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<strong>Bernard</strong> J. <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>32 Saint George StreetLondon W1S 2EAT +44 (0)20 7493 0876F +44 (0)20 7495 5010roland@shapero.comwww.shapero.comTerms and ConditionsThe condition of all photographs has been described; all items in this catalogue <strong>are</strong> guaranteed tobe complete and in good condition unless otherwise stated. All items <strong>are</strong> offered for sale under theantiquarian retailers margin scheme, except for books and photographic albums which <strong>are</strong> zerorated forVAT purposes. Invoices will be rendered in £ sterling. The title of goods does not pass to thepurchaser until the invoice has been paid in full.Please note images reproduced in this catalogue <strong>are</strong> not to scale.To enquire after any item in this catalogue please contact Roland Belgrave: roland@shapero.comvat number G.B. 466 5294 16NB: The illustrations <strong>are</strong> not equally scaled. Exact dimensions will be provided on request.PhotographsFront Cover - Item 85. BOURNE Samuel and SHEPHERD Charles, DAYAL,Lala Deen, Raja and ORR & BARTON. India albums (2).Edited by Roland BelgraveDesign & Artwork by Scott Harvey and Andy ButtertonPhotography by Louie FascioloPrinted by Thanet Press Ltd.
ContentsEurope Items 1 – 23North Africa Items 24 – 28The Middle East Items 29 – 56Afghanistan Items 57 – 59The Indian Subcontinent Items 60 – 133Burma Items 134 – 145The Far East Items 146 – 153South East Asia Items 154 – 158Australasia Items 159 – 160The Americas Items 161 - 163
3.LAURENT, Jean.Spain.[1870]. Folio (460 by 360mm.), Forty-fouralbumen prints, very good tonal range and in goodcondition, size <strong>are</strong> mainly 340 by 250mm, titles inmanuscript, contemporary half-calf, guilt.ref: 77276 £6,5008 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
Item 3<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 19509
4.DEGOIX, Celestino and HODCEND,Francois, Paul.Views of Genova, Pisa and Florence.[c.1860]. Oblong 4to (370 by 470mm.).Forty-five albumen prints (180 by 225mm.),very good tonal range and in very good condition,pasted on original card, photographer’s blindstamp,contemporary green morocco, title and andedges in gilt.A very good collection of early views ofGenova, Pisa and Florence.ref: 79427 £2,25010 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
6.BONFILS, Paul-Felix.Parthenon, Athens.[c.1867]. Albumen print. Good tonal range and ingood condition, photographer’s credit in negative.Dimensions: 200 by 285mm. (8 by 11 inches).ref: 79565 £3757.Moriates, Petros.The porch of the Caryatids,Erechtheum, Athens.[c.1865]. Albumen print. Good tonal range and ingood condition. Dimensions: 255 by 340mm. (10by 13 inches).ref: 79566 £3758.Moriates, Petros.The temple of Athena Nike, Athens.[c.1865]. Albumen print. Good tonal range and ingood condition, photographer’s credit in negative.Dimensions: 245 by 330mm. (10 by 13 inches).ref: 79567 £375<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195013
9.Moriates, Petros.Acropolis from north-west, with templeof Hephaestus and Athena Ergane inforeground, Athens.[c.1865]. Albumen print. Good tonal range and ingood condition. Dimensions: 240 by 330mm. (9.5by 13 inches).ref: 79568 £37510.Moriates, Petros.The temple of Athena Nike, Athens.[c.1865]. Albumen print. Good tonal range andin good condition, photographer’s number innegative. Dimensions: 255 by 330mm. (10 by 13inches).ref: 79570 £37511.Moriates, Petros.Temple of Hephaestus and AthenaErgane, Athens.[c.1865]. Albumen print. Good tonal range and ingood condition, photographer’s credit and numberin negative. Dimensions: 235 by 330mm. (9.5 by13 inches).ref: 79571 £37514 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
12.Moriates, Petros.The temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens.[c.1865]. Albumen print. Good tonal range andin good condition, photographer’s number innegative. Dimensions: 240 by 330mm. (9.5 by 13inches).ref: 79572 £37513..BONFILS, Paul-Felix.Parthenon, interior view, Athens.[c.1867]. Albumen print. Good tonal range and ingood condition, photographer’s credit in negative.Dimensions: 220 by 285mm. (8 by 11 inches).ref: 79573 £375<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195015
14.[Photographer unknown].Corfu collection.[c.1860]. Four albumen prints. Good tonal rangeand in fair condition, ranging in size from 200 by270mm. to 250 by 330mm.Views include the town and citadelof Corfu from the island of Vido, FortAbramo, Potamo Gate and a generaltopographical view. There <strong>are</strong> also somesmaller photographs of the Ascensionislands.ref: 79225 £2,00016 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
15.[Photographer unknown].Travels in the Caucasus.[c.1930]. Oblong 4to (200 by 280mm.). Forty-sixsilver gelatin prints ranging in size from 60 by120mm. to 90 by 140mm., brown leather covers.An amateur album of particular interestfor depicting everyday life in variouslocations in Georgia. A number of streetscenes appear to show the capital Tbilisi,various coastal resorths, most probablyPoti or Batumi. Both Christian Churchesand Mosques <strong>are</strong> shown, indicating thatsome of the photographs were takenon the border with Turkey.ref: 79423 £2,750<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195017
16.[Photographer unknown].Croatia coastal tour.1900. Oblong 4to, (300 by 390mm). Seventeenalbumen prints (210 by 270mm), all with richtones and in excellent condition, some withphotographer’s title and number in negative,three pages at the end with amateur photographs,contemporary red marocco, title lettered in gilt‘Dalmazia, Istria, Yacht Orietta,1900’.A r<strong>are</strong> album of this Croatian stretchof coastline, showing Sibenik, Spalato,Pula, and other ports and towns.ref: 73775 £2,75018 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
17.STENGEL & Co.Croatia.[c.1900]. Thirty-three albumen prints. Good tonalrange and in good condition, photographer’scredit, title and number in negative, some withblindstamp, titles in manuscript. Dimension: 220 by280mm. (8.5 by 11 inches).People and places of Montenegro,Gravosa, Ragusa (Dubrovnick), Sibenic,Zara, Trau, Canosa, Spalato, Abbazia,Salona, Quarnero and a couple ofunidentified locations.ref: 79466 £4,500<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195019
18.[SEBAH, Pascal (attributed to)].Fountain of Ahmed III, Istanbul.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Fair tonal range andin good condition, pasted on original thin card.Dimensions: 265 by 345mm. (10.5 by 13.5 inches).ref: 77242 £42519.SEBAH, Pascal.Fountain, courtyard of Hagia Sophia,Istanbul.[c.1865]. Albumen print. Fair tonal range and ingood condition, photographer’s credit, title andnumber in negative, pasted on original thin card.Dimensions: 265 by 345mm. (10.5 by 13.5 inches).ref: 77243 £42520.[SEBAH, Pascal (attributed to)].Hagia Sophia and its plaza, Istanbul.[c.1865]. Albumen print. Fair tonal range andin good condition, pasted on original thin card.Dimensions: 265 by 345mm. (10.5 by 13.5 inches).ref: 77257 £42520 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
21.ROBERTSON, Jamesand BEATO, Felice.Sultanahmet Mosque and Atmeydani,Istanbul.[c.1855]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted to original card.Dimensions: 255 by 310mm. (10 by 12 inches).ref: 79477 £1,250<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195021
22.ROBERTSON, Jamesand BEATO, Felice.Fountain of Ahmed III, Istanbul.[c.1860]. Albumen print. Fair tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted to original card,photographer’s credit in negative. Dimensions: 190by 250mm. (7.5 by 9.5 inches).ref: 79478 £75023.ROBERTSON, Jamesand BEATO, Felice.Mihrisah sultan public kitchen in Eyup.[c.1860]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted to original card,photographer’s credit in negative. Dimensions: 190by 250mm. (7.5 by 9.5 inches).ref: 79479 £75022 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
