Welcome to Galway Dr. Bob Kennedy Conference ... - Conference.ie

Welcome to Galway Dr. Bob Kennedy Conference ... - Conference.ie

Welcome to Galway Dr. Bob Kennedy Conference ... - Conference.ie


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Friday, August 23, 201309.00 – 13.15 General Marine Biology09:00 Ms. Katarina Oganjan09:15 Mr. Yuan Wang09:30 <strong>Dr</strong>. Gerardo Zardi09:45 Ms. Mail<strong>ie</strong> Gall10:00 <strong>Dr</strong>. Sus<strong>ie</strong> Brown10:15 <strong>Dr</strong>. Tsuyuko Yamanaka10:30 – 11.00 Coffee11:15 Prof. Jaques Grall11:30<strong>Dr</strong>. Laure Carassou-BouilleretGrazing impact of zebra mussel in a shallow eutrophicated bay ofthe Baltic Sea.Epigenetic changes in response <strong>to</strong> hypoxia - marine medaka asa model.Simple behaviour can have critical consequences: interactionsbetween invasive and indigenous mussels.A tale of two urchins: the population genetics of twocloselyrelated spec<strong>ie</strong>s, Heliocidaris erythrogramma and H.tuberculata, with contrasting PLD’s.Expert knowledge informs and refines Ecological RiskAssessment for the Effects of Fishing for cetacean spec<strong>ie</strong>s.Towards a better understanding of fac<strong>to</strong>rs determining body sizespectra in marine ecosystems.A regional and European scale evaluation of the biodiversity ofmaerl beds in Europe.Contribution of the Cape stumpnose (Rhabdosargus holubi) <strong>to</strong>trophic connectivity between adjacent aquatic habitats in SouthAfrica.- 28 -

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