Pesticides and Water Quality - Texas Center for Policy Studies

Pesticides and Water Quality - Texas Center for Policy Studies

Pesticides and Water Quality - Texas Center for Policy Studies


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Within the Upper Neches River Basin specific non-point sources of pollution were identified, includingsilviculture activities <strong>and</strong> potential contamination from the use of herbicides. Approximately 75 percentof the Upper Neches River basin study area is involved in <strong>for</strong>estry <strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong>estry-related activities. The1994 assessment report recommended that a specific water quality monitoring program aimed atdetermining impact from silviculture activities be developed. In addition, the report concluded thatagricultural <strong>and</strong> urban applications of fertilizers <strong>and</strong> pesticides might be impacting water quality in thebasin, but that more monitoring <strong>and</strong> evaluation was needed to assess actual impacts. 46The 1996 Regional Assessment of the Upper Neches River basin did not identify any concerns <strong>for</strong>pesticides in the eight segments studied.The 1996 Assessment recommended that continued support be given to the <strong>Texas</strong> State Soil <strong>and</strong> <strong>Water</strong>Conservation Board’s ef<strong>for</strong>ts to implement Best Management Practices <strong>for</strong> control of agricultural <strong>and</strong>silvicultural non-point source pollution. 47Brazos River BasinThe 1994 Regional <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> Assessment of the Brazos River Basin concluded that pesticide waterquality data was not available <strong>for</strong> most major watersheds in the basin. 48 The Assessment recommendedthat more sampling be conducted to support water quality st<strong>and</strong>ards, including the collection of moreorganic constituent data. The pesticide endosulfan was detected at levels high enough to be considered apossible concern in the Brazos River from Lake Whitney to Possum Kingdom Lake, but the data werelimited. 49 The 1994 Assessment listed Segment 1242 (Lower Brazos River) as having the second highestnumber of fish kills reported within the Brazos River Basin, but did not identify the cause of theincidents.The 1996 Assessment of the Lower Brazos River Basin identified non-point source pollution as apotential problem <strong>for</strong> some segments of the study area, but the assessment screening process did notidentify any specific problems with pesticides. 50The 1996 Assessment of the Middle Brazos River Basin did not identify any specific concerns <strong>for</strong>pesticides, though the study noted that the area had potentially significant non-point source dischargesfrom row crop agriculture <strong>and</strong> CAFOs. 51The 1996 Assessment of the Upper Brazos River Basin did not identify any specific potential problemswith pesticides.46 Angelina <strong>and</strong> Neches River Authority, Regional Assessment of <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> Upper Neches River Basin Area (Lufkin:ANRA, 1994), RPT-37.47 Angelina <strong>and</strong> Neches River Authority, Regional Assessment of <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> Neches River Basin Vol. 1 Upper Neches RiverBasin Study Area, October 1996 (Lufkin: ANRA, 1996), ii. The Angelina <strong>and</strong> Neches River Authority <strong>and</strong> Stephen F. AustinUniversity did conduct a Poultry Litter L<strong>and</strong> Application Rate Study to determine the water quality <strong>and</strong> soil impacts from l<strong>and</strong>application of poultry litter.48 Brazos River Authority, 1994 Final Report Regional Assessment of <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> of the Brazos River Basin (Waco: BrazosRiver Authority, 1994), 16.49 Ibid.50 Brazos River Authority, 1996 Final Report Regional Assessment of <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> Brazos River Basin, 1996 (Waco: BrazosRiver Authority, 1996), ES-12.51 Ibid.23

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