24.ROBERTSON, Jamesand BEATO, Felice.Entrance to the Sehzade Mosque,Istanbul.[c.1860]. Albumen print. Good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted to original card,photographer’s credit in negative. Dimensions: 250by 190mm. (9.5 by 7.5 inches).ref: 79480 £75025.ROBERTSON, Jamesand BEATO, Felice.Entrance to the Suleymaniye Mosque,Istanbul.[c.1860]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted to original card.Dimensions: 250 by 190mm. (9.5 by 7.5 inches).ref: 79481 £750<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195023
26.ROBERTSON, Jamesand BEATO, Felice.Portal of the Dolmabache Palace,Istanbul.[c.1860]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted to original card.Dimensions: 190 by 250mm. (7.5 by 9.5 inches).ref: 79482£75027.ROBERTSON, Jamesand BEATO, Felice.Dolmabache Mosque, Istanbul.[c.1860]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted to original card,photographer’s credit in negative. Dimensions: 250by 190mm. (9.5 by 7.5 inches).ref: 79483 £75024 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
28.ROBERTSON, Jamesand BEATO, Felice.Tophane fountain, Istanbul.[c.1860]. Albumen print. Very good tonal range andin good condition, pasted to original card. Dimensions:190 by 250mm. (7.5 by 9.5 inches).ref: 79484 £1,250<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195025
29.ROBERTSON, Jamesand BEATO, Felice.Sehzade Mosque, Istanbul.[c.1860]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted to original card,photographer’s credit in negative. Dimensions: 250by 190mm. (9.5 by 7. inches).ref: 79485 £75030.ROBERTSON, Jamesand BEATO, Felice.Kucuksu palace and fountain, Istanbul.[c.1860]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted to original card.Dimensions: 250 by 190mm. (9.5 by 7.5 inches).ref: 79487 £75026 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
31.ROBERTSON, Jamesand BEATO, Felice.Azapkaki fountain, Galata, Istanbul.[c.1860]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted to original card,photographer’s credit in negative. Dimensions: 250by 190mm. (9.5 by 7.5 inches).ref: 79486 £1,250<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195027
32.[Photographer unknown].[Museum at Gizeh, Cairo].[1891]. Albumen print. Fair tonal range and ingood condition, title in manuscript in French onverso. Dimensions: 95 by 300mm. (4 by 12 inches).This photograph shows the moving ofthe collection of the Egyptian museuminto the annex of Ismail Pasha’s Palacein Gizeh, in 1891. The collection wasmoved from Boulaq, after the Frencharchaeologist August Mariette, whoput together the collection died. In1901 it was transferred to its presentlocation in Cairo.ref: 74233 £1,25028 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
33.BEATO, Antonio.Sphinx at Karnak and Pylone.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Excellent condition andvery good tonal range, titled and numbered onreverse in pencil, signed in negative. Dimensions:245 by 340mm (9.5 by 13 inches).ref: 76103 £75034.BEATO, Antonio.Lateral Gallery of the Court andPranaos, Edfou, (Apollonopolis Magna).[c.1870]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, loose. Dimensions: 255 by360mm. (10 by 14.5 inches).ref: 77106 £75035.BEATO, Antonio.Colonnade, Island of Philae.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, loose. Dimensions: 255 by360mm. (10 by 14.5 inches).ref: 78707 £750<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195029
36.BEATO, Antonio.Colonnade, Island of Philae.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, loose. Dimensions: 255 by360mm. (10 by 14.5 inches).ref: 78708 £75037.ZANGAKI, George and Constantin.Court of the Caryatides, Medinet Abou,Thebes.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, loose. Dimensions: 290 by380mm. (11.5 by 15 inches).ref: 78709 £75038.BONFILS, Paul-Felix.The Great Pillars, Temple of the Sun,Baalbec.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Good tonal range andin good condition, pasted on original card, titleprinted below image. Dimensions: 270 by 220mm.(10.5 by 8.25 inches).ref: 66317 £35030 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
39.[Photographer unknown].[Views of Baalbec].[c.1865]. Seven albumen prints. Very good tonalrange and in good condition, pasted on orginalcard. Dimensions: 225 by 290mm.(9 by 11.5 inches).ref: 76449 £2,250<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195031
40.ZANGAKI, George and Constantin.The village of Silwan (Siloam).[c.1880]. Albumen print. Good tonal range and ingood condition. Photographer’s number, title andcredit in negative. Dimensions: 220 by 280mm.(8.5 by 11 inches).ref: 59489 £15041.BONFILS, Paul-Felix.Jeremiah’s Cave, Mount of Olives,Jerusalem.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition. Beautiful image showingthe barren landscape in which this cave is situated.Photographer’s number, title and credit in negative.Dimensions: 220 by 280mm. (8.5 by 11 inches).ref: 59547 £15042.BONFILS, Paul-Felix.The Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Dark rich tones. In goodcondition. Photographer’s number, title and creditin negative. Dimensions: 205 by 270mm.(8 by 10.5 inches).ref: 61512 £15032 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
43.BONFILS, Paul-Felix.Bethlehem.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Good tonal range andin good condition, photographer’s credit, title, andnumber in negative. Dimensions: 220 by 280mm.(8.5 by 11 inches).ref: 61824 £15044.BONFILS, Paul-Felix.Naz<strong>are</strong>th.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Good tonal range andin good condition, slight fading in lower margin.Photographer’s credit, title, and number innegative. Dimensions: 220 by 280mm. (8.5 by 11inches).ref: 61832 £15045.BONFILS, Paul-Felix.Hebron, general view.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Fair tonal range and ingood condition. Photographer’s credit, title, andnumber in negative. Dimensions: 220 by 270mm.(8.5 by 10.5 inches).ref: 61834 £150<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195033
46.BONFILS, Paul-Felix.Fountain of the virgin, Naz<strong>are</strong>th.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Good tonal range andin good condition. Photographer’s credit, title, andnumber in negative. Dimensions: 220 by 280mm.(8.5 by 11 inches).ref: 61845 £15047.BONFILS, Paul-Felix.Jericho from the crusader tower,Palestine.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Good tonal range andin good condition. Photographer’s credit, title, andnumber in negative. Dimensions: 220 by 280mm.(8.5 by 11 inches).ef: 61847 £15048.ROBERTSON, James.The village of Silwan (Siloam).[c.1875]. Albumen print. Good tonal range andin good condition, pasted on original mount,photographers credit in negative. Dimensions: 220by 310mm. (8.75 by 12.25 inches).ref: 63300 £37534 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
49.BONFILS, Paul-Felix.Fountain of the Virgin, Naz<strong>are</strong>th.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Good tonal range andin good condition, pasted on original mount,photographers title and number in negative.Dimensions: 215 by 275mm. (8.5 by 10.75 inches).ref: 64256 £15050.BONFILS, Paul-Felix.Tomb of the Virgin, Jerusalem.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted on original mount,photographers title and number in negative.Dimnesions: 220 by 280mm. (8.75 by 11 inches).ref: 64300 £15051.BONFILS, Paul-Felix.Tomb of David on Mount Zion,Jerusalem.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted on original mount,photographers title and number in negative.Dimensions: 220 by 280mm. (8.75 by 11 inches).ref: 64303 £150<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195035
