A Citizen's Guide to Dams, Hydropower, and River Restoration in ...

A Citizen's Guide to Dams, Hydropower, and River Restoration in ...

A Citizen's Guide to Dams, Hydropower, and River Restoration in ...

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Hydroelectric Power <strong>in</strong> Ma<strong>in</strong>eThe electricity generatedby just two ofthe natural gas powerplants built <strong>in</strong> Ma<strong>in</strong>edur<strong>in</strong>g the past fewyears is more thanthe <strong>to</strong>tal productionof all of the operat<strong>in</strong>ghydroelectric damsbuilt <strong>in</strong> Ma<strong>in</strong>e overthe past 200 years.Number of <strong>Dams</strong>5045403530252015105046Of the 750 dams <strong>in</strong> Ma<strong>in</strong>e greater than two feet high, 111 produceelectricity. Virtually all of these dams were built prior <strong>to</strong> theexistence of environmental laws. Thus, there was little considerationat the time of construction of their impact on rivers <strong>and</strong>fisheries. The overwhelm<strong>in</strong>g majority of dams <strong>in</strong> Ma<strong>in</strong>e do notproduce power. Accord<strong>in</strong>g <strong>to</strong> the U.S. Army Corps of Eng<strong>in</strong>eers,only three percent of the dams nationwide produce electricity.The electrical power system <strong>in</strong> New Engl<strong>and</strong> has changeddramatically <strong>in</strong> recent years. Electricity generated <strong>in</strong> Ma<strong>in</strong>e goes<strong>in</strong><strong>to</strong> a region-wide electrical grid <strong>in</strong>volv<strong>in</strong>g more than 500 generat<strong>in</strong>gfacilities <strong>and</strong> 8,000 miles of transmission l<strong>in</strong>e, servic<strong>in</strong>g 6.5million cus<strong>to</strong>mers <strong>in</strong> a six state region.The relative importance of hydropower dams also haschanged enormously over the past 100 years. Althoughdams once were a lead<strong>in</strong>g form of electrical powerPower Capacity of Ma<strong>in</strong>e <strong>Dams</strong>2676% of Ma<strong>in</strong>e’s hydropower comes fromthe State’s 24 largest dams. Most dams <strong>in</strong>the state have less than 10 MW capacity.150-1 MW 1-5 MW 5-10 MW 10-20 MW 20-100 MWGenerat<strong>in</strong>g Capacity Per Dam168Above: Wyman Dam onthe Kennebec <strong>River</strong> isthe second largesthydropower facility <strong>in</strong>the state, with agenerat<strong>in</strong>g capacity of72 megawatts (MW).Left: Mattaceunk Dam,on the Penobscot <strong>River</strong>,has <strong>in</strong>stalled capacity of19.2 MW.generation <strong>in</strong> America, dams currently provide only about 10% ofthe nation’s electricity <strong>and</strong> about 6% of the electricity with<strong>in</strong> NewEngl<strong>and</strong>.Coal, oil, nuclear, <strong>and</strong> natural gas plants now dwarf dams <strong>in</strong>terms of the amount of electricity generated <strong>in</strong> New Engl<strong>and</strong>. As anexample, the electricity generated by just two of the natural gaspower plants built <strong>in</strong> Ma<strong>in</strong>e dur<strong>in</strong>g the past few years exceeds the<strong>to</strong>tal production of all of the operat<strong>in</strong>g hydroelectric damsbuilt <strong>in</strong> Ma<strong>in</strong>e over the past 200 years.20 A Citizen’s <strong>Guide</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>River</strong> Res<strong>to</strong>ration

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