conductive hearing loss dictionary

conductive hearing loss dictionary

conductive hearing loss dictionary

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Studies 13The etiology of otosclerosis is unknown, and both genetic and environmental factorshave been implicated. Although the genetics of otosclerosis are controversial, themajority of studies indicate autosomal dominant inheritance with reduced penetrance.Using two large families showing this type of Mendelian inheritance pattern, we havelocalized two otosclerosis-causing genes, OTSCI and OTSC2. We also have shown thatat least one additional locus, OTSC3, exists. Continuing on this initial body of work, wepropose to: 1) Clone the OTSCI and OTSC2 genes; 2) Identify novel otosclerosis loci bylinkage analysis; 3) Identify novel otosclerosis loci by linkage and linkagedisequilibrium analyses in families from Greece; 4) Identify novel otosclerosis loci bynon-parametric linkage analysis using affected sib pairs.Website: http://crisp.cit.nih.gov/crisp/Crisp_Query.Generate_Screen• Project Title: PHYSIOLOGICAL BASES OF OTOTRAUMATIC INSULTPrincipal Investigator & Institution: Lonsbury-Martin, Brenda L.; Professor;Otolaryngology; University of Colorado Hlth Sciences Ctr P.O. Box 6508, Grants andContracts Aurora, Co 800450508Timing: Fiscal Year 2002; Project Start 01-MAR-1996; Project End 31-AUG-2006Summary: The proposed studies focus on the contribution of the cochlear-efferentsystem in the susceptibility to noise and the phenomenon of "sound conditioning."Several hypotheses are proposed to determine whether the susceptibility of the ear canbe experimentally manipulated through sound conditioning, if the cochlear-efferentsystem is involved in sound conditioning and whether auditory or systemic factors areinvolved in the process. In addition, the molecular bases of protection from soundoverexposurewill be explored. The functional measure employed in the experiment isthe 2f1-f2 DPOAE and its alteration by presentation of a pure tone presented to theopposite ear. The change in DPOAE with binaural stimulation is proposed as a measureof "efferent strength," which appears to vary among individual animals and humans.Three hypotheses are proposed. In the first, awake rabbits will be used as subjects todetermine if the efferent system plays a role in 'sound conditioning', whether the effectis ear-specific and whether other systemic factors are involved. The second hypothesistests the extent to which "sound conditioning" is apparent in mice that have varyingsusceptibility to noise-induced <strong>hearing</strong> <strong>loss</strong>. The third hypothesis tests whethersusceptibility to <strong>hearing</strong> <strong>loss</strong> or the prevention from it is associated with specificmolecules in the cochlea.Website: http://crisp.cit.nih.gov/crisp/Crisp_Query.Generate_Screen• Project Title: STRUCTURE/FUNCTION RELATIONS IN MIDDLE EARSPrincipal Investigator & Institution: Rosowski, John J.; Associate Professor;Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary 243 Charles St Boston, Ma 02114Timing: Fiscal Year 2002; Project Start 01-JAN-1983; Project End 30-JUN-2003Summary: Conductive <strong>hearing</strong> <strong>loss</strong>es result from a wide range of pathologicalconditions, but all degrade people's ability to communicate. Modern surgical practiceincludes dramatic procedures for treatment of <strong>conductive</strong> <strong>hearing</strong> problems, includingreconstruction of abnormal or diseased external and middle ears, but the effects of sometreatments on the patients <strong>hearing</strong> are often variable and hard to predict. Choicesamong medical and surgical treatments are guided by diagnostic tests, by physicians'experience and by theories of how pathologies affect the normal processes of theexternal and middle ear. However, many current theories are based on anecdotalevidence, incompletely tested ideas, or poorly controlled observations. The ears of

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