52.BONFILS, Paul-Felix.Church of the holy Sepulchre,Jerusalem.[c.1867]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted on original mount,photographer’s credit and number in negative.Dimensions: 285 by 220mm. (11.25 by 8.75inches).ref: 63308 £32553.BONFILS, Paul-Felix.The Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted on original card, titlein pencil in manuscript, photographers credit andnumber in negative. Dimensions: 180 by 240mm.(7 by 9.5 inches).ref: 66324 £37554.BONFILS, Paul-Felix.Absalom’s Tomb, Jerusalem.[c.1865]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted on card, title inmanuscript, photographer’s credit and number innegative. Dimensions: 290 by 230mm. (11.5 by9 inches).ef: 69964 £47536 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
55.BONFILS, Paul-Felix.Haram as-Sharif, or Noble Sanctuary,Temple Mount, Jerusalem.[c.1865]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted on card, title inmanuscript, photographer’s number in negative.Dimensions: 230 by 290mm. (9 by 11.5 inches).ref: 69965 £75056.BONFILS, Paul-Felix.Dervish kloster.[c.1865]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted on card, title inmanuscript, photographer’s credit and number innegative. Dimensions: 230 by 290mm.(9 by 11.5 inches).ref: 69967 £45057.BONFILS, Paul-Felix.Hezekiah’s Pool, Jerusalem.[c.1875]. Albumen print. Good tonal range andin good condition, pasted on contemporary card,titled in manuscript. Dimensions: 250 by 285mm.(10 by 11.5 inches).ref: 77566 £375<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195037
58.ROBERTSON, James & BEATO, Felice(attributed to)].The Golden Gate, Jerusalem.[c.1857]. Albumen print, good tonal range and ingood condition. Dimensions: 300 by 255mm.(12 by 10 inches).ref: 78150 £1,75038 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
59.ZANGAKI, George and Constantin.Tower of the forty martyr’s, Ramleh,Jerusalem.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Good tonal range and ingood condition, photographer’s credit and title innegative. Dimensions: 280 by 220mm.(11 by 8.5 inches).ref: 79404 £15060.ZANGAKI, George and Constantin.The return of the Holy Carpet fromMecca.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Fair tonal range and ingood condition, photographer’s credit, title andnumber in negative. Dimensions: 280 by 220mm.(11 by 8.5 inches).The “Mahmal” (or Holy Carpet) enclosedin a canopy with escort all dressed in“Hhram” or pilgrim’s costume.ref: 79475 £35061.BONFILS, Paul-Felix.Damascus Gate.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Dark rich tones. In goodcondition. Photographer’s number, title and creditin negative. Dimensions: 205 by 270mm. (8 by10.5 inches).ref: 61511 £150<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195039
62.[FRITH, Francis (attributed to)].Umayyad Mosque, Damascus.[c.1875]. Albumen print. Good tonal range and ingood condition, pasted on original mount, printedtitle below. Dimensions: 100 by 155mm.(4 by 6 inches).ref: 62500 £12563.BONFILS, Paul-Felix.Damascus.[c.1867]. Albumen print. Good tonal range and ingood condition, pasted on original mount, title inmanuscript, photographers name and number innegative. Dimensions: 180 by 265mm. (7 by 10.5inches).ref: 62501 £22540 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
64.BONFILS, Paul-Felix.Min<strong>are</strong>t of the bride, Umayyad Mosque,Damascus.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand contrast, pasted on original mount, goodcondition, titled in manuscript, Photographersname, number and title in negative. Dimensions:220 by 280mm. (8.5 by 11 inches).ref: 62505 £22565.BONFILS, Paul-Felix.Damascus, Syria.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand contrast, pasted on original mount, goodcondition, titled in manuscript, Photographersname, number and title in negative. Dimensions:220 by 280mm. (8.5 by 11 inches).ref: 62509 £275<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195041
66.HOLMES, Randolph.Tribesman from the border.Anglo-Afghan War of 1919.[c.1919]. Carbon print. Good tonal range and in good condition. Photographer’s wetstamp on verso and credit and number in negative.Dimensions: 285 by 210mm. (11 by 8 inches).Randolph Holmes was carrying on a tradition begun by the famous photographers John Burke and WilliamBaker. With a studio in Peshawar, Holmes (Randolph and William) captured the final years of Anglo-Afghaninterests until their independence in 1921. They tracked a number of frontier skirmishes until 1947 of which thisset <strong>are</strong> linked to the 1919 conflict.After the First War, with Britain war-weary, and the Indian army in the processof demobilisation, the Afghans decided to seize former frontier provinces and decl<strong>are</strong> a jihad against the Britishin India. In May war broke out briefly but a peace treaty was signed in August 1919 restricting Britain’s empire tothe Indian border at the Khyber pass. More men in the Anglo-Indian army died from disease than in action.ref: 79215 £75042 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
67.HOLMES, Randolph.North West Frontier.Anglo-Afghan War of 1919.[c.1919]. Eighty gelatin silver and carbonprints. Thirty-four large carbon prints (235 by285mm.), including two, two-part panoramas,photographer’s credit and number in negativeand wetstamp on reverse of prints ‘R. B. Holmes& Co, Copyright, Peshawar’, and the rest smallercontact prints pasted on card, captions in English inmanuscript, overall good contrasts and tonal rangeand in good condition, some folding and fading tosmaller prints.ref: 69656 £3,750<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195043
68.BURKE, John.Kabul, Afghanistan.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Panorama in three parts,very good tonal range and in good condition.Dimensions:ref: 79320 £2,50044 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
69.HEAPS, F. J. R.North-West Frontier.[c.1930]. Oblong 4to (240 by 330mm.). Fifty tonedsilver gelatin prints (150 by 210mm.), good tonalrange and in good condition, tipped-in, titled inmanuscript, photographer’s studio stamp on versoof each print, defective boards.A relatively unknown photographer butvery accomplished, r<strong>are</strong> to find albumsof his work. Pictures include Quetta,other views in Baluchistan, prominentbuildings around Agra and Delhi, TheSharpur tombs in Kohat, Kohat Pass,interesting portraits of Pasgtun andAfridi clans from Darra Adam Khel.A number of photos in this albumwere exhibited at the Paris Salon ofPhotography 1931.ref: 79426 £1,75048 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
70.BURKE, William.Panorama of Baramula, Kashmir.[c.1870]. Two-part albumen print. Good tonalrange and in good condition, pasted on originalalbum leaf, title in manuscript, photographer’scredit and number in negative.Dimensions: 205 by 560mm. (8 by 22 inches).ref: 77109 £2,500<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195049
71.[Photographer unknown].Kashmir.[1896]. Oblong folio (230 by 280mm.), Fortyeightalbumen prints (150 by 200mm.), all withcaptions and negative numbers, pasted back toback, good tonal range, minimal spotting, redmorocco, spine scuffed.ref: 79186 £2,25050 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
72.BOURNE, Samuel.Poplar avenue, Islamabad, Pakistan.[c.1864]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, photographer’s credit andnumber 813 in negative. Dimensions: 270 by220mm. (10.5 by 9 inches).ref: 79160 £75073.BOURNE, Samuel.Huzoori Bagh and Fort, Lahore,Pakistan.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in very good condition, photographer’s creditand number 425 in negative. Dimensions: 220 by280mm. (9 by 11 inches).ref: 79162 £650<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195051
74.BOURNE, Samuel.Runjeet Singh’s Tomb, Lahore, Pakistan.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in very good condition, photographer’s creditand number 418 in negative. Dimensions: 220 by280mm. (9 by 11 inches).ref: 79163 £65075.BOURNE, Samuel.Lider Valley, Islamabad, Pakistan.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in very good condition, photographer’s creditand number 3170 in negative. Dimensions: 220 by280mm. (9 by 11 inches).ref: 79164 £22552 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
