Resene Newsletter Issue 3 2011

Resene Newsletter Issue 3 2011

Resene Newsletter Issue 3 2011

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colour trendsfor 2012As we emerge from the depths of the recession, lifehas taken on new meaning. We yearn for a simpler,more relaxed way of living and we find comfort inthe familiar. Objects that remind us of happier timestake centre stage, and splashes of bold, upliftingcolours are fully embraced.Cheerful, optimistic yellows andoranges speak to our playful side,while tranquil blues and greensmuster a sense of wellbeing andwarmth. Add to that a vibrant mix ofpurples, mustards, ochres and earthytones – all colours that celebrateour past – and the new season’scolours combine to refresh, inspire,motivate and lift our spirits. Hueshave a feminine edge with a senseof cosiness. Alongside femininity liesretro. Old is the new new, as we lookto surround ourselves with nostalgicpieces. Raw, unembellished beautysits easily beside luxurious materialsor simple, upcycled objects.Splashes of strong colour feature notjust on accent walls – our appliancesand homewares are getting anoverhaul too. Toasters, mixers,fridges, rangehoods, ovens and otherhomewares are becoming brighter<strong>Resene</strong>Switched On<strong>Resene</strong>Outrageous<strong>Resene</strong>Koru<strong>Resene</strong>Nirvana<strong>Resene</strong>Zealand cheerier, with oranges, yellows, reds and bluescoming through.Splash those feel-good colours onto walls andyou have instant pick-me-up pizzazz. Try <strong>Resene</strong>Wild Thing, a star-bright yellow gold that’s bold,energetic and frivolous. For the really adventurous,pair this playful colour with blacks or blues, suchas <strong>Resene</strong> Bowie, a clear litmus and cyan bluereminiscent of the 1960s.<strong>Resene</strong> Fleetwood harks back to the good old daystoo, with its gentle combination of green, brownand mustard yellow. It’s a fabulous match for yellowgreens, rouge violets and lemon sherbets, such as<strong>Resene</strong> Nirvana, <strong>Resene</strong> Boogie Wonderlandand <strong>Resene</strong> First Light.Oranges are coming through murkier, though they’restill full of fire and splendour. <strong>Resene</strong> Ayers Rock isa modern take on burnt orange and teams well withreptilian olives (such as <strong>Resene</strong> Evolution), warmgreys (<strong>Resene</strong> Kookaburra) and spearmint greens(<strong>Resene</strong> Howzat).Reds are still mostly blue-based – your cherry redsrather than in-your-face reds – evoking energy,excitement and passion. The richly sensuous <strong>Resene</strong>X Factor sets the mood with its deep, plush tones,while the brighter cherry red of <strong>Resene</strong> Bullseyewill heat things up without blowing a fuse.Rust red hues also move through into browns andearthy tones. <strong>Resene</strong> Courage is an earth reddarkened with brown. Try it with a smoulderingcopper metallic such as <strong>Resene</strong> Triumph or anearthy olive green such as <strong>Resene</strong> Butterfly Creek.Pink, the sweet side of red, diverges into many huesfrom pale pastels to the more luscious. <strong>Resene</strong>Smitten is a vivacious fuchsia pinkwith a pinch of violet, while <strong>Resene</strong>Devoted is a delicate cherryblossom blushed pink – sweetlyfeminine and soft.Blues feature widely in the colourpalette – after all, we’re happiestwhen the sky is blue. From intenseblues to washed out indigo blues aswell as cyan and lagoon blues, thisis a hue that instils confidence andpromotes an overall sense of serenity.