Newtown High School Ysgol Uwchradd y Drenewydd Talented Criteria

Newtown High School Ysgol Uwchradd y Drenewydd Talented Criteria

Newtown High School Ysgol Uwchradd y Drenewydd Talented Criteria


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<strong>Talented</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong> –Astudiaethau Busnes / BusinessStudiesAstudiaethau Busnes / Business Studies1. Candidates recall, select and communicate detailed knowledgeand thorough understanding of concepts, theories, issues andcurrent practice in business.2. They understand and use business terminology accurately andappropriately.3. They plan and carry out effectively a range of investigations andtasks using a wide range of skills competently.4. They apply their knowledge and critical understandingeffectively to select and organise information from a wide rangeof sources, and to investigate business organisations in avariety of contexts.5. They use and evaluate quantitative and qualitative evidenceeffectively with a high degree of accuracy to analyse problemsand issues, and make informed andreasoned judgements to present reasoned and substantiatedconclusions.1. I have detailed knowledge of concepts, theories, issues andcurrent practice in business and can communicate this.2. I understand and can use the language of business correctlyand appropriately.3. I can plan and carry out investigations, using a wide range ofskills.4. I can select and organise information from a wide range ofsources and use them to investigate business organisations.5. I can evaluate evidence effectively in order to analyseproblems and issues, make informed and reasonedjudgements and present reasoned conclusions.

<strong>Talented</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong> –Saesneg / EnglishSaesneg / English: Writing1. Writing has shape and impact and shows control of a range ofstyles2. Interest of the reader is maintained throughout3. Literary writing uses structure as well as vocabulary for a rangeof imaginative effects4. Non-literary writing is coherent, reasoned and persuasive5. Variety of grammatical constructions and punctuation is usedaccurately and appropriately and with sensitivity6. Paragraphs are well constructed and linked to clarify theorganisation of the writing as a whole7. Show a passionate interest in the written element of English1. I can write accurately in a range of different text types tohave impact on different audiences.2. I can keep a reader interested during pieces of extendedwriting.3. I can show imagination in my literary work through the way itis organised and the word choices that I use.4. I can make my meaning clear in my non-literary work, usingclear arguments and specific features to be persuasive.5. I can use grammar and punctuation accurately, and can alsouse it achieve particular effects in my writing.6. I can use paragraphs to organise my work so that it is clearerfor my audience.7. I can show that I have a genuine interest in the writtenelement of English by writing literary pieces in my own time,volunteering to help the school press team, entering nationalwriting competitions or joining a writing club.

<strong>Talented</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong> –BTEC Level 3 Fashion and ClothingFfasiwn a Dillad / Fashion and Clothing1. Make links between the concepts found in art and design and ownwork.2. Analyse the impact of artist, designers past and present on the worldof fashion and clothing.3. Explain why and how designers and makers have designed andmanufactured their products.4. Show independence in carrying out experimental and innovativevisual and written research.5. Critically evaluate the work of others and their impact on own work.6. Select, organise and manufacture high quality conceptual andtraditional products.7. Produce well-structured narratives, descriptions and explanations8. Show a passionate interest in the world of fashion and clothing.1. I can use my knowledge of various concepts in art and designand make links between them.2. I can explain the impact that artists and designers past andpresent have had on the world of fashion and clothing.3. I can explain how garments have been manufactured usingtechnical language.4. I can plan and carry out relevant visual and written researchrelated to my briefs explaining its relevance in the context of myown work.5. I can relate the strengths and weaknesses of others work and itsimpact on my own personal studies.6. I can select fabrics, components, techniques and equipmentwhich will fulfil my product requirements to a high qualitystandard.7. I can plan thoroughly and produce well-organised pieces ofextended writing, and use key words and terms.8. I can show that I have a genuine interest in Fashion and Clothing,by visiting museums and exhibitions, shows or carrying outdetailed independent research into a topic.