76.BEATO, Felice.Gateway of the Ram Bagh, Amritsar.[c.1860]. Albumen print, fair tonal range and ingood condition, title in manuscript. Dimensions:240 by 285mm. (9.5 by 11 inches).ref: 79386 £1,750<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195053
77.[SHEPHERD, Charles (attributed to)].Tibetan Lama.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted on original card.Dimensions: 195 by 280mm (8 by 11 inches).ref: 75034 £75054 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
78.MURRAY, Dr John.Simalah temple, Ben<strong>are</strong>s.Calcutta. 1858. Albumen print mounted on card.Very good tonal range and in excellent condition,with printed caption on card “Printed at the schoolof Industrial Art, Calcutta, /from a negative by /Dr.Murray, /Civil Surgeon, Agra”. Dimensions: 330 by420mm. (13 by 16.5 inches).ref: 59627 £3,750<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195055
79.BOURNE, Samuel and SHEPHERD,Charles and others.Views of Ben<strong>are</strong>s.[c.1880]. Seventeen albumen prints. Good tonalrange and in good condition, some with titles inmanuscript, pasted on original mount. Dimensions:180 by 270 by 360mm.ref: 77404 £1,75056 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
80.[MOYNE, C (attributed to)].Twenty-eight views of Calcutta and its sorroundings.[c.1860]. Albumen prints. Good tonal range and in good condition, pasted on original card, printed titlebelow image in Frence and some in French in manuscript.. Dimensions: 155 by 210mm. (6 by 8.25 inches).A collection of loose views of Calcutta and the sorrounding <strong>are</strong>a. A tropicalcyclone hit Calcutta in 1864 and a number of images show the devastationcaused by this storm. Garden reach views and houses, Ochterlony monument,Chandernagor, Alipoore and other portraits and topographical views.ref: 62542 £2,500<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195057
81.BOURNE, Samuel.River Jumna at Muttra, Bridge of boatsin the foreground.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, mounted on original card,photographers credit and number in negative.Dimensions: 185 by 315mm. (7.25 by 12.5 inches).ref: 66323 £27582.BOURNE, Samuel.Pillar in the Diwan-i-Kas, Hall of PrivateAudience, Fatehpur Sikri.[c.1865]. Large albumen print. Good tonal rangeand in good condition, fading around margins,pasted on original card, photographer’s creditand number in negative, title in manuscript.Dimensions: 455 by 330mm. (18 by 13 inches).ref: 68334 £75058 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
83.HOOPER, Colonel WilloughbyWallace.Khubber.[c.1875]. Albumen print. Very good tonalrange and in good condition, pasted on card.Dimensions:180 by 240mm. (7 by 9.5 inches).ref: 69636 £32584.HOOPER, Colonel WilloughbyWallace.Starting for the beat.[c.1875]. Albumen print. Very good tonal range andin good condition, pasted on card. Dimensions: 180by 240mm. (7 by 9.5 inchesref: 79327 £325<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195059
85.BOURNE Samuel and SHEPHERD Charles,DAYAL, Lala Deen, Raja and ORR & BARTON.India albums (2).[c.1880] Oblong folio (350 by 450mm.)., One hundred and two albumenprints ranging in size from 160 by 200mm. to 230 by 280mm, most withgood tonal range and in good condition, title in manuscript in French, manywith photographer’s title, credit or number in negative, half-calf blackmorocco, ‘Indes’ printed in gilt on spine, a r<strong>are</strong> set of albumsin good condition.An impressive set of albums showing photographs bythree famous and sought after names in 19th centuryphotography. Views <strong>are</strong> mostly topographical in naturewith some portrait studies including a group portraitof Russian royal family in India. Views include Madura,Tanjore, Baroda, Jeypore, Amber, Lahore, Agra, Delhi,Ben<strong>are</strong>s, Calcutta and Darjeeling.ref: 74238 £8,50060 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
Item 85<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195061
86.[BOURNE, Samuel and SHEPHERD, Charles, DAYAL,Lala Deen, Raja and others].[Comte Florimond de Basterot, Tour of India].[c.1880]. Ninety-three albumen prints, fair to good tonal range and in good condition, pastedon light blue thick card, titled and captioned in French in pencil on manuscript, some titled innegative. Dimensions: 190 by 240 mm (7.5 by 9.5 inches) and similar sizes.Assembled by the writer and traveller Comte Florimond de Basterot (1836-1904). His captions <strong>are</strong> often enlivened by personal notes; in Hyderabadhe was the guest of Sir Charles Gough, Major General of the HyderabadContingent, and attended a revue in honour of the Nizam’s birthday.Collection includes six photographs of Bombay and its surroundings,eight from Delhi; ten from Agra; five from Ben<strong>are</strong>s, and over ten fromHyderabad. Other locations included <strong>are</strong> Ahmedabad, Amber, Lucknow,Calcutta, Kootub Minar, the Akbar tomb, Tiger forest, and FuttehporeSikri.ref: 75064 £5,50062 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
Item 86<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195063
87.[Photographer unknown].Chatham, Andamans.[c.1880] Two albumen prints. Good tonal rangeand in fair condition. One small tear in top rightcorner, titled and numbered in negative, pastedon paper. Dimensions: 230 by 290 mm(9 by 11.5 inches).ref: 74954 £62588.[IMPEY, Col. Eugene Clutterbuck].View from the Fort, Agra.1865. Albumen print. Good tonal range and ingood condition. Mounted on card. Printed captionbelow. Dimensions: 230 by 290 mm( 9 by 11.5 inches).Printed caption below reads: ‘This fort,as it now stands, was principally built byAkbar, in the latter part of the sixteenthcentury, and is of great solidity andabove a mile in circumference. It wastaken by Lord Lake in 1803. It overlooksthe Jumma, the bridge of boatsoverwhich, as also the railway station,<strong>are</strong> distinguishable in the plate. Impey(1830-1904) served most of his c<strong>are</strong>er inRajasthan, becoming the Assistant agentto the Governor General in Rajputana in1856 and the political agent in Alwarin 1858. He published eighty-onephotographs in a volume titled Delhi,Agra, and Rajpootana (Cundall, Downesand Co: London, 1865), with notes onthe images.ref: 75191 £95064 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
89.[IMPEY, Col. Eugene Clutterbuck].The principle Gateway of theTaj Mahal, Agra.1865. Albumen print. Good tonal range and in goodcondition. Mounted on card. Printed caption below onmanuscript. Dimensions: 225 by 290 mm ( 9 by 11.5inches).Printed caption reads: The Taj Mahal wasbuilt by Shah Jehan as the tomb of hisfavourite wife, Moomtaza Mahal, and he isburied in it by her side. The outer courtyardis surrounded by arcades and pierced byfour gateways, of which that in the plate,leading into the great enclosure, is theprincipal. The material is red sandstone,relieved by white marble.ref: 75192 £1,250<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195065
90.[IMPEY, Col. Eugene Clutterbuck].Pavilions in the H<strong>are</strong>m Court, Agra.1865. Albumen print. Good tonal range and in faircondition, discolouring in top left margin. Montedon card. Printed caption in manuscript. Dimensions:230 by 290mm ( 9 by 11.5 inches).Printed caption reads: These form theprincipal part of the inner apartmentsof the palace built by Shah Jehan inthe Fort. They <strong>are</strong> of white marble, andcommand a splendid view over theriver Jumma, with the Taj Mahal in thedistance.ref: 75194 £95066 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
91.SHEPHERD, Charles and ROBERTSON,James.[Carpenters and Money Changers].1863. Albumen prints. Good tonal range and ingood condition (some small scratches in negativeto larger print), signed and numbered in negative.Pasted on album page, titled in ink on manuscript.Dimensions: 190 by 160 mm ( 7.5 by 6 inches), 230by 180 mm (9 by 7 inches). Two prints from the‘trade series’.ref: 75308 £75092.[IMPEY, Col. Eugene Clutterbuck].Portrait of Thakoor Lukdeer Singh, aRajpoot chieftain of Ulwur.1865. Albumen prints, fair tonal range and in goodcondition (some scratches in negative). Framed andprinted title in mount. Dimensions: 200 by 170mm (8 by 7 inches);ref: 75310 £350<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195067