<strong>Resene</strong> Escape is refreshing andoptimistic, a pale cerulean blue,dreamy and calm. It’s the perfectcomplement to the stormy blue greyof <strong>Resene</strong> Jetsetter. Deeply intenseblues such as <strong>Resene</strong> Magnum and<strong>Resene</strong> Nite Life provide a viableneutral alternative to grey or black.Mixed with silver you can achievethe elegance of a more traditionalblack and gold combination.Purples are also varied – frombold violet to the softened purplesof dried flowers, such as <strong>Resene</strong>Believe and <strong>Resene</strong> Poet. Theyall have an underlying warmth incommon, ultramodern, majestic orsubtle.Nature takes last season’s greens toa whole new level, with a broader,fresher, more back-to-earth range.Greens are coming indoors as peopletreat their home as a sanctuary andrecreate the illusion of being nestledin nature, rather than in the middleof suburbia.Minty apple greens, like <strong>Resene</strong>Kandinsky, are one flavour ofthe season as a fresh exterior lookand inside in reading rooms andbedrooms.The palette also extends to yellowgreens, such as <strong>Resene</strong> Koru and<strong>Resene</strong> Nirvana, and turquoiseand emerald greens such as <strong>Resene</strong>Zeal and <strong>Resene</strong> Moxie. There’s<strong>Resene</strong>Free Spirit<strong>Resene</strong>Fleetwood<strong>Resene</strong>Code Red<strong>Resene</strong>Rock N Roll<strong>Resene</strong>Smitten<strong>Resene</strong>Devoted<strong>Resene</strong>Ayers Rock<strong>Resene</strong>Magnum<strong>Resene</strong>Nite Life<strong>Resene</strong>Escape<strong>Resene</strong>Bowiealso crossover hues moving from greento blue, such as <strong>Resene</strong> Free Spirit.Our thirst for sustainability tricklesthrough into the 2012 colour range,with a palette that’s infused withearthy, neutral tones – showing ourgrowing appreciation for the earth andits resources. Wood tones are reflectedin beiges and browns and offset bysoft golden metallics, such as <strong>Resene</strong>Ignition. Neutrals, browns and beigestend towards warmer, comfortingvariants, such as <strong>Resene</strong> Secret Roadand <strong>Resene</strong> Fantail.Greys are trending softer teamed withfresh whites, with the rapid rise inpopularity of <strong>Resene</strong> Thorndon Creamreflecting this trend.Off-whites are pure and uncomplicated,and there is a definite comeback of coolwhite, such as <strong>Resene</strong> Barely There, asa background neutral. Plain white, suchas <strong>Resene</strong> Half Alabaster, is clean andelegant, a stark contrast to the growingrange of blacks, such as <strong>Resene</strong> BlackSheep and <strong>Resene</strong> Blackout.Cosy, casual elegance, stability andfamiliarity are key trends for 2012, withcomfort playing a leading role. And thattranslates to the old adage ‘home iswhere the heart is’. As many of us chooseto stay put, our homes are well and trulybecoming our sanctuaries.View colours for 2012 in the <strong>Resene</strong> TheRange <strong>2011</strong>/12 fandeck available from<strong>Resene</strong> ColorShops and resellers, or viewonline at www.resene.com/colour.Electronic colour swatches for ArchiCAD,AutoCAD, SketchUp, Revit and more arealso available online at www.resene.com/electroniccolour.<strong>Resene</strong>Elvis<strong>Resene</strong>SilverStreak<strong>Resene</strong>Believe<strong>Resene</strong>Poet<strong>Resene</strong>Triumph<strong>Resene</strong>Secret Road<strong>Resene</strong>Fantail<strong>Resene</strong>HalfRickshaw<strong>Resene</strong>BarelyThere<strong>Resene</strong>BlackSheep<strong>Resene</strong>Blackout<strong>Resene</strong>White Thunderpail merry-go-roundTraditionally paint pails have been notoriouslydifficult to recycle locally. In what is believed to bea world first, the <strong>Resene</strong> paint pails being returnedto the <strong>Resene</strong> PaintWise service are now beingrecycled into ‘new’ paint pails made out of 100%post consumer recycled paint pails.Pails returned to thePaintWise service are washedand reprocessed into ‘new’ <strong>Resene</strong> paint pails usinga custom design process developed locally. Theconcept is so new and unique that the plant neededto run the process has had to be designed and builtfrom the ground up.There is no limit to how many times the pails can berecycled – as long as the <strong>Resene</strong> pails are returnedthey can be recycled many times in the years tocome. The 100% consumer waste recycled paintpails have recently won a Highly Commendedaward at the Packaging Council EnvironmentalPackaging Awards.

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