manual NEBNext Multiplex Small RNA Library Prep Set for ... - URGV

manual NEBNext Multiplex Small RNA Library Prep Set for ... - URGV

manual NEBNext Multiplex Small RNA Library Prep Set for ... - URGV


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Nuclease-free Water#E7327A: 5.0 ml#E7327AA: 20.0 mlStore at –20°C or 4°CDescription: Nuclease-free Water is free of detectable DNA and <strong>RNA</strong> nucleasesand phosphatases and is suitable <strong>for</strong> use in DNA and <strong>RNA</strong> applications.Quality Control Assays16-Hour Incubation: 50 µl reactions containing Nuclease-free Water and 1 µgof HindIII digested Lambda DNA incubated <strong>for</strong> 16 hours at 37°C results in nodetectable non-specific nuclease degradation as determined by agarose gelelectrophoresis. 50 µl reactions containing Nuclease-free Water and 1 µg ofT3 DNA incubated <strong>for</strong> 16 hours at 37°C results in no detectable non-specificnuclease degradation as determined by agarose gel electrophoresis.Endonuclease Activity: Incubation of a 10 µl reaction containing Nuclease-freeWater with 1 µg of φX174 RF I supercoiled DNA <strong>for</strong> 4 hours at 37°C producedno nicked molecules as determined by gel electrophoresis.RNase Activity: Incubation of a 10 µl reaction containing Nuclease-free Waterwith 40 ng of <strong>RNA</strong> transcript <strong>for</strong> 16 hours at 37°C resulted in no detectabledegradation of <strong>RNA</strong> as determined by gel electrophoresis.Phosphatase Activity: Incubation of Nuclease-free Water in proteinphosphatase assay buffer (1 M diethanolamine @ pH 9.8 and 0.5 mM MgCl 2)containing 2.5 mM p-nitrophenyl phosphate at 37°C <strong>for</strong> 4 hours yields nodetectable p-nitrophenylene anion as determined by spectrophotometricanalysis at 405 nm.30

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