Delphine D. Fitzenz Geophysicist, PhD

Delphine D. Fitzenz Geophysicist, PhD

Delphine D. Fitzenz Geophysicist, PhD


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Curriculum VitaeDeterministic model of 1 fault. Shows that co-seismic fault dilation may not be enough to reduce pore pressures if the compressibility ofthe pore fluid is not P and T dependent and if pore pressures are redistributed in a neighborhood of the rupture due to coseismic damageand cracks.--<strong>Fitzenz</strong>, D.D. and S.A. Miller, 2001, A Forward Model for Earthquake Generation on Interacting Faults Including Tectonics, Fluids,and Stress Transfer, J. Geophys. Res., Vol.106, B11, p.26,689.Bases of our 3D earthquake simulator. Shows that Coulomb stress changes should be handled with care, and that poroelastic effects maybe of the same order as shear stress changes in the interaction between faults.--Dominique, P., A. Autran, J. L. Blès, D. <strong>Fitzenz</strong>, F. Samarcq, M. Terrier, M. Cushing, J. C. Gariel, B. Mohammadioun, Ph. Combes, C.Durouchoux, and X. Goula (1998). Part two: probabilistic approach, seismic hazard map on the national territory (France), Proceedingsof the 11th ECEE, Paris, France, 6-11 September 1998.Sessions convened at conferences<strong>Fitzenz</strong>, D.D., and David Rhoades, Probabilistic Methods in Tectonophysics and Seismic Hazard Assessment, accepted at theSeismological Society of America annual meeting 2011. We gathered 18 contributions, 12 orals-6 posters.Oral communications at conferences (last 5 yr)<strong>Fitzenz</strong>, D.D., A. Jalobeanu, and M.A. Ferry, 2011, "Toward Implementing Long-term Slip History and Paleoseismicity Into ActiveFault Databases to Compute Effective Recurrence Models", AGU Fall Meeting, paper S12A-06.Maury V., D.D. <strong>Fitzenz</strong>, and Piau J.-M., 2011, "A poroplastic model of mature fault cores with biphasic pore fluids to investigate the roleof gas on the onset of fault failure", AGU Fall Meeting, paper T33J-06.<strong>Fitzenz</strong>, D.D., A. Jalobeanu, and M.A. Ferry, 2011, A Bayesian Framework to Rank and Combine Candidate Recurrence Models forSpecific Faults, ESF Conference Continuing Challenges in Earthquake Dynamics: New Methods for Observing and Modelling a Multi-Scale System , Obergurgl, 24-29 Sept. 2011.Maury V., Piau J.-M., and D.D. <strong>Fitzenz</strong>, 2011, Mechanical effects of the presence of gas on the behaviour of faults modeled as asandwiched Camclay material, International Rock Mechanics Conference,Beining 2011.<strong>Fitzenz</strong>, D.D., A. Jalobeanu, and M.A. Ferry, 2011, A Bayesian Framework to Rank and Combine Candidate Recurrence Models forSpecific Faults, SSA annual meeting. Memphis, 2011.<strong>Fitzenz</strong>, D.D., Ferry, M.A., and A. Jalobeanu, 2010, Long-term slip history discriminates among occurrence models for seismic hazardassessment, ESC, Montpellier, France.<strong>Fitzenz</strong>, D.D., Ferry, M.A., and A. Jalobeanu, 2010, When Geomorphology Discriminates Between Occurrence Probability Models, SSAannual meeting, Portland, OR.Ferry, M., Carvalho, J., Borges, J. & <strong>Fitzenz</strong>, D., 2010. Searching for Earthquake Sources in the Lower Tagus Valley: the ATESTAProject. in SHARE Iberia Workshop on Seismogenic Sources, Olhão.<strong>Fitzenz</strong>, D.D., Ferry, M.A., and A. Jalobeanu, 2009, A view on the recurrence of whole segment events from individual events andcumulated offset data, Statistical Seismology Meeting VI (Stasei6), Tahoe, CA.<strong>Fitzenz</strong>, D.D.; Jalobeanu, A.; Hickman, S.H., 2008, The influence of interseismic Fault Rheology on Earthquake Renewal Models,APMG, Caparica, PT<strong>Fitzenz</strong>, D.D., Hickman, S. and Y. Bernabé, 2007, Interpreting lab creep experiments: from single contacts to interseismic fault models,29th Course of the International School of Geophysics, Euro-Conference of "Rock Physics and Geomechanics" on Natural hazards:thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in rocks, (EMFCSC, Erice, Sicily, 25 - 30 September, 2007) (http://hdl.handle.net/2122/2632)Jalobeanu A. and D.D. <strong>Fitzenz</strong>, 2007, Robust disparity maps with uncertainties for 3D surface reconstruction or ground motion inference,PIA07 Photogrammetric Image Analysis, Munich, Germany, Sept 2007.<strong>Fitzenz</strong>, D.D.; Jalobeanu, A.; Hickman, S.H., 2006, Integrating Laboratory Compaction Data with Numerical Fault Models: a BayesianFramework, EGU Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria, EGU06-A-08026.Poster communications at conferences<strong>Fitzenz</strong>, D.D., Ferry, M.A., and A. Jalobeanu, 2010, Long-term slip history discriminates among occurrence models for seismic hazardassessment, T33B-2240, AGU Fall Meeting, EOS Transactions, San Francisco.Page 4

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