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Pages - AHS Region 2

Pages - AHS Region 2


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Joanne Larson49 Woodland DriveBarrington IL 60010-1912<strong>Region</strong> 2’s 13th annual Symposium,held in Cleveland just two weeksago, gave all who attended a muchneeded “daylily fix.” The majority of registrantstraveled from our <strong>Region</strong> 2 states –Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan andOhio – but 20 other states were represented,plus a good-sized contingent arrived fromCanada. Curt Hanson, chairman, and hismost able committee again provided a greatweekend. Thank you to all for your hardwork. Read all about it in this newsletter!Since this column is one of the best waysto pass information on to you about whatoccurs at <strong>AHS</strong> Board of Directors’ meetings,the following is a thumbnail review ofactions taken at the October, 2004, meeting:RegistrationsGretchen Baxter, registrar, reported 1,751newly registered cultivars as of 10/30/04 fora total of 56,860 registered. An annual ChecklistSupplement and/or the Electronic ChecklistCD-ROM can be ordered by using thePublication Sales Form in the back of yourlatest issue of The Daylily Journal.From the BoardBy Joanne Larson, <strong>Region</strong> 2 DirectorResearch GrantsTwo grants were approved. One project,at Clemson University, will study a recentlydiscovered daylily disease, shoestring rootrot (Armillaria mellea). The <strong>AHS</strong> website(look in the on-line dictionary) has informationon this disease. The other project, tobe done at Temple University, will determineoptimum calcium and potassium requirementsfor daylilies grown in containers.Daylily ShowsAn Extra Large Diameter Flower (7" orlarger) section, will be added to show schedulesfor on-scape, off-scape and seedlingflowers this summer. In addition, <strong>Region</strong> 12has made available the Ophelia Taylor HorticulturalAward for any accredited show.Previously, this award could be offered onlyin exhibitions held in conjunction with nationalconventions, regional meetings, or inFlorida.Graphic by Jill YostNew AwardA new award was approved for 2005, fora newsletter article featuring some daylilyhistory – about <strong>AHS</strong>, about a region, a garden,an event, a person etc.PublicationsA membership roster has been publishedlisting members as of 12/31/04. The last rosterwas published in 2001. A small numberhas been printed so order your copy quicklyif you wish one.New Colorful <strong>AHS</strong> BrochuresTwo new brochures have been printed.One, a new member pamphlet, will be mailedby the <strong>AHS</strong> Executive Secretary when a newmembership is entered in her database. Itincludes a welcome, information about receivingthe Journal, regional newsletters,the <strong>AHS</strong> website, contact info about localclubs, how to find out about national andregional meetings, etc. The second pamphletis a promotional item for distributionat shows, sales and garden festivals. It includesphotos of specialty award winners,how to find the <strong>AHS</strong> website and a membershipapplication.New from <strong>AHS</strong>:The Daylily Journal SupplementYou have received The Daylily Journal,Spring 2005 issue, and the Supplement containingexhibition reports, display gardenlistings by region, and the daylily sourcelist. Publishing these items in a supplementis a departure from including them in theJournal, the idea being they will be portablefor your daylily travels.A Bargain <strong>AHS</strong> PublicationYou may wish to check the very attractiveprice on the Golden Anniversary book,Daylilies – A Fifty-Year Affair. On a reducedprice of $15, it would make a great gift toyour local library, a great raffle item at a daylilymeeting, or a special gift to a new clubmember. It’s a wonderful volume, destinedto be a collector’s item. Again, check theorder form at the back of The Daylily Journal.Out-of-Print <strong>Region</strong> 2 Newsletters andClub NewslettersAt Christmas-time, a special present arrivedat my door – a box containing old <strong>Region</strong>2 newsletters and several issues ofChicagoland Daylily Society newsletters,dating back to 1963. Philipp Brockington,IN, former RVP/Editor, heard the plea for oldnewsletters, clippings or other <strong>Region</strong> 2memorabilia and passed the box on. What atreat to read through them! The <strong>Region</strong> 2archived newsletters now go a lot fartherback, thanks to Phil.It’s too late for me to urge you to send inyour registration for the national conventionright here in <strong>Region</strong> 2, in Cincinnati. Somy wish – I’ll see you there on June 29th!DO YOU KNOW ...that you can...Surf the Net and learn more about daylilies!• Visit our <strong>Region</strong> 2 web pages and local club links at: http://www.ahsregion2.org• Visit the American Hemerocallis Society Web-Site address at: http://www.daylilies.org/daylilies.html• You can “travel” to many interesting daylily sites by clicking on links on the <strong>AHS</strong> Web Site. If you don't have a computer,visit your local library. Friendly librarians will be glad to help you navigate the high seas of the Internet.• Visit http://www.eurocallis.be where you can see hundreds and hundres of images of the latest daylily blossoms.Page 6 Spring-Summer 2005<strong>AHS</strong> <strong>Region</strong> 2/Great Lakes Newsletter

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