D'Mensions Spring 2005.indd - D'Youville College

D'Mensions Spring 2005.indd - D'Youville College

D'Mensions Spring 2005.indd - D'Youville College


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Jolene Stanek, ’08,Lindsey Olsen, ’05 & ’08,and Kevin Egan, ’07hard at work with thePhonathon Team forLoyalty Fund, ’04-’05not made until the scholarship is completely funded and when sufficientfunds are accumulated through the interest earned. The capital is neverinvaded; only a portion of the interest from the investment is directed tothe award.Obviously, the amount of money the donor invests in the scholarshipdictates the amount the recipient will receive. The donor of an endowedscholarship has the privilege of establishing the criteria on which theaward is made and also has the opportunity to name the scholarship.Some donors choose to put their own name on the award; others willhonor a parent, a mentor, a dearly loved relative, or a highly esteemedand fondly remembered faculty member.Afew years ago a group of Cadet Teachers established theSister Mary Theodore Weppner, GNSH, ’19, Scholarship.These graduates felt a deep sense of gratitude to SisterTheodore for her devotion to them as she aided them intheir preparation to enter the teaching field. They wishedto honor Sister Theodore by assisting current students attain their goalsof becoming teachers.On her mother’s death, Maryanne Shanahan ’65 a nursing graduate,funded the M. Caroline Shanahan Scholarship in Nursing to honor hermother. Mrs. Shanahan, a nurse, was extremely proud of her profession.This decision enabled Maryanne to exercise her philanthropic inclination.Alumni like Maryanne, who invest so generously in their Alma Mater,send a powerful message to our graduates and to the wider community:whatever our contributions, we will always have enough for our ownneeds. The art of philanthropy is so empowering that it gives one thedesire to see further giving opportunities and the impetus to act on thosethat we identify.Recently, Helen Jendrasiak McBride, ’50, established a scholarship tocelebrate the memory of her beloved Aunt Emily, who was extremelygenerous to Helen and enabled her to earn a D’Youville degree.If you would like to contribute to a scholarship fund, but wish tomake a gift less than $20,000, you might think about contributing to thePresidential Scholarship Fund. This fund recognizes incoming studentswho are academically talented and who have demonstrated service andleadership prior to admittance to D’Youville. These scholarships areextremely important because they are merit based and recognize studentswho are exceptionally gifted.In spite of the financial aid that is awarded to over 92 percent of ourstudents, many opt to “drop out” for a period to earn tuition moniesor they may be forced to transfer to another institution. Scholarshipsassist the college in bearing the tremendous financial burden of providingassistance to commendable students. A scholarship is truly an investmentin D’Youville <strong>College</strong> and in D’Youville scholars and is one that neverfails to pay off.CONTACT PERSON: PATRICIA VAN DYKE at 716.829.7802Annual Giving:The Loyalty FundD’Youville <strong>College</strong>’s annual fund, named the Loyalty Fund, raisesunrestricted dollars for the college.Support to this campaign has an immediate impact on students.These contributions provide expendable assets for current-use studentneeds such as financial aid, library acquisitions, technological upgrades,college and departmental support.Your contribution enables current programs to continue and newinitiatives to begin. Your support creates a vibrant campus communityand enhances the general D’Youville <strong>College</strong> student experience.You can participate at a level that is comfortable for you. Each giftstrengthens the college’s participation rate and is a vote of confidence inthe quality of a D’Youville <strong>College</strong> education.The following chart is a breakdown of this year’s contributions to theLoyalty Fund, currently at 74.8 percent of its goal of $425,000.Annual Giving by Constituent GroupAnnualANNUALGivingGIVINGbyBY CONSTITUENTConstituentGROUPGroupAlumni – $231,193.62AlumniCorporations– $231,193.62– $25,595.14CorporationsEmployees – $9,793.OO– $25,595.14EmployeesFoundations––$9,793.OO$13,59O.23FoundationsFriends – $17,O55.38– $13,59O.23FriendsTrustees––$17,O55.38$2O,661.21Total raised Trustees as of 2/28/O5 – $2O,661.21 - $317,888.58You may send in a contribution in the attached envelope by May 31 tobe included in this year’s fund.CONTACT PERSON: AIMEE B. PEARSON at (716) 829.7803 ore-mail pearsona@dyc.edu.35

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