SimSoft Working Group

SimSoft Working Group

SimSoft Working Group


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shall include the selection of pre-defined threat maneuvers, profiles during asimulation or engagement. The IOS shall include the capability, in real-time withouta freeze, to assume control of any local SFES-generated airborne or ground movingentity in the scenario. The capability to release control of one entity and assume controlof another at the operator’s discretion shall be included with no disruption to real-timesimulation. Entity control capabilities and associated displays shall represent theappropriate operational characteristics with representative simulation fidelity andfunctionality, including dynamic performance, radar/sensors, weapons, countermeasures,electromagnetic/EO/IR signature, and voice and data communications. The IOS shallinclude a selectable entity out-the-window display view and enhanced situationalawareness displays to facilitate operator perceptions of entity affiliations and formationelements despite reduced hardware fidelity. (Objective: The IOS shall include aircraftlikestick and throttle controls to facilitate instructor control of threats. The stick shallalso function as a joystick control to graphically select and slew the geographic positionof entities within the synthetic environment.) The IOS shall include the capability tofreeze the position (lat/long/altitude) of any locally-generated virtual or constructiveentity during real-time, freeze or reset weapons and expendable stores station counts,adjust weapons hit/miss criteria by overriding MS crash and kill results (e.g. “shieldsup”), and shall be able to reset the states of inactive and killed entities to an active status.The IOS shall include the capability for the instructor to serve as a surrogate for (i.e. roleplay)airborne and ground-based command and control entities. The IOS shall includecapabilities that allow the instructor to accomplish basic Weapons Director or AirOperations Center (AOC) “desk” functions, such as TST inputs, functions to thescenario (broadcast and tactical control) in all modes of operation and to inputother tactical information through simulated radio voice and data link commands.Instructor-controlled datalink commands shall activate symbology for Link 16 hostile,unknown, suspect, friendly, neutral, and Precise Participant Location and Identification(PPLI) tracks. Such support shall model the limitations and capabilities of the sourcedata in terms of timeliness, accuracy, and resolution. The IOS shall support instructorrole-play of air traffic control functions with appropriate communications capabilities andapproach vector and glideslope displays for instructor-selected airfields. Scenario Monitoring and EvaluationThe IOS shall support instructor scenario monitoring and evaluation capability to assessperformance (tasks and tactics) and facilitate real-time instruction for any single orselected set of local event-allocated MS elements during local and DMO events. Thiscapability includes the conduct of formal pilot qualification and mission evaluations fromthe IOS by a flight examiner. The IOS shall include flexible visualization capability withat least 1500 square inches of total viewable display space on no less than two and nomore than eight COTS flat-panel displays. The content of any display shall be selectedand scaled/sized according to instructor preferences, with instructor-settable defaultconfigurations. The selectable content on each display shall include: simulator controlfunctions and menus; any combination of the MS cockpit displays and instrumentindications; a forward-looking OTW visual view, and a real-time battlespacevisualization display view as described below. The IOS shall include the capability tomonitor any combination of all simulated aircraft radio (voice and data) communications,observe all system sensor outputs, and monitor on-board stores status for each event-

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