WHMS 2012-2013 Student Handbook - Westmont Hilltop School ...

WHMS 2012-2013 Student Handbook - Westmont Hilltop School ...

WHMS 2012-2013 Student Handbook - Westmont Hilltop School ...


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CARE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENTThe taxpayers of our community furnish school equipment, property, and materials for the use of our students.It is essential that each pupil appreciates these gifts by respecting school property and equipment. A sense offairness to other pupils who must share the same environment and use the same materials is the true mark of amiddle school pupil.LOST BOOKSIf a pupil loses a book, the following procedure should be followed:1. Report the loss to the subject teacher and personally arrange to share a book with a friend in the same class.2. Check the lost-and-found service in the school office.3. After one week, pay for the missing book and be issued a second book. This payment will be refunded if themissing book is returned later in proper condition.Teachers account for textbooks by number in each subject area. At the close of the school year, teachers checkbooks by number and credit returns to pupils according to numbers originally issued. A pupil will not receivecredit for the return of a book other than the numbered book originally issued.Book slips are issued with the books, and it is imperative that the condition of the book, at the time of issue, beaccurately recorded on the slip. If the book is returned in a damaged condition, the student will be charged forit unless this condition was noted on the slip.POSTING OF NOTICESPosting of notices by students must comply with the following procedure:1. <strong>Student</strong>s are welcome to post notices; however, all notices should be brought to the office for approval priorto posting.2. The name of the organization, the student or adult making the request, and the date of posting must be on theback of posted notices. The name of the sponsoring organization and pertinent grade levels (i.e. grades seven,eight, or for all grades) must also be listed.3. The notice should be removed within one week of the date posted by the person who made the request.4. Notices should not be affixed to any vinyl or painted surface in the building. Scotch tape should not be used.Specifically-designed poster adhesive (plasti-tak) should be used to affix posters/notices.5. Campaign signs may be displayed during election of <strong>Student</strong> Government, with approval from the <strong>Student</strong>Government Advisor.STUDENT OBLIGATIONSObligations include money owed for damaged or lost books, library fines, practical arts material, sportsequipment that has not been returned, overdue excuses, detention delegations, lost locks, lost elevator keys, etc.<strong>Student</strong>s who have not returned library book(s) at the end of the year are responsible for their replacementcost(s). If the book or replacement cost is not accounted for by the end of the school year, the student's libraryprivileges are revoked for the next year (until the book is either returned or paid for).PARENT AND STUDENT PERFORMANCE/CONCERT OBLIGATIONS:<strong>Student</strong>s MUST be accompanied by (and sit next to) a parent or guardian in order to attend eveningperformances (Winter Concert/Spring Concert/Talent Show). <strong>Student</strong>s who are not chaperoned by and seatedwith parents or guardians will be detained in the <strong>WHMS</strong> office and asked to call home for a ride. If a parentisn't available to pick their child up, students will be detained in the office until the end of the performance.MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS<strong>Student</strong>s are asked to take musical instruments home on a nightly basis. The school district cannot be heldresponsible for insuring the safety of personal instruments against theft, loss or damage.13

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