BS & CHE - Library Website

BS & CHE - Library Website

BS & CHE - Library Website


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Wildcard/ TruncationSearch different forms of a word with a common word-rootCommonly used wildcards are the asterisk ( * ) and the question mark ( ? ). Dependingon the software or the search engine you are using, other wildcard characters may bedefined. Truncation at correct location (right, middle, left/front) is important to avoidretrieving irrelevant records to be retrieved1. The question mark (“?”) may be used to represent a single character in a searchexpression.Example: analy?e analyse or analyzeWom?n Woman, women2. An asterisk (“*”) may be used to represent zero or more.Example: “h*s” “his”, “homes”, “houses”, “horses”, “horticulturalists”, and “herbaceous”comput* computer, computers, computing, computation, compute,computerisationCarefully read “search help” of database to find out symbol and note.Emerald advanced search functionality

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