Queen's Diamond Jubilee Fund [PDF] - South Norfolk Council

Queen's Diamond Jubilee Fund [PDF] - South Norfolk Council

Queen's Diamond Jubilee Fund [PDF] - South Norfolk Council


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<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Queens <strong>Diamond</strong> <strong>Jubilee</strong> Celebration <strong>Fund</strong>Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: How much can I apply for from the Queens <strong>Diamond</strong> <strong>Jubilee</strong>Celebration <strong>Fund</strong>?A: You can apply for up to £200, although the full amount requested may ormay not be awarded due to the expected pressure on the fund. Preferencewill be given to events and activities that involve volunteers, bring communitygroups and residents together and leave a positive legacy for the locality.Q: My event requires more support than the Celebration <strong>Fund</strong> can offer.Where else can I get financial assistance from?A: There are numerous sources that you can approach for additional fundingfor your event. <strong>Norfolk</strong> County <strong>Council</strong> is also running a small grant schemethat covers all of the major events of 2012, including the Queens <strong>Diamond</strong><strong>Jubilee</strong>. Further information can be found at www.norfolk.gov.uk/events2012.It may be worth considering if there are any local businesses that mayconsider sponsoring your event or provide an in-kind contribution.It may also be worthwhile registering with the Grantnet service, which is a freeonline too that you can use to identify possible sources of funding for yourproject. Visit www.grantnet.com for further information.Q: I am an individual within my community, can I apply for funding for anactivity I am running for my community?A: Applications must come from a constituted community group/organisationor a town/parish council. Individuals can submit an application on behalf ofone of these parties but not on their own behalf. Applicants must beconstituted and have a bank account.Q: If succesful, how will I receive my grant?A: Upon receipt of a signed copy of the Terms and Conditions of your grant,we will issue a cheque made payable to your group or organisation within tenworking days.Q: Who makes decisions on the outcome of applications?A: The <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Loans and Grants Panel will make decisionsregarding which applications should receive funding and how much will beawarded. This is based on the application meeting the eligibility criteria andthe information provided about the event or activity.Q: Is match funding required for my event?A: Match funding is not required for this grant but having some, or in-kindsupport, may help your application.Q: What is in-kind support?A: In-kind support can include time given voluntarily to develop, deliver ormanage your project. It may also include services, equipment or facilities

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