93.BOURNE, Samuel.Views of India.[c.1870]. Oblong 4to (365 by 530mm.). Forty-ninealbumen prints, average size being 190 by 310mm.,all very good to good tonal range, in very goodcondition, very occasional and light spotting onpages, titles in manuscript in French, contemporarybrown morocco, embossed monogram on upperboard, inscribed ‘Inde, 1875’, a.e.g.ref: 76707 £15,00068 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
Item 93<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195069
94.BOURNE, Samuel.The Kutub Minar, with the great arch,from the west, Delhi.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted on original mount,photographer’s credit and negative number innegative. Dimensions: 290 by 240mm. (11.5 by9.5 inches).ref: 77237 £52595.BOURNE, Samuel.The Jumma Musjid, from thenorth-east, Delhi.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted on original mount,photographer’s credit and negative number innegative. Dimensions: 240 by 290mm. (9.5 by11.5 inches).ref: 77238 £75070 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
96.BOURNE, Samuel.The gate of the Taj, Agra.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Good tonal range andin good condition, pasted on original mount,photographer’s credit and negative number innegative. Dimensions: 240 by 290mm.(9.5 by 11.5 inches).ref: 77239 £45097.BOURNE, Samuel.The Jumma Musjid, from the North,Delhi.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Good tonal range andin good condition, pasted on original mount,photographer’s credit and negative number innegative. Dimensions: 240 by 290mm. (9.5 by11.5 inches).ref: 77241 £1,250<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195071
98.[MURRAY, T (attributed to)].Vicinity of Jaipur.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Good tonal range andin good condition, pasted on archival paper.Dimensions: 255 by 305mm. (10 by 12 inches).ref: 77293 £75099.[MURRAY, T (attributed to)].Vicinity of Jaipur.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Good tonal range andin good condition, pasted on archival paper.Dimensions: 255 by 305mm. (10 by 12 inches).ref: 77294 £1,25072 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
100.[MURRAY, T (attributed to)].Vicinity of Jaipur.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted on archival paper.Dimensions: 255 by 305mm. (10 by 12 inches).ref: 77298 £5,500<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195073
101.PONT, V.Views of India.[c.1870]. Twenty-three albumen prints. Goodtonal range and in good condition, some pasted onoriginal card, most signed in negative. Dimensions:230 by 280mm. (9 by 11 inches).ref: 77391 £7,50074 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
102.BOURNE, Samuel.The entrance gate from the garden,Secundra.India [c.1870]. Albumen print. Very good tonalrange and in good condition, photographer’s creditand number in negative. Dimensions: 230 by280mm. (9 by 11 inches).ref: 77395 £575103.BOURNE, Samuel.Mausoleum of Prince Etmad-Dowlah,from the gate, Agra.India [c.1870]. Albumen print. Very good tonalrange and in good condition, photographer’s creditand number in negative. Dimensions: 230 by280mm. (9 by 11 inches).ref: 77396 £575<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195075
104.[Photographer unknown].Jama Masjid, Champaner, Gujarat.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted on original mount,two other photos on verso. Dimensions: 285 by220mm. (11 by 8.5 inches).ref: 77398 £1,75076 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
105.SHEPHERD, Charles andROBERTSON, James.The Baillie Guard Gate, BritishResidency, Lucknow.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Fair tonal range andin good condition, pasted on original mount,photographer’s credit and number in negative.Dimensions: 270 by 365mm. (10.5 by 14.5 inches).ref: 77405 £1,250<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195077
106.BOURNE, Samuel.The Mermaid Gate, Kaiser Bagh,Lucknow.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, photographer’s credit andnumber in negative. Dimensions: 230 by 280mm.(9 by 11 inches).ref: 77408 £450107.NEILL, Andrew Charles Brisbane.Detail from the Channekeshava Templeat Belur, Karnataka.[c.1866]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in very good condition, pasted on originalmount. Dimensions: 260 by 350mm. (10.5 by 14inches).ref: 77412 £1,25078 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
108.LYON, Edmund David andNICHOLAS, John P.Architectural studies fromsouthern India.[c.1860]. Twenty-nine albumen prints. Good tonalrange and in good condition. Dimensions:205 by 275mm. (8 by 11 inches).An interesting mixture of views fromKarnataka, including Halebidu, andMysore. Madurai and Tanjore inTamil Nadu, and rock temples, forts andpalaces from the Deccan.ref: 77415 £7,500<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195079
109.[Photographer unknown]. Nilgiris.Views around Coonor, Ooctacamund,Kotagiri and elsewhere.[c.1880]. Seventy albumen prints, average size 185by 255mm., most with good tonal range and in goodcondition, pasted back to back, most with titles inmanuscript, wrap-around folio 300 by 420mm.The Nilgiri hills have a history going back agood many centuries. It was originally triballand and was occupied by the Todas aroundwhat is now the Ooty <strong>are</strong>a, and the by Kotasaround what is now the Kotagiri <strong>are</strong>a. TheBadagas appe<strong>are</strong>d here much later fromthe Mysore Plateau, the unconfirmed datebeing 1550. Although the Nilgiri hills <strong>are</strong>mentioned in the Ramayana of Valmiki(estimated by Western scholars to havebeen recorded in the second centuryB.C.E.), they remained all but undiscoveredby Europeans until 1602. This was when thefirst European set foot into the jungles. Thiscollection is made up of portrait studies(eight in all) and topographical views.ref: 77420 £5,50080 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
110.BOURNE, Samuel.The city of Tanjore from the ramparts,Tamil Nadu.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in very good condition, photographer’s creditand number 2042 in negative. Dimensions: 175 by300mm. (7 by 12 inches).ref: 78682 £350111.BOURNE, Samuel.The city of Tanjore, Tamil Nadu.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in very good condition, photographer’s creditand number 2041 in negative. Dimensions: 175 by300mm. (7 by 12 inches).ref: 79161 £525112.BOURNE, Samuel.Ancient temple at Byjnath, Kangra,Himachal Pradesh.[c.1864]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, photographer’s credit andnumber 514 in negative. Dimensions: 285 by225mm. (11 by 9 inches).ref: 79158 £525<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195081
113.BOURNE, Samuel.Jumna Musjid from the north-east,Delhi.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in very good condition, photographer’s creditand number 1353 in negative. Dimensions: 220 by280mm. (9 by 11 inches).ref: 79165 £525114.[Photographer unknown].The Taj Mahal, viewed from the Jumnariver.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted on original albumsleeve. Dimensions: 210 by 280mm. (8 by 11inches).ref: 79295 £575115.[MURRAY, T (attributed to)].Gateway to the Taj Mahal, Agra.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted on original albumsleeve. Dimensions: 270 by 325mm. (10.5 by 13inches).ref: 79296 £42582 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
