D'Mensions Spring 2005.indd - D'Youville College

D'Mensions Spring 2005.indd - D'Youville College

D'Mensions Spring 2005.indd - D'Youville College


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COLLEGEnotebookcontinued from page 9One means of support will be monetarycontributions from employees and studentsthat can be used for food, water, clothing andother essential items. We have set-up a fundfor these contributions.”The college community was encouragedto donate in their own names, on behalf ofa loved one, or anonymously to the TsunamiCrisis Fund. Fundraising, which ran fromJan. 3 – Jan. 31, 2005 totaled $1,185.The college assured all that contributionswere sent immediately to the Red Cross orCatholic Relief Services, who are on-site at thedisaster.“Let us keep all who suffer and those whoattempt to bring relief to them in our prayers,”the college president urged.Marguerited’YouvilleScholarshipsAwardedD’Youville has selected the 2004 Marguerited’Youville Scholarship winners. Jennifer Tothand Stacey Scovil each have been chosen toreceive a $1,000 award.Stacey Scovil is a fourth-year occupationaltherapy student, from Colton, N.Y. She iscarrying an undergrad cumulative averageof 3.28 and a graduate cumulative of 3.598.Stacey has shown a high level of involvementfrom the time she set foot on campus. Shehas been a mainstay of the student associationprogramming board, for which she is currentlyco-chair. Additionally, she has served as aresident assistant and is now the assistantdirector of resident life. Her communitycontributions include a myriad of activitiesconnected with the Student OccupationalTherapy Association and campus ministry andhas also volunteered as a Focus class instructor.Most recently Stacey has become involved withMoving Miracles, a non-profit organizationthat assists individuals with special needsthrough a dance program.Jennifer Toth is a junior biology/physicaltherapy student from Salem, Ohio, and iscarrying a 3.789 cumulative average. Veryinvolved in our athletic programs, Jenn hasplayed soccer and softball and currently runscross-country for the college. She has been activein the Student Association, Lambda Sigma,has served as an officer in Campus Ministryand is a resident assistant. Her communitywork includes the Lending a Hand Programin New Orleans, La., Meals on Wheels and theProvidence House Dance, as well as volunteeringat a local hospital in her hometown.Dr. Warren PerryContinuesTraditionof Generous Giftingto D’Youville <strong>College</strong>Dr. Perry has been an extremely graciousand generous friend to D’Youville. Initially,he gave with his time in helping establish theearly health-related programs, physical andoccupational therapy. His largess continuesand it is boundless. He established thePerry Chair Award for Faculty and the PerryScholarship for a student in a health-relatedprogram. Most recently he gifted the collegewith his much loved collection of religiousartifacts, which he gathered from around theworld over a period of several years. A smallportion of the collection can be seen in thefourth floor Ragusa Reading Room of theMontante Library. The college has plans todisplay portions of the collection in the chapeland in other appropriate places.CreatingAwareness RegardingEnvironment(CARE) ProgramThe Creating Awareness Regarding Environment(CARE) Program is moving alongthrough its first year. Based on the LeadershipBuffalo Program, its goal is to help developbetter-informed employees. To date,seven sessions have looked at graduate and undergraduateadmissions, financial aid, studentaccounts, orientations, the learning center,academic affairs, areas of student affairs, andChatting with Dr. J. Warren Perry is SisterAlice McCollester who joined others at a postcanonizationparty in 1991.academic computing. Group discussions havebeen held with faculty and department chairs,and with a panel formed to review today’s student.Upcoming sessions will include a reviewof the college finance system, meeting with Sr.Denise, and a look at college planning.The CARE group is made up of 13 peoplefrom all areas of the college, and is facilitated byRobert Murphy, vice president, student affairsand enrollment management. Faculty membersare Olga Karman and Maria Hass. Supportstaff members are Tammie Watson, LindaLee and Edie Racinowski. Administrators includeJohn Murphy, Linda Moretti, Jean Turcott,April Taulbee, Patricia Van Dyke, and JayLesinski. Librarian Debra Lucas rounds outthe group.All members applied last summer to be inthe class, which began in July. It is anticipatedthat a second class will begin this summer.Errata—We are indebted to our loyal alumni andfriends who generously support D’Youville throughthe annual fund. We recognize their generosity in thepublication of the Honor Roll of Donors. On occasion,there is an error in our listing. Our apologies.Marguerite d’Youville SocietyDr. Ardyce LightnerFounder’s AssociatesDoris Lamb Bensman, ’37Matching Gift CompaniesErnst and Young FoundationIncorrectly listed was Christina Marshall Taylor •33

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