The Maryland Preservation Plan - 2005 - Maryland Historical Trust

The Maryland Preservation Plan - 2005 - Maryland Historical Trust

The Maryland Preservation Plan - 2005 - Maryland Historical Trust

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Maryland</strong> <strong>Preservation</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, <strong>2005</strong>tures; sets time limitations; defines “qualified rehabilitated building” and “certified historic structure”; discussesphased rehabilitations and progress expenditures; presents language regarding straight-line depreciation;INTERMODAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION EFFICIENCY ACT (ISTEA) (1991) - Restructures nationshighways into one system; gives funds to States in block grants; ten percent of appropriation set aside for tentypes of transportation enhancement activities (six are preservation-related); acts as conduit for funding projectsthat benefit historic towns and properties; <strong>Maryland</strong> has used to purchase protective easements, to fund capitalimprovement projects in historic communities, and to pay for projects that will enhance the appearance of anhistoric community.STATECANAL PLACE PRESERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY: FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONSARTICLE, TITLE 13. SUBTITLE 10 -- creates Canal Place <strong>Preservation</strong> and Development Authority; createsCanal Place <strong>Preservation</strong> District; outlines power to develop and preserve the District.DIVISION OF HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL PROGRAMS. ARTICLE 83B. TITLE 5 -- established withinDepartment of Housing and Community Development; Commission on African American History and Culture,and Commission on Indian Affairs established.ECONOMIC GROWTH, RESOURCE PROTECTION, AND PLANNING ACT OF 1992: STATE FINANCEAND PROCUREMENT ARTICLE, TITLE 5, SUBTITLE 7 -- Requires local jurisdictions to consider sevenvisions and four sensitive areas in developing comprehensive plans; directs that local comprehensive plansmust be supported by zoning maps to implement plan.ESTABLISHING THE “MARYLAND MAIN STREET DESIGNATION” PROGRAM: EXECUTIVE ORDER1.0 1. 1990.13 -- in the Department of Housing and Community Development, with cooperation of Departmentsof Transportation, Economic and Employment Development (now Business and Economic Development), andNatural Resources.HERITAGE PRESERVATION AND TOURISM AREAS PROGRAM FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS ARTICLE,TITLE 13, SUBTITLE 11 -- establishes Heritage Areas Authority; creates a <strong>Maryland</strong> System of Heritage Areasprogram; creates financial assistance program for recognized and certified heritage areas, outlines requirementsfor recognition and certification.HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL MUSEUM ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: ARTICLE 83B, TITLE 5, SUBTITLE7 -- establishes program in Department of Housing and Community Development; mandates grants be madeavailable for local jurisdictions and nonprofits for use by museums; requires surveys to determine location,resources, and needs of museums throughout State.MARYLAND HISTORICAL TRUST. ARTICLE 83B. TITLE 5. SUBTITLE 6 -- creates <strong>Maryland</strong> <strong>Historical</strong><strong>Trust</strong>; States duties of the <strong>Trust</strong>.PROTECTION OF SUBMERGED ARCHAEOLOGICAL HISTORIC PROPERTY: ARTICLE 83B, SEC-TIONS 5-61 1. 1, 5-620, and 5-630 -- submerged archeological properties belong to State where it has sovereignty;sets conditions for permits for excavation of submerged sites.ARCHAEOLOGICAL HISTORIC PROPERTY: ARTICLE 83B. SECTIONS 5-621 - 5-630 -- establishesArchaeology Office in MHT educational programs; sets conditions for permits for excavation of State-controlledterrestrial sites and eaves.TRANSFER OF HUMAN REMAINS HELD BY MHT. ARTICLE 83B. SECTION 5-627 -- authorizescompliance with NAGPRA standards; extends certain NAGPRA protections to State-recognized Native Americangroups for repatriation of remains and certain artifacts held by MHT.OTHER STATE LEGISLATION AFFECTING HERITAGE RESOURCESALL OF THE FOLLOWING ARE WITHIN: ANNOTATED CODE OF MARYLAND: Annotated Code of <strong>Maryland</strong>and 1997 Cumulative Supplement. Charlottesville: Michie, 1997.Income Tax Article 83B, Section 5-801 Property Tax Relief Tax Property Article, Sections 9-204; 9-204.1; 9-302; 9-308; 9-309; 9-312; 9-323.State Review and Compliance Article 83B, Sections 5-119; 5-616; 5-617; 5-618.Historic <strong>Preservation</strong> Zoning Article 66B, Sections 8.01 through 8.17; Article 25A, Section 5 (BB); Article 28,Section 8-101(c); Article 66B, Section 2.12.State Funded Grant/Loan Program Article 83B, Sections 5-612 and 5-613.State Register Program Article 83B, Section 5-615.Historic Marker Program Article 83B, Section 5-614.38

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