116.SACHE, John Edward.Taj Mahal, Agra.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted on original albumsleeve, photographer’s credit and number innegative. Dimensions: 235 by 285mm. (9 by 11inches).ref: 79299 £325117.[IMPEY, Col. Eugene Clutterbuck].The English Church, Delhi.1865. Albumen print. Good tonal range and in faircondition. Mounted on card. Printed caption below.Dimensions: 200 by 290 mm ( 8 by 11.5 inches).Printed caption below reads: Thischurch was originally erected by themunificence of Colonel Skinner, adistinguished officer in the Hon. EastIndia Company’s service. The bodiesof the europeans who were murderedon May 10th 1857, lay exposed to viewunder the tree to the left, where a crossis now erected. The church was muchbattered by the seige.ref: 79300 £950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195083
118.[IMPEY, Col. Eugene Clutterbuck].The Jumma Masjid, Delhi.1865. Albumen print. Good tonal range and in faircondition. Mounted on card. Printed caption below.Dimensions: 200 by 290 mm ( 8 by 11.5 inches).Printed caption below reads: Thismosque was completed by ShahJehan in 1637, and is of the Moghulstyle. Its courtyard is 450 feet squ<strong>are</strong>,and is raised 30 feet from the ground,and approached on three sides bythe magnificant gateways and flightsof steps. On the fourth side standsthe Mosque itself, which is 261 feetlong. Since the mutiny of 1857 thehouses which surrounded it have beendemolished, which greatly improves itsappearance.ref: 79301 £1,25084 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
119.[IMPEY, Col. Eugene Clutterbuck].The Palace and Salimgarh Fort, fromthe Jumma river, Delhi.1865. Albumen print. Good tonal range and in faircondition. Mounted on card. Printed caption below.Dimensions: 200 by 290 mm ( 8 by 11.5 inches).Printed caption below reads: Thepalace is surrounded by a magnificantwall, forty feet high and a mile incircumference, with two gateways andbarbicans. Internally it was the mostmagnificant of all palaces in India, butmost of the beautiful buildings whichonce adorned it have recently beendemolished. Selimgurh is an antiquefort, supposed to have been raisedby an early Pathan sovereign, and isconnected with the palace by a bridge.ref: 79302 £950120.[IMPEY, Col. Eugene Clutterbuck].The Jumma Masjid, from the courtyard,Delhi.1865. Albumen print. Good tonal range and in faircondition. Mounted on card. Printed caption below.Dimensions: 230 by 290mm (9 by 11.5 inches).Printed caption below reads: Thecourtyard and gateways <strong>are</strong> of redsandstone, but in the mosque itselfmarble is frely employed in panellingthe facade, covering the domes, andpaving the floor. The inscriptions fromthe Koran on the cornice, and the stripeson the domes, <strong>are</strong> of black marble.ref: 79303 £950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195085
121.[Photographer unknown].New Muntapum, Madurai.[c.1875]. Albumen print. Good tonal range and ingood condition, mounted on card, photographer’stitle and number in negative. Dimensions: 210 by270mm. (8.5 by 10.5 inches).ref: 79307 £525122.[Photographer unknown].Thirumalai Nayak Palace, Madurai.[c.1875]. Albumen print. Good tonal range and ingood condition, mounted on card, photographer’stitle and number in negative. Dimensions: 210 by270mm. (8.5 by 10.5 inches).This Palace was built in 1636 by KingThirumalai Nayak with the help of anItalian Architect. The building we seetoday was the main Palace where theKing lived. The original Palace Complexwas four times bigger than the presentstructure. This palace consisted mainlyof two parts, namely Swargavilasa andRangavilasa.ref: 79309 £37586 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
123.[OAKELEY, Richard Banner (attributed to)].Halebid, sculptural study, Hoyaslesvara temple.[c.1856]. Albumen print. Good tonal range and in good condition, pasted on new leaf. Dimensions: 280 by 220mm. (11 by 9 inches).The Temple of Hullabeed (also spelt Halebid and Halebidu) is a complex made up of theHoysaleshawara and Ked<strong>are</strong>shwara temples and two Jain basadi. Located in Karnataka it was the12th-century capital of the Hoysalas. Richard Banner Oakeley is famous for his photographs of theHolysaleswara Temple, a magnificent example of Hindu architecture and sculpture begun duringthe first half of the 12th century.ref: 79311 £2,500<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195087
124.[Photographer unknown].Chawri Bazar leading to west front ofJumma Masjid, Delhi.[c.1875]. Albumen print. Good tonal range andin good condition, mounted on original card.Dimensions: 220 by 270mm. (9 by 10.5 inches).ref: 79314 £1,25088 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
125.[BOURNE, Samuel (attributed to)].The Jumma Masjid, Delhi.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Fair tonalrange and in good condition, pastedon original mount. Dimensions: 220 by280mm. (8.5 by 11 inches).ref: 79315 £225126.BOURNE, Samuel and SHEPHERD,Charles.The Jumma Masjid, Delhi.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Fair tonal range and ingood condition, photographer’s title and numberin negative. Dimensions: 220 by 280mm. (8.5 by11 inches).ref: 79316 £375127.[Photographer unknown].Seven Pagodas, Mahabalipuram,Madras.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Good tonal rangeand in fair condition, pasted on original mount.Dimensions: 220 by 285mm. (8.5 by 11 inches).ref: 79317 £525<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195089
128.[Photographer unknown].Buddhist cave temple of Karla,Maharashtra.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Good tonal rangeand in fair condition, pasted on original mount.Dimensions: 240 by 190mm. (9.5 by 7.5 inches).ref: 79319 £1,25090 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
129.DAYAL, Lala Deen Raja.Stupa at Sanchi.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Good tonal range and ingood condition, photographer’s credit and numberin negative. Dimensions: 260 by 200mm.(10.5 by 8 inches).ref: 79324 £225130.SHEPHERD, Charles.Nautch dancer, Delhi.[c.1862]. Albumen print. Good tonal range and infair condition. Dimensions: 220 by 275mm.(8.5 by 10.5 inches).ref: 79333 £650<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195091
131.BEATO, Felice.Jumma Masjid, Delhi.[c.1860]. Albumen print, fair tonal range and ingood condition, title in manuscript. Dimensions:300 by 265mm. (12 by 10 inches).ref: 79387 £1,750132.BOURNE, Samuel.The gate and garden of theHooseinabad Emambara, Lucknow.[c.1860]. Albumen print. Good tonal range andgood condition, photographer’s credit and numberin negative. Dimensions: 235 by 280mm.(9 by 11 inches).ref: 79459 £45092 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
133.[VERNON (attributed to)].Devgadh Baria, Gujarat.[c.1910]. Seventeen platinum prints. Good tonal range and in good condition. Dimensions: 135 by 220mm. to 350 by 250mm.(5.5 by 8.5 inches to 14 by 10 inches).Photographs show the Tonsure ceremonies and festivites, most likely at the time that Ranjitsinhji (famouscricketer) was installed as a King. King Mansinh died in 1908, leaving behind him, two sons and a daughter –Ranjitsinhji, Naharsinhji and Surajkuvarba. Highly educated and a person with brilliant c<strong>are</strong>er, Ranjitsinhji hadjoined the Imperial Cadet Core and was awarded the title of “Knight Commander of India”. Because of thisprestigious title, he was popularly known as Sir Ranjitsinhji.During his rule, some very important public institutions were established. A high school, veterinary hospital,gymkhana, tower and library were built. Free education was also offered in the state to bring cultural aw<strong>are</strong>nessin the society. It was a golden period for the sports and culture in Baria during Sir Ranjitsinhji’s rule.ref: 79470 £2,500<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195093
134.DAYAL, Lala Deen,Raja. Indian views.[c.1870]. Thirty-two albumen prints. Very goodtonal range and in very good condition, pastedon original album sleeves, title in manuscript andphotographer’s number in negatives, archivedin light grey solander box (320 by 380mm.).Dimensions: 135 by 205mm. (5.5 by 8 inches).ref: 79497 £12,75094 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
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96 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Item 134
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98 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Item 134
