strong>Region</strong> 2 Spring Newsletter, April 1962♦ <strong>AHS</strong> <strong>Region</strong> 2 Fall-Winter Newsletter, 1963♦ <strong>AHS</strong> <strong>Region</strong> 2 Spring Newsletter, February 1, 1966, p. 1♦ <strong>AHS</strong> <strong>Region</strong> 2 Summer Newsletter, May 10, 1966, p. 2Chicagoland Daylily SocietyMarilyn GrazianoWe started off the New Year with our annual January Chili Bash.Board members provided several different kinds of chili and a coupleof Italian dishes for a little variety. The dessert table was filled tooverflowing with an amazing array of sweets. A slide show followed.In February our guest speaker was Karol Emmerich of SpringwoodGardens in Minnesota. I forgot all about the rain and gloominessoutside during her presentation and was ready to go out and startworking in the garden. And maybe order just a few more daylilies.CDS meets on the 2 nd Sunday of the month January through April, at1:30 pm and on the 3 rd Friday of the month in May, June and October,at 8 pm. This year our Flower Show will be held on Saturday, July 16,and our Daylily Sale is scheduled for Saturday, August 20. Fellowdaylily enthusiasts are always welcome, so if you are in the area,please join us. There is always plenty of cake and coffee, a few extrachairs and plenty of daylily talk.The Daylily Enthusiastsof Southern IndianaBy Cara FranklinA lot of exciting things are happening with the Daylily Enthusiastsof Southern Indiana. In addition to seeing our daylilies peekingthrough the ground, we have elected new officers. We are pleasedto have as our President, Tim Bleichroth; as Vice President, MikeGray; Secretary, Lea Ann Williams and as Treasurer, John Phillips.DESI members that serve as <strong>AHS</strong>/<strong>AHS</strong> <strong>Region</strong> 2 Representativesare Judy Heath as <strong>Region</strong> 2 Youth Liaison; Don Williams as <strong>Region</strong>2 Webmaster, and Lea Ann Williams as <strong>AHS</strong> Garden Judges SpecialChairperson.We are actively getting ready for hosting the <strong>Region</strong> 2 SummerMeeting in 2007. Be sure to mark your calendars for DAYLILIESROCK & ROLL, June 22-24, 2007. While our daylilies have beenContinued on page 15Page 42 Spring-Summer 2005 <strong>AHS</strong> <strong>Region</strong> 2/Great Lakes Newsletter

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