All About Playgroup - Playgroup Victoria

All About Playgroup - Playgroup Victoria

All About Playgroup - Playgroup Victoria

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LEARNING AND DEVELOPING THROUGHPLAYRecipesFlour recipesWhen making playdough use Edicol to colour or leaveit uncoloured. Make it at playgroup so the childrencan use it warm – lovely! Try different flours or addsand for a new texture.Cooked playdough2 cups plain flour1 cup salt2 tablespoons cream of tartar2 tablespoons oil2 cups water¼ teaspoon Edicol colour (optional)Mix ingredients and cook gently, stirring constantlyuntil thick. <strong>All</strong>ow to cool and knead until smooth.Store in an airtight container.Because of its high salt content, this recipe is notrecommended for small children who may eatplaydough.Microwave playdough2 cups plain flour1 cup salt2 tablespoons cream of tartar1 tablespoon oil2 cups water¼ teaspoon Edicol colour (optional)Mix all ingredients together in a large microwave dish.Cook three minutes on high then stir and cook for afurther 2½ -3½ minutes. Form into a ball and leave tocool for five minutes.Stretchy playdoughUse the following recipe to make as large or small anamount as you want. It is great fun to make with thechildren at playgroup.Use any measure e.g. container, cup, lid or spoon2½ measures self raising flour1 measure cold waterMix together flour and water to make lovely stretchydough. Add more flour if necessary. Colour withEdicol if you wish. For other sensory experiences addspice or essence.<strong>Playgroup</strong> cakesGive each child a spoon, margarine tub and patty pancase with their name underneath.Preheat oven to 375ºF or 180ºCAdd to margarine tubs:1 tablespoon self raising flour1 teaspoon sugar1 teaspoon soft margarine or butter1 tablespoon pre-made milk and egg mixture (for 12cakes add one egg to 150 mls milk)Mix all ingredients and place in each child’s patty panwith their name written underneath.Bake 10-15 minutes.CornflourSalt free goop (uncooked)375g cornflour1 cup cold waterPlace cornflour in a bowl and add water until it is theconsistency of thick dough.It is easy and fun to mix with your hands and brushesoff clothes when dry.Glue and paint3 rounded tablespoons cornflour3 tablespoons cold water to mix500ml boiling water ORUse any measure, e.g. container, cup, lid or spoon1 measure cornflour1 measure cold water to mix3 measures boiling water to thickenIn a measuring jug mix cornflour with enough water tobe just runny. Quickly add boiling water to themixture to make 500mls stirring briskly until thickand smooth.This can be used as a clear clag.Add a teaspoon of Edicol for either a bright colouredglue or thick finger paint. Thin the coloured glue witha little water for painting with brushes.Soap mixturesBubble pipe1 drinking straw1 plastic lid from a 2-litre milk or juice container48 <strong>Playgroup</strong> Manual

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