135.SCOWEN & Co, Charles.[Veddahs, Ceylon].[c.1880]. Albumen print. Very good rich tonesand in good condition. Apart from a number ofvery light fox marks this print is a striking portraitof the Sinhalese Veddhas. Photographer’s credit innegative. Dimensions: 280 by 220mm. (11 by 8.5inches).ref: 60819 £250136.SCOWEN & Co, Charles.[Coffea Arabica].[c.1880]. Platinum print.. Very good rich tones andin good condition, Photographer’s title and crediton verso. Dimensions: 210 by 275mm. (8.5 by 11inches).ref: 62121 £425<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 195099
136.SCOWEN & Co, Charles.Devil Dancers.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Very good tonalrange and in goog condition, pasted on card,photographers credit and title in negative.Dimensions: 220 by 280mm. (8.5 by 11 inches).ref: 69640 £1,250100 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
137.PLATE & Co, A.W.A.Archers.[c.1862]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, photographers ‘CeylonViews’ wetstamp on reverse and title in English inmanuscript. Dimensions: 205 by 255mm. (8 by10 inches).ref: 69643 £575138.SKEEN & Co, William Louise Henry.Elephants.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Fair tonal range andin good condition, pasted on original card,photographers credit and number in negative.Dimensions: 200 by 260mm. (8 by 10 inches).ref: 69784 £650139.[Photographer unknown].Madras-Sailing Catamaran. Ceylon.[c.1890]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted on original card.Dimensions: 210 by 260mm.ref: 72250 £150<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950101
140.SCOWEN & Co, Charles and SKEEN &Co, William Louise Henry.Ceylon collection.[c.1880]. Forty-eight albumen prints. Most withgood tonal range and in good condition, manywith photographer’s credit and number in negative.Dimensions mostly 280 by 220mm.A comprehensive visual record ofCeylon. Mostly topographical, showingThe Hindu Temple, Colombo, Buddhisttemple, Kandy, Colombo harbour,Colombo street scenes, Cinnamongardens, Colombo, Galle Harbour,Trincomalee, The Thuparamaya Dagebe,Anuradhapura and other temples,various types of trees.ref: 79351 £5,500102 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
141.JACKSON, J.Poongee Kyoung, Burma.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Good tonal range andin good condition, pasted on original mount.Dimensions: 222 by 282mm. (8.6 by 11 inches).ref: 62650 £375142.[JACKSON, J (attributed to)].[The great pagoda].[c.1875]. Albumen print. Good tonal range andin good condition, pasted on original mount.Dimensions: 214 by 279mm. (8.4 by 11 inches).ref: 62696 £195143.[JACKSON, J (attributed to)].Buhpaya Pagoda, Bagan.[c.1875]. Albumen print. Good tonal range and ingood condition, pasted on original mount, title inmanuscript. Dimensions: 136 by 208mm.(5.4 by 8.2 inches).ref: 62700 £125<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950103
144.CHINS.[Burmese peasants].[c.1880]. Albumen print. Good tonal range andin good condition, pasted on original mount,photographers credit in negative. Dimensions: 100by 150mm. (4 by 6 inches).ref: 63645 £175145.JOHANNES & Co.[Shans, Mandalay].[c.1880]. Albumen print. Good tonal range andin good condition, pasted on original mount,photographers credit in negative. Dimensions: 100by 150mm. (4 by 6 inches).ref: 63646 £175146.[JACKSON, J (attributed to)].Rangoon.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Good tonal range and ingood condition. Dimensions: 170 by 210mm.ref: 72208 £175104 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
147.BOURNE Samuel andSHEPHERD Charles.South West of Pagoda, Rangoon.[c.1880] Albumen print. Fair tonal range andin very good condition, photographer’s creditand number in negative, title in manuscript.Dimensions: 225 by 270mm. (9 by 11 inches).ref: 74248 £650148.BOURNE Samuel andSHEPHERD Charles.Rangoon.[c.1880] Albumen print. Good tonal range andin very good condition, photographer’s creditand number in negative, title in manuscript.Dimensions: 270 by 225mm. (11 by 9 inches).ref: 74257 £650<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950105
149.[MURRAY, Colin (attributed to)].[Rangoon].[c.1870]. Albumen print. Fair tonal range andcondition. Pasted on original album page.Dimensions: 225 by 280mm ( 9 by 11 inches).ref: 74929 £175150.[MURRAY, Colin (attributed to)].[Rangoon].[c.1880]. Albumen print. Fair tonal range andin good condition, pasted on to album page.Dimensions: 220 by 280 mm (8.5 by 11 inches).ref: 75306 £125151.[Photographer unknown].A converted Burmese boy. A MoungKyan native of Burma.[c.1860] Salt print. Fair tonal range and in goodcondition, pasted on card, titled in manuscript.Dimensions: 185 by 135mm (7 by 5 inches).ref: 75189 £750106 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
152.[KLIER, Philip Adolfe (attributed to)].[Burmese lady.][c.1870] Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in excellent condition, pasted on contemporarycard, titled in ink manuscript. Dimensions: 200 by140mm (8 by 5.5mm).ref: 74899 £1,750<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950107
153.[Photographer unknown].[Race-track, Happy Valley, Hong Kong].[c.1870]. Albumen print. Two-part panorama, verygood tone and in good condition, pasted on new card.Dimensions: 230 by 565mm. (9 by 22 inches).A view of the Happy Valley horse racingtrack. Built in 1845 for British people inHong Kong, horse racing became more andmore popular with the Chinese during thenineteenth century. The racecourse is nowone of the most famous tracks in the world.ref: 72215 £3,750108 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950109
154.[Photographer unknown].[Hong Kong from Victoria peak].[c.1870]. Albumen print. Three-part panorama, very good tone andin good condition, pasted on new card.Dimensions: 180 by 950mm. (7 by 37.25 inches)Like Amoy, Hong Kong became a ‘treaty port’ in1842 after the signing of the treaty of Nanjing.It also became a ‘crown colony’ of the Britain andwas a major trading post of the British Empire inthe second half of the nineteenth century. Thisparticular view shows the city of Victoria below, theharbour and Kowloon peninsula across the water.Stonecutter’ Island can be seen on the far left.ref: 72216 £4,500110 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
155.BEATO, Felice, VAN KINSBERGEN, Isodore and SAUNDERS, William.The Far East.[c.1860]. Oblong 4to (365 by 530mm.). Thirty-nine albumen prints, average size being 210 by 275mm., all very good to good tonal range, in verygood condition, very occasional and light spotting on pages, titles in manuscript in French, contemporary brown morocco, embossed monogram onupper board, inscribed ‘Java, Chine, Japon, 1875’, a.e.g.This exceptional album has been bound by the famous French Susse Frere, a name normally associated withearly camera manufacturing and who had a studio at 31, Place de la Bourse, Paris at the time this album wasbound. There <strong>are</strong> seven architectural views from China; The Sacred Temple of Heaven, The Yonghegong LamaTemple, The Xiang Shan Pailou, Peking, The Marble Bridge, Peking and Peking Pagodas, Foochow.There <strong>are</strong> twenty-five views of Japan of which six <strong>are</strong> hand-coloured portrait studies. The architectural viewsinclude the Howanji temple, and architectural subjects around Osaka, Kioto and Niko. The <strong>are</strong> also six studiesof the reliefs from the main wall of Candi Borobudur, Magelang and a image of Buddha also taken, we think,by Van Kinsbergen. These studies <strong>are</strong> larger than all the other photographs, measuring 280 by 340mm. and <strong>are</strong>very r<strong>are</strong> early images taken in 1873 before the detailed studies taken by Kassian Cephas in circa 1890.ref: 76711 £20,000114 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