<strong>Talented</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong> –Daearyddiaeth / GeographyDaearyddiaeth / Geography1. Make links between their knowledge and understanding of differentgeographical topics2. Analyse causes and consequences of geographical events andchanges3. Explain why and how different geographical interpretations havebeen produced4. Show independence in carrying out geographical enquiries5. Critically evaluate geographical sources and use them to answerrelevant questions6. Select, organise and deploy relevant geographical information7. Produce well-structured narratives, descriptions and explanations8. Show a passionate interest in the subject of Geography or travel1. I can use my knowledge of various geographical topics and makelinks between them.2. I can explain why geographical events happened, and explaintheir consequences3. I can explain why people have given different views and opinionsof different geographical events.4. I can plan and carry out an enquiry by myself, choosing whichsources I will use and what questions I will need to ask of them,and evaluate how successful my enquiry has been when I havefinished.5. I can talk about how useful geographical sources are, taking intoconsideration when and why they were written, and who haswritten them.6. I can choose specific, accurate and relevant geographicalknowledge to use in my work.7. I can plan thoroughly and produce well-organised pieces ofextended writing, and use key words and terms in my geographylessons8. I can show that I have a genuine interest in Geography andgeographically related things by watching documentaries andreading news articles about Geography related events

La vie de l’entrepriseNaftalorganise unejournée d’étudesur les bitumesd’étanchéitéet les bitumesoxydésPour unediversificationde la gammePar Farah AMRAOUIDCRPLe marché des bitumes,notamment celui des bitumesd’étanchéité et oxydés resteun marché lucratif en Algérie,surtout si l’on sait que les chantiersde construction bâtiment et destravaux publics dans notre payssont en plein expansion.Ce marché représente pourNaftal, qui ne commercialiseactuellement que le bitume routier,d’importantes parts de marché.Dans le but de diversifier sagamme de produits et de s’inscriredans le processus dedéveloppement de l’activité, laDivision Bitumes a organisé, à lafin du mois de mars dernier, avecle concours de l’entrepriseitalienne Copernit & C spécialiséedans le domaine, une journéed’étude sur les bitumesd’étanchéité, les bitumes oxydés etles bitumes modifiés auxpolymères.L’objectif de cette journéetechnique, selon M. Mezidi,Directeur de la Division Bitumes,est de faire connaître et defamiliariser les techniciens ainsique les chefs de centres, auxdérivés des bitumes utilisés pourles produits d’étanchéités ainsi queles techniques de fabrication de cesproduits et de leurs utilisations.Un long exposé sur latechnologie de fabrication desbitumes aux polymères a étéprésenté par M. Antoine Baligane,Directeur de la société Copernit &C, dans lequel il a présentél’expérience italienne dans ledomaine des bitumes et indiquéque la technologie des bitumes estnée en Italie. M. Baligane a notéque Naftal dispose de moyens sûrspour faire face à la concurrence etacquérir des parts de marché.A noter que cette rencontre a étél’occasion pour les cadres etingénieurs de la Division bitumesde s’enquérir des dernièresévolutions technologiques quis’opèrent en Italie dans le domainedes bitumes et prendreconnaissance de la richeexpérience de la société italiennedans ce domaine, qui comptabiliseplus de 30 années.■NAFTALNEWS16“Une entreprise qui communique est une entreprise qui bouge, qui innove et qui va de l’avant”

<strong>Talented</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong> –Hanes / HistoryHanes / History1. Make links between their knowledge and understanding ofdifferent historical topics2. Analyse causes and consequences of historical events andchanges3. Explain why and how different historical interpretations havebeen produced4. Show independence in carrying out historical enquiries5. Critically evaluate historical sources and use them to answerrelevant questions6. Select, organise and deploy relevant historical information7. Produce well-structured narratives, descriptions andexplanations8. Show a passionate interest in the world of history1. I can use my knowledge of various historical topics and makelinks between them.2. I can explain why historical events and changes have happened,and explain their results.3. I can explain why people have given different interpretations ofhistorical events and people.4. I can plan and carry out an enquiry by myself, choosing whichsources I will use and what questions I will need to ask of them,and evaluate how successful my enquiry has been when I havefinished.5. I can talk about how useful historical sources are, taking intoconsideration when and why they were written, and who haswritten them.6. I can choose specific, accurate and relevant historical knowledgeto use in my work.7. I can plan thoroughly and produce well-organised pieces ofextended writing, and use key words and terms.8. I can show that I have a genuine interest in History, by visitingmuseums and historical sites or carrying out detailed researchinto a topic.

