your guide to sustainable living - GreenList Louisville

your guide to sustainable living - GreenList Louisville

your guide to sustainable living - GreenList Louisville

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TARC Upgrading Fleet with Eye on EnvironmentBy J. Barry Barker, Executive Direc<strong>to</strong>r, Transit Authority of River CityStarting this spring, TARC beginsthe exciting introduction of new,environmentally-friendly buses, a majorimprovement in public transportation forGreater <strong>Louisville</strong>. With the help of federalgrant funding, TARC has 27 new buses onorder – 11 hybrids and 16 clean-dieselbuses featuring the latest technologyfor fuel conservation, air qualityimprovements and reduced maintenancecosts. Buses <strong>to</strong> be replaced by these 27new vehicles are at least 14 years old andhave traveled 500,000 miles.TARC will also add five all-electric busesthat produce zero air emissions ondown<strong>to</strong>wn circula<strong>to</strong>r routes. The electricvehicles – hailed as a new cutting-edgetechnology in the transit industry – areexpected <strong>to</strong> arrive in early 2014. Theywill replace the oldest trolleys in the fleetwhich are TARC’s least environmentallyfriendlyvehicles.Hybrids, Clean Diesels <strong>to</strong> be Added <strong>to</strong>our TARC’s Fleet. The first new buses arescheduled <strong>to</strong> be operating in April. Sixteensilver clean-diesel vehicles will join 23other clean diesel buses that are alreadyin service. A few months later, the 11 newhybrid-electric vehicles will join the fleet,increasing the number of hybrids from 21<strong>to</strong> 32. With the new arrivals, nearly a thirdof TARC’s 224 buses will feature eitherhybrid-electric or clean diesel technology.The hybrid-electric vehicles use 25 percentless fuel than TARC’s older buses, resultingin reduced air pollutants and lower fuelcosts. Hybrid buses also offer a quieter,smoother ride. Hybrids use electric powers<strong>to</strong>red in batteries on board <strong>to</strong> accelerate,and then rely on a combination of dieselfuel and electrical power <strong>to</strong> maintain speed.The clean diesel bus engines feature“selective catalytic reduction,” a processthat limits the release of Nitrogen Oxides(NOx) which are a key ingredient insmog. The catalysts in clean diesel busengines convert NOx in<strong>to</strong> water vapor andnitrogen, keeping harmful emissions ou<strong>to</strong>f the air.Electric Buses. TARC was awarded a$4.4 million federal grant <strong>to</strong> bring allelectricbuses <strong>to</strong> down<strong>to</strong>wn <strong>Louisville</strong>.The grant program - the Federal TransitAdministration’s Clean Fuels Program -provides funds <strong>to</strong> help cities meet federalair quality standards while supportingemerging clean fuel technology fortransit buses. TARC will select an electricbus model based on a full procurementprocess with manufacturers submittingbids. The grant is expected <strong>to</strong> providefive electric buses that will replace TARC’soldest trolleys. Combined, the five oldesttrolleys now emit 1,135 pounds of carbonmonoxide each year. The electric buses,with no internal combustion engines,do not produce air emissions. Anotherbenefit is fuel savings - it costs nearly$10,000 per year for fuel for one trolley.In the future. As TARC continues <strong>to</strong>upgrade the fleet, we will remain focusedon environmental considerations.Air quality, fuel conservation andmaintenance costs are key fac<strong>to</strong>rs inmodernizing public transportation <strong>to</strong>provide service that enhances the social,economic and environmental well beingof the Greater <strong>Louisville</strong> community.<strong>Louisville</strong> TimebankToo often, we live close <strong>to</strong>gether, butas strangers. We don’t know what ourneighbors can do; we don’t know whom wecan trust. Time banking provides the vehicle<strong>to</strong> discover the vast wealth of capacity thatsurrounds us. – Edgar Cahn, Founder ofTimebankingTimebanking unleashes the power of localcommunities by using time as currency.The <strong>Louisville</strong> Timebank’s mission is<strong>to</strong> create a network of individuals andorganizations, who support and empowereach other, building a social safety netfor us <strong>to</strong> be a more interdependent andresilient community. We are doing thisthrough the exchange of our greatestnatural resources: our knowledge, skills,and time. One hour of service equalsone time credit, exchangeable for othermember’s services. Members are able <strong>to</strong>exchange a wide variety of services fromgardening and rain barrel installation <strong>to</strong>child care and yoga classes. The beauty ofTimebanking is that everyone is an asset,and by valuing every one's hour the samewe are also promoting equality. What agreat way <strong>to</strong> see the world, by focusingon a person’s gifts, instead of focusing onwhat they are lacking, and cultivating amore <strong>sustainable</strong> community one hour ata time. We are all facing a new economicreality and with Timebanking, we allposses the most valuable of currency.Timebanking provides us with a way <strong>to</strong>reweave our communities. It is similar <strong>to</strong>“barn raising” when group projects areorganized, keeping in mind that “Manyhands make light work”. Besides member<strong>to</strong> member exchanges, there can be oneor many exchanges that take place whensomeone teaches a class, for example, ormany or one as in a group project, wheremany people are helping one person ororganization. TimeBanks USA, our paren<strong>to</strong>rganization, provides our user friendlysoftware, where everyone’s profiles, offers,and requests are easily accessed, bu<strong>to</strong>nly by our members, who have beenthrough a screening process. TimebanksUSA’s mission statement is, “…<strong>to</strong> nurtureand expand a movement that promotesequality and builds caring communityeconomies through inclusive exchange oftime and talent.”By Jennifer Turner and Stephanie Barnettwhile focusing on nurturing our currentmembership base. We envision a futurewhere we can rely on one another <strong>to</strong>bridge the gap, <strong>to</strong> create a self-sustainingcommunity. With Timebanking, we areonly limited by our imagination.We have organizational memberships inaddition <strong>to</strong> individual and family. Howcould the Timebank be used as a <strong>to</strong>olwithin the organizations you are affiliatedwith? That is what the Timebank is, amultipurpose <strong>to</strong>ol. I like <strong>to</strong> think of it asa Swiss Army Knife, because I am alwaysusing it for a different purpose.Perhaps you might like <strong>to</strong> be involved inhelping <strong>to</strong> start a local currency similar<strong>to</strong> Berkshares, which is the local currencyof the Berkshire Region. Local currenciesbuild local economies by maximizingcirculation of trade within a specifiedregion. We think that the two currencieswould compliment each other nicely. Localcurrencies are a means of encouragingresidents <strong>to</strong> keep their money local ratherthan spending it at large, impersonalnational chains. “Louishares” or TimeDollars could pay for services such ashaircuts and small home repairs.How do I become a member? Visit ourwebsite www.louisvilletimebank.org, andyou will find a link <strong>to</strong> our new memberpacket on the welcome page, whichincludes an application that you may emailus or bring with you <strong>to</strong> <strong>your</strong> orientation.Just contact us <strong>to</strong> set up an appointment.We will provide a short orientation at thattime (no more than 30 minutes), show youaround the member’s website, and willmake sure we have answered all of <strong>your</strong>questions.Market price cannot be permitted <strong>to</strong>monopolize our definition of value. Norcan the availability of money be permitted<strong>to</strong> define the range of the possible. –EdgarThe <strong>Louisville</strong> Timebank started in Januaryof 2012 with a goal of 100 members bythe end of the year. We have surpassedthat goal, and hope for continued growth, Cahn, founder8 Tell them you found them in <strong>GreenList</strong> <strong>Louisville</strong>visit us online at www.greenlistlouisville.com9

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