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156BEATO, Felice.The Wall of Peking.[c.1860]. Albumen print. Very good tonal range andin good condition, Dimensions: Three 250 by 300mm.(9.5 by 11.5 inches).Felice Beato is one of the most famousand widely travelled of nineteenthcentury photographers. His views ofConstantinople with his brother-in-lawJames Robertson and later work fromthe Indian Subcontinent and the Far Eastsurpassed many of his contemporariesin quality and content. As part ofBritain’s quest to expand access to theChinese markets through the openingof additional seaports, Beato was hiredas a commercial photographer to theBritish Expeditionary force. Whether hewas sent from India to cover the eventor if it was an adventure specificallydriven by financial gain is unsure. Whatwe do know is that Beato had patronagefrom the highest levels of the militaryand government. His limited number ofphotographs from the Second OpiumWar were usually put together asalbums, sold to military figures or givenas presentation albums. Today survivingphotographic albums and single printsfrom the Second Opium War set <strong>are</strong>very r<strong>are</strong>, especially in the conditionshown here.ref: 72698 £5,750118 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950119
157.TAMAMURA, Kozaburo (studio).Japan album.[c.1880]. Oblong 4to (300 by 400mm.). Fifty handcolouredalbumen prints (195 by 250mm.), most withphotographer’s title and number in negative, pasted backto back, clean boards, tissue gaurds, gilt edges,lacquer covers.ref: 79380 £3,750120 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
158.GSELL, Emile.Mnong warriors, Vietnam.[c.1865]. Albumen print. Very good tonal range and in very good condition. Dimensions: 230 by 180mm. (9 by 7 inches).Emile Gsell (1838 - 1879) was a French photographer who worked in Southeast Asia, becoming the first commercial photographer based in Saigon(now Ho Chi Minh City). He participated in at least three scientific expeditions, and the images he produced from the first, to Angkor, <strong>are</strong> amongst theearliest photographs of that site. Though he died at an early age he managed to make several hundred photographs in just over a dozen years featuringa wide range of subject matter including architecture, landscapes, and studio, ethnographic and genre portraits.ref: 76539 £1,750<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950121
159.[Photographer unknown].[Hong Kong viewed from Kowloon].[c.1886]. Albumen print. Four-partpanorama, very good tonal range andin good condition, pasted on card.Dimensions: 340 by 1140mm. (13.5 by41 inches).A view of Victoria harbour and theChater reclamation. Waterfrontreclamation was the only answerto Hong Kong’s land shortage andcongestion. The reclamation was alarge scale project carried out by theHong Kong Land company in ColonialHong Kong under Sir Catchick PaulChater and James Johnstone Keswick.ref: 73556 £7,500122 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
160.[Photographer unknown].Thailand views.[c.1900]. Oblong 4to (301 by 401mm.). Eleven silver gelatin prints and twenty-twoalbumen prints, many with titles in negative and in manuscript below on pages, in goodcondition, concertina, green cloth boards, title in gilt.A good album showing topographical locations and importantportraits. Pagodas include Wat Phra Kaew and other unidentifiedtemples. Portraits <strong>are</strong> of the Thai royal family and a number ofimages show railroad building.ref: 79416 £3,500126 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
161.[Photographer unknown].[Manila street scene].[c.1875]. Albumen print. Good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted on originalmount, title printed below. Dimensions: 161by 216mm. (6.4 by 8.5 inches).ref: 62709 £325162.CHIVI,P.[Soldiers in Manila].[c.1875]. Albumen print. Good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted on originalmount, photographers credit in negative.Dimensions: 111 by 161mm.(4.4 by 6.3 inches).ref: 62710 £45163.[Photographer unknown].[Army Camp, Manila].[c.1875]. Albumen print. Good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted on originalmount. Dimensions: 110 by 150mm.(4.3 by 5.8 inches).ref: 62711 £45<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950127
164.[VAN CAMP, Francisco(attributed to)].Manila earthquake.[c.1882]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted on original page, titlein manuscript.ref: 72201 £375165.[Lambert & Co (attributed to)].Malay man.[c.1880]. Albumen print. Good tonal range.Dimensions: 250 by 150mm. (10 by 6 inches).ref: 79574 £475128 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
166.BAYLISS, Charles.Australia.[c.1882]. Small folio. One hundred and thirty-eight albumen prints, forty-two blind stamped. Fair tonal range and condition, pasted to album pages,some fading around edges, titled in pencil on manuscript, bound in red pebble grained morocco, all edges gilt, covers framed by gilt borders, innerdentelles, silk end papers, spine gilt in six compartments with raised bands, corners crushed, edges rubbed, joints split. Overall good condition. Albumdimensions: 380 by 280 mm (15 by 10 inches). Print dimensions: range from 130 by 190 mm (5 by 7.5 inches) to 240 by 195mm (9.5 by 7.8 inches).Most prints show views of Sydney or landmarks within the city, such as the harbour, Pond botanic gardens,Sydney University, Government House, and both the Catholic and Anglican cathedrals. Others include viewsof the countryside. Also contains 4 portraits of aboriginals.ref: 74972 £7,500<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950129
167.LINDT, J.W.Melbourne.[c.1870]. Four albumen prints. Good tonal rangeand in good condition, mounted on originalcard, photographers credit and title in negative.Dimensions: 145 by 190mm. (6 by 7.5 inches).ref: 67953 £1,250130 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
168.BOURNE, Samuel, SHEPHERD, Charles, ILES, Arthur James and others.India, Ceylon, China, Australia, New Zealand.[c.1880]. Oblong 4to (145 by 460mm.). One-hundred and nine albumen and silver gelatin prints, sizes ranging from 210 by 290mm to 150 by110mm., pasted to both sides of card leaves, contemporary red morocco, very clean and bright throughout.A mixed album showing caves of Elephanta in Bombay by Clifton & Co, views of Bombay, Mount Alba, Jaipur,Delhi, Taj Mahal, Ben<strong>are</strong>s from the Ganges by R.C. Mazumbar, Ceylon, Perth in Australia, Townsville, Australiaafter the 1903 cyclone, New Zealand including the White Terraces & Wanganui River, Maori tribal figures, hotsprings at Whak<strong>are</strong>w<strong>are</strong>wa & a Maori House at Tampa, execution of Namoda Pirates at Kowloon in 1891 andanother showing death by strangulation in Canton; Burlington-Smith, J., Darjeeling.ref: 79140 £4,500<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950131
169.[Photographer unknown].Hamilton, Bermuda.[c.1860]. Albumen print. Six-part panorama, fairtonal range and in fair condition. Dimensions: 200by 1525 by (8 by 60 inches).Hamilton from Foot of the Lane to asfar as the eye can see in the directionof Spanish Point, taken from FortHamilton.ref: 75457 £7,500132 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
170.NOTMAN, William.Canada.[c.1870] Large Folio (530 by 380mm.). Onehundred and ten albumen prints, ranging from75 by 75mm (3 by 3 inches) to 250 by 410mm(10 by 16 inches), fair tonal range and fair togood condition, titled in ink manuscript, somenumbered, upper board defective.Views include the Niagra Falls, CapeEternity, Montmorenci Falls, Quebec,Shawenegan Falls, Fort Chambly,Montreal, Quebec.ref: 75708 £7,500136 Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>
171.[Photographer unknown].Guahibos, Rio Meseta, Vichada,Colombia.[c.1870]. Albumen print. Very good tonal rangeand in good condition, pasted on original card,title in manuscript.Dimensions: 175 by 230mm. (7 by 9 inches).This photo originates from the missiontaken in 1886 by the French explorerJean Chaffanjon.ref: 77273 £1,250<strong>Bernard</strong> J <strong>Shapero</strong> R<strong>are</strong> <strong>Books</strong>Early Travel Photography 1850 - 1950137