Annual Report - Playgroup Victoria

Annual Report - Playgroup Victoria

Annual Report - Playgroup Victoria

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key focus of this program is to build the capacity of theparents. Development workers have done a fantastic jobworking alongside families mentoring them and providingencouragement, support and guidance and linking familiesinto their local community. As a result, many parents havedeveloped their parenting and personal skills through theirtime at playgroup. In 2009, eight playgroups transitionedfrom being supported playgroups to become communityplaygroups with parents now running the group.Parents have found the sessions to act as a good support forthem and their children. The session activities are enjoyed by theirchildren and provide an opportunity for parents to unload andtalk with other adults who understand and may provide solutions.Development worker, SPG program.In 2009, <strong>Playgroup</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong> established new MyTime groupsin Sale, Werribee, Tarneit, Narre Warren, Alphington, WestHeidelberg and Pascoe Vale, and a pilot MyTime groupin Cranbourne for parents of school-aged children with adisability or chronic medical condition. The MyTime in WestHeidelberg is a group for Somali parents and carers, and hasbeen extremely well attended.Over 600 families attended <strong>Playgroup</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong> MyTime groupsin 2009. Parents participated in a range of group activities- guest speakers from local agencies, pamper sessions andoutings. Many parents say they appreciate the support offeredby MyTime workers and value the peer support gained fromfriends they have made at MyTime.A number of changes to the MyTime structure were introducedin 2009. As a result, funding available to each group increased,allowing greater flexibility to increase the required levelof support within each group. Originally, MyTime aimedto establish 82 groups in <strong>Victoria</strong>. To cater for the increasein group funding, the number of groups to be establisheddecreased so there was no more than 64 MyTime groupsoperating in the state. As <strong>Victoria</strong> already had this number ofgroups operating, no new MyTime groups will be established.For the MyTime program to continue to respond to meetthe needs of <strong>Victoria</strong>n parents and allow access for all, someexisting groups may be transferred or moved to areas ofgreater need.National Supported <strong>Playgroup</strong>sThe national Supported <strong>Playgroup</strong> program is funded bythe Australian Department of Families, Housing, CommunityServices and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA). Under this program,supported playgroups are established for families whowould not normally access a playgroup such as families fromculturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, Indigenousfamilies, families with mental health or disability issues,teenage and young parent families, and socially isolatedfamilies.The playgroups are funded for up to 12 months and a2009 saw the introduction of a new funding agreement for thenational Supported <strong>Playgroup</strong> program. The new 2009-2011funding agreement provides greater opportunities to establishsupported playgroups in <strong>Victoria</strong>. The number of playgroupsto be established annually increased to 18 and the fundingallocation per playgroup increased. Six new playgroups wereestablished in 2009 in:• Doncaster, for Chinese families• Portland, for socially isolated and disadvantaged families• Morwell, for teenage parents• Meadow Heights, for CALD families• Kingsbury, for families with premature babies• WangarattaThe playgroup in Wangaratta for families experiencing mentalhealth issues proved very successful. A large number offamilies attended the playgroup for a time, gained confidence,developed skills and then moved on to other forms ofcommunity participation or services. As a result, the groupapplied for and received repeat funding and will continue towork with families from the target group throughout 2010.Intensive Support <strong>Playgroup</strong> program inGreater DandenongThe Intensive Support <strong>Playgroup</strong> (ISP) program is a referralonlyprogram funded by the Australian Government and runfrom PlaySpot, a fully-equipped vehicle. PlaySpot is staffedby a playgroup coordinator, a play assistant, a family supportworker and peer support workers. Families are referred toPlaySpot by local service providers and agencies such ashousing and community services, as well as maternal and childhealth nurses.This program targets vulnerable and isolated families withyoung children. These families may be affected by a rangeof complex issues including drugs/alcohol, financial crisis,homelessness or transient housing, chronic child protection,or may be newly arrived refugees, culturally and linguisticallydiverse or Indigenous families.Key strengths of the ISP program are the strong workingrelationships between local organisations and serviceproviders, staff members, peer support workers, volunteers162009 <strong>Playgroup</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong> Year of Active Play

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