SimSoft Working Group

SimSoft Working Group

SimSoft Working Group


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Rev:03ARINC 610 Analogy Article• The driver looks at his speedometer [IAS] and sees the vehicle speed is constant atthe speed the driver was travelling at when Speed Times is removed;• The driver looks at his Sat-Nav [EICAS] and the map is still shown and the map ismoving under the vehicle symbol at a normal rate and the ETA estimation is nowconstant;• The driver turns the steering wheel [sidestick/control wheel], the road wheels[aileron surfaces] turn to follow it, the vehicle turns [heading] and the speed alongthe road remains normal;• The driver straightens the steering wheel [sidestick/control wheel], the road wheels[aileron surfaces] turn to follow it to centre, the vehicle returns to straight [constantheading] and the speed along the road remains normal;• The driver presses the accelerator pedal [control wheel], it can be pressed to thefloor (it is an electronic accelerator consisting of a spring and a potentiometer) andthe engine revs [N1] increase on the rev counter – they reduce to idle when thedriver removes his foot completely from the pedal, too. The driver sees thespeedometer [IAS] increase and decrease normally;• All his instruments tell him the vehicle’s engine is still running normally, the drivercan hear it, and fuel is apparently being used from the tank normally to keep itrunning;• The fuel tank contents reduce at a normal rate and the on-board computer [FMS]takes this into account and computes how much will be left at the end of the journey;• The driver continues to feel the bumps in the road [motion cues]. Note that thedriver does not feel a jolt [motion cues] as the Speed Times is removed and thebumps still feel the same.10 July 08 Page 21 of 28

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