<strong>Talented</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong> –Mathemateg / MathsMathemateg / Maths1. They use mathematical language and symbols effectively inpresenting a convincing reasoned argument, includingmathematical justification of their chosen methods2. They express general laws in symbolic form.3. They solve problems using intersections and gradients ofgraphs4. They use, generate and interpret graphs based on trigonometricfunctions5. They solve problems in two and three dimensions usingPythagoras’ theorem and trigonometric ratios.6. They calculate lengths of circular arcs, areas of sectors, surfaceareas of cylinders, and volumes of cones and spheres.7. They interpret and construct histograms.8. They understand how different sample sizes may affect thereliability of conclusions9. Show a passionate interest in the world of maths1. I can use mathematical language and symbols effectively inpresenting a convincing reasoned argument, includingmathematical justification of my chosen methods2. I can express general laws in symbolic form.3. I can solve problems using intersections and gradients ofgraphs.4. I can use, generate and interpret graphs based ontrigonometric functions.5. I can solve problems in two and three dimensions usingPythagoras’ theorem and trigonometric ratios.6. I can calculate lengths of circular arcs, areas of sectors,surface areas of cylinders, and volumes of cones andspheres.7. I can interpret and construct histograms.8. I can understand how different sample sizes may affect thereliability of conclusions.9. I show a keen interest in the world of maths.

<strong>Talented</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong> –Ffiseg / Physics KS5Ffiseg / Physics KS51. Apply principles and concepts in familiar and new contexts involvingseveral steps in the argument.2. Explain and interpret phenomena effectively, presenting arguments andevaluations.3. Carry out extended calculations, with little or no guidance, anddemonstrate good understanding of the underlying relationships betweenphysical quantities.4. Link together appropriate facts, principles and concepts from differentareas of the course specification.5. Devise and plan experimental and investigative activities, selectingappropriate and safe techniques.6. Interpret, explain, evaluate and communicate the results of their own andothers’ experimental activities in appropriate contexts.7. Demonstrate their excellence in Physics by stretching their lateral thinkingskills and applying fundamental physical principles to novel situations.Being able to extend their learning beyond the scope of the A-levelexamination specification e.g. British Physics Olympiad resources andcompetitions.1. I can explain why I am using a particular method or a combination ofmethods to solve a scientific problem. I use the whole of my scientificknowledge and research. I can also account for any problems I mayhave with my method.2. I can form conclusions from my scientific observations and providedetailed explanations for them.3. I can use my numeracy skills in calculations that involve multiple stepswith little or no help from others. I am able to explain why I havechosen that particular method.4. I can plan accurate investigations where more than one input variableis changed.5. I can produce clear, accurate and detailed reports to show my resultsand interpret them. I can explain my findings in terms of currentscientific knowledge and models.6. I am able to learn and understand work at a higher level than the A-level physics course. I can prove my higher-level understanding bysuccessfully completing British Physics Olympiad resources andcompetitions.

<strong>Talented</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong> –Addysg Grefyddol / ReligiousEducationAG / RE1. Investigate fundamental religious and moral questions and drawrational conclusions2. Apply a wide range of religious concepts to a variety of beliefs,teachings and practices3. Explain and justify the reasons for the range of viewpoints heldby religious people4. Consider the implications of their own actions and beliefs5. Evaluate and explain how various aspects of religion affect thelives of individuals, communities and society6. Use a wide range of religious vocabulary accurately7. Explain the symbolic meaning of religious objects, actions andlanguage8. Show a passionate interest in the world of religion1. I can investigate questions about religion and moral issues,and come to sensible, considered conclusions.2. I am aware of a wide range of religious ideas, and variousreligious beliefs, teachings and practices.3. I can explain why religious people have different points ofview.4. I can think carefully about my own actions and beliefs, andthe impact that these have.5. I can explain and evaluate how religion can affect the lives ofindividuals, communities and society in general.6. I can use a wide range of religious vocabulary accurately.7. I can explain the meanings of objects, actions and languageused by various religions.8. I can show that I have a genuine interest in religion, byvisiting sites of religious importance or carrying out detailedresearch into a topic.

