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Theme: Mapping Habitats and determining ecological statusHigh-resolution habitat mapping on mud f<strong>ie</strong>lds: new approach <strong>to</strong> quantitativemapping of Ocean quahogArtem Isachenko 1 , Yana Gubanova 2 , Alexander Tzetlin 1 , Vadim Mok<strong>ie</strong>vsky 31MSU, White Sea Biological Station, Russian Federation2MSU, Faculty of Geology, Russian Federation3Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Russian Academy of Sc<strong>ie</strong>nces, RussianFederationEmail: isachenko@wsbs-msu.ruGeophysical data has been successfully used <strong>to</strong> evaluate contrast biologicalobjects on the sea bot<strong>to</strong>m, such as communit<strong>ie</strong>s associated with seamounts,pock-marks, oyster or mussels banks. The challenge is <strong>to</strong> create habitatmap using remote geophysical methods in conditions of more homogenoussubstrate (mud f<strong>ie</strong>lds) by developing new methods of data analysis.The main objectives of study were <strong>to</strong> develop and apply effective methodologybased on new approach <strong>to</strong> data interpretation for quantitative high-resolutionmapping of Arctica islandica (Bivalvia) dense settlement and associatedcommunity.Spatial structure of benthic communit<strong>ie</strong>s and dominant specimen distributionshow high heterogenity in the area of survey. Thus, samples can’t be validlyinterpolated <strong>to</strong> the area of more than 20 m in radius.During 2010–2012 side-scan sonar surveys, qualitative sediment sampling,underwater pho<strong>to</strong>- and videoimaging were carr<strong>ie</strong>d out at the polygon inKandalaksha bay, the White Sea (Russian Arctic).Structurally uniform localit<strong>ie</strong>s were highlighted during interpretation ofside-scan signal. Each type of signal reflects combination of bot<strong>to</strong>m type,micro<strong>to</strong>pography and structural characteristics of benthic community.Main effect on the latter is produced by distribution of A. islandica. Seabedattributes considered most significant were defined for each type of localit<strong>ie</strong>s.These relations were used for landscape mapping based on sonar data.Pointed biological data were reliably interpolated <strong>to</strong> the area of survey usingstatistical processing of geophysical data.Developed method of integrated data interpretation allows <strong>to</strong> create highresolutionmap of A. islandica by biomass groups, benthic faunal groups andassociated habitats.- 46 -

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