All About Playgroup - Playgroup Victoria

All About Playgroup - Playgroup Victoria

All About Playgroup - Playgroup Victoria

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LEARNING AND DEVELOPING THROUGHPLAYLogical/MathematicalLogical/mathematical intelligence is aboutconcepts, numbers and logical thinking.Babies and toddlers explore their world with thecuriosity of a scientist. They observe, touch, taste,smell and listen to test the properties of any object inreach.Concepts are formed as they arrange and rearrange,predict, classify, group things into sets, discoversequences, make patterns and solve problems.Through play children discover cause and effect andhow objects behave under certain circumstances. Theylearn that objects exist even when out of sight.As they gain language skills they express theseconcepts in words like ‘more’ or ‘less’, ‘empty’ or ‘full’.Counting becomes a game that can be reinforcedthrough songs and rhymes.Through pretend play, sometimes referred to assymbolic play, children learn that a symbol canrepresent or resemble an object e.g. two candles or thenumber two on a birthday cake or card representsbeing two years old.Developmental importanceLogical/mathematical activities encourage children to:• be innovative and curious• learn the relationship between cause and effect• explore and experiment though their five senses• acquire knowledge by figuring it out forthemselves• develop a love of learning through discovery• learn about how objects behave under differentcircumstances• develop concepts about their environment• solve their own problems creatively• think logically• be confident to predict and estimate• recognise, compare, sort and classify shapes andobjects• put objects in sets and match one-to-one• create and use symbols• have a positive self-esteem through satisfactionand achievement• develop number concepts and understandcounting.Basic equipment• Soft or wooden blocks with cube and other shapes• Bead frames, peg boards, stacking rings, threading,posting or sorting boxes• Jack-in-the box, simple matching games,construction toys, train sets with interlockingtracks• Sets of cars, trucks, farm animals, zoo animals,dinosaurs, sea creatures, soft toys or people• Birthday cake with candles• Picture dominoes, simple lotto games• Clocks, phone or cash register, balance scales• Different sized containers for water play, bucketsfor sand play, shapes for playdough• Cardboard boxes• Tea sets and sturdy plastic cutlery sets, magneticfishing game• Basic electronic toys• Balls and bean bags• Basic wooden puzzles or floor puzzles for shaperecognition, arranging smallest to largest,counting, sequences, sorting, matching,measuring, classifying and logical thinkingPopular logical/mathematical activities• Thread and create patterns with cotton reels, largebeads or buttons• Sort, pile, stack, order, count and knock downblocks or boxes• Cut, stick, glue, assemble, build and constructwith collage• Design, rearrange, make choices and produceoutcomes with sets of small toys• Build with construction toys• Explore, manipulate and discover cause and effectwith a variety of toys• Rearrange soft wooden or floor puzzles• Play simple board or card games• Discover the properties of water: full/empty,floating/sinking, wet/dry• Discover the volume/shape of playdough• Discover heavy/light, full/empty, concepts such ason, under, in sand play42 <strong>Playgroup</strong> Manual

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