<strong>Talented</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong> –KS4 Resistant MaterialsResistant Materials1. Discrimination shown when selecting and acquiring relevant research that willpromote originality in designing.2. Detailed analysis of relevant existing products or systems undertaken related todesign intentions.3. Imaginative and innovative ideas have been developed, demonstrating creativity,flair and originality. Further developments made to take account of ongoingresearch.4. The implications of a wide range of issues including social, moral, environmentaland sustainability, are taken into consideration and inform the development of thedesign proposals.5. Worked independently to produce a rigorous and demanding outcome. Finaloutcome(s) shows a high level of making/modelling/finishing skills and accuracy.6. Quality controls are evident throughout the project and it is clear how accuracyhas been achieved. The outcome has the potential to be commercially viable andis suitable for the target market.7. Detailed testing and evaluation as appropriate throughout the designing andmaking process taking account of client/user or third party opinion.8. Design folder is focused, concise and relevant and demonstrates an appropriateselection of material for inclusion. All decisions communicated in a clear andcoherent manner with appropriate use of technical language. The text is legible,easily understood and shows a good grasp of grammar, punctuation and spelling.1. I can carry out extensive appropriate research to promote originality indesigning.2. I can carry out detailed analysis of relevant existing products or systems usedwhich related to design ideas.3. I can produce imaginative and innovative ideas which have been developed,demonstrating creativity, flair and originality. I can develop ideas further totake account of ongoing research.4. I can explain the implications of a wide range of issues including social,moral, environmental and sustainability, these are taken into consideration toinform the development of my design proposals.5. I can work independently to produce a rigorous and demanding outcome. Myfinal outcome(s) shows a high level of making/modelling/finishing skills andaccuracy.6. I can show quality controls are evident throughout my project and it is clearhow accuracy has been achieved. My outcome has the potential to becommercially viable and is suitable for the target market.7. I can show detailed testing and evaluation as appropriate throughout mydesigning and making process taking account of client/user or third partyopinion.8. My design folder is focused, concise and relevant and demonstrates anappropriate selection of material for inclusion. All my decisions arecommunicated in a clear and coherent manner with appropriate use oftechnical language. My text is legible, easily understood and shows a goodgrasp of grammar, punctuation and spelling.

<strong>Talented</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong> –Gwyddoniaeth / ScienceGwyddoniaeth / Science1. Justify methods and strategies used, making multiple links to prior learningand independent research and taking account of possible problems.2. Justify predictions by making multiple links between scientific models,theories and systems.3. Plan to track changes in more than one dependent variable.4. Develop an organised system to record findings clearly conveying pointsof interest.5. Use complex abstract ideas or combinations of models/systems to explaintheir findings.6. Use knowledge and understanding to critically evaluate predicted effectson systems.7. Use detailed evidence to form consistent conclusions/opinions.8. Evaluate the likely effectiveness of alternative strategies and refinelearning/thinking strategies for future occasions.1. I can explain why I am using a certain method to solve a scientificproblem, using the whole of my scientific knowledge and research. Ican also explain any problems I may have with my method.2. I can make predictions and say why I think this, using detailed scientificknowledge.3. I can plan accurate investigations where more than one input variableis changed.4. I can produce clear, accurate and detailed results to show my findingsby myself5. I can explain my findings in terms of current scientific knowledge andmodels.6. I can explain how good my predictions were and say why I was wrongif necessary.7. I can understand what detailed results or information are showing meand explain this to others.8. I can show that I understand how Science is constantly changing andhow new ideas develop within Science.

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