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Victoria Hospital<strong>PATIENT</strong><strong>INFORMATION</strong><strong>BOOKLET</strong>YOUR ADMISSION TOVICTORIA HOSPITALHayfield Road, Kirkcaldy, Fife KY2 5AHTel: 01592 643355 Website: www.show.scot.nhs.uk/fhb

Interpreting ServicesIf you require the services of any of the following, please contact therelevant personnel:●●●a language interpreter - Fife Community Interpreting Service on(01592) 611745, the hospital will pay for this service.an interpreter signer for the deaf, a copy of this leaflet in largeprint, audio tape or Braille - please contact the Medical RecordsManager on (01592) 643355 extension 8669, the hospital will payfor this service.a copy of this booklet in any of the following languages, pleasecontact (01592) 643355 extension 8721.ChineseHindiArabicBengaliPunjabiUrduVersion No. 1MS2194

ContentsBefore You Come Into Hospital 1What to Bring With You 2What Not to Bring 2How to Get Here 3Help with Travel Costs 4Ambulance Transport 4Admission 5Ward Accommodation 5While You Are in Hospital 6Staff Uniforms 7Information about your Treatment 8X-Ray Services 8Consent 9Involving Students In Your Care 9Visiting Hours 10Gifts for Patients 11Meals 12Facilities 13-16Going <strong>Home</strong> 16Integrated Response Team 17Our Commitment to You 17Our Charter 17Patient Supporter 18Comments, Suggestions & Complaints 18-20Fife Health Council 20Code of Practice on Openness in the NHS in Scotland 21Scottish Health Service NHS Helpline 21Confidentiality 22-23Access to Records 23Enquiries 24Map 25Inpatient Satisfaction Survey 26

Before You Come Into HospitalPlease inform your GP that you are going to be admitted tohospital.If for any reason, you find that you are unable to come into hospitalon the date given, please phone the telephone number on youradmission letter. An answering machine is available outwith officehours.If you are receiving Social Security Benefits, these may be affectedand you should inform the Benefits Agency.The following is a checklist of things you may wish to consider priorto your hospital admission:-●●●●●●●●Cancel the milkCancel newspapers. Ask a neighbour to push any freenewspapers through the letterbox.Cancel all support services e.g. meals on wheels.Arrange for someone to open and close the curtains.Make sure all windows and doors are locked.Use timer switches on lamps/radios etc.Inform the S.S.P.C.A. if you need help looking after your pets.Inform the local police.1

What To Bring With YouThe following items are offered as a guide:●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●All drugs and medicines you are taking. (Knowing your medicineshelps us to plan with you the best course of treatment).Any special cards such as steroid cards.Name, address, and telephone number of next-of-kin or closestfriend.Nightclothes.Dressing Gown.Slippers.Hairbrush, comb, shampoo.Toothbrush, paste, denture cleaner.Soap, flannel.Paper tissues.Shaving equipment.Walking stick (if required).Hearing aid (if required).Books, stamps, etc.Small amount of money for newspapers, telephone, etc.Please remember that personal storage space in hospital wards islimited.For rehabilitation purposes, you may be asked to bring in day clothes.What Not To BringYou are advised not to bring large sums of money, jewellery orvaluables with you.If this is unavoidable, we can accept responsibility for safekeepingonly if such items are handed over to us, in which case you will begiven a receipt. Items deposited will be retained in the hospitalsafe and returned to you on discharge.2

How To Get HereBy CarA map giving directions to the Victoria Hospital ison page 25. Parking space is limited around thehospital. You may draw up at the main entrance toallow patients to get out. However, you mustmove your car as soon as possible to the carThink before you park!This is a disabled parking bay reservedfor those with a disabilityRESTRICTED PARKINGDISABLED BADGEHOLDERS ONLYpark. This avoids blocking access for ambulances. There aredisabled parking spaces near the main entrance and wheelchairsare available in the main foyer and also from the OutpatientsDepartment.By BusThere are regular local bus services to the hospital. Up-to-datetimetables are available from Fife CouncilÕs Public TransportInformation Line (01592) 416060.3

Help with Travel CostsYou may be able to claim your travelling expenses. In order to claim,please provide evidence that you are in receipt of one of thefollowing:Disability Working AllowanceFamily Tax CreditHC2 or HC3 Certificate from the DSSIncome SupportJob Seekers AllowanceWar PensionTo make a claim, please ask the ward staff to confirm yourattendance on a claim form. Take this, together with confirmation ofyour entitlement and bus tickets to the Hospital Cashier. The HospitalCashierÕs Office is located at the top of the Orthodontic corridor,near the mailroom at Hayfield Road entrance to the hospital.Ambulance TransportIf you need an ambulance for medical reasons, this will be provided.Ambulances are provided by the Scottish Ambulance Service NHSTrust.Unless hospital medical staff have told you that they will arrangeambulance transport, you should ask your GP if he/she will arrangefor an ambulance or hospital car to bring you. Please do not bringanyone with you in the ambulance unless this has been agreed inadvance.We are unable to say exactly what time the ambulance will call for you.Hospital cars can be provided by the ambulance service if Ð●●you are unable to make your way to hospitalyou have no-one to bring you and you require assistance4

AdmissionPlease enter by the main entrance and report to reception, fromwhere you will be directed to the ward. The hospital is designed toallow access for disabled people. Please inform the staff if youexperience any difficulty.You will be provided with a plastic identity bracelet and you shouldwear this at all times during your stay.Please let staff know if you:●●●●●have any concerns regarding your stay in hospital and give usthe opportunity to address these quickly.have been taking any medicines.need someone to deal with your social security pension orbenefits.require a medical certificate.have clothing or valuables to be stored away.Ward AccommodationAll wards in Victoria Hospital have been designed to provideaccommodation which is flexible for use by either sex. All DayRooms are available for use by all patients, regardless of sex.Where patients are allocated beds in bays, each patient will be ofthe same sex. Separate washing and toilet facilities are providedfor these bays. The only exceptions would be:-Ward 5 – Children’s WardBeds are allocated by age. Wherever possible, adolescents areallocated single room accommodation.5

The Intensive Care Unit and theCoronary Care UnitBeds in these areas are allocated on the basis of medical need.All Day Rooms are available for use by all patients, regardless of sex.If you have any queries about the accommodation in the ward towhich you will be admitted, you should contact the ward ChargeNurse, who will be pleased to assist you.While You Are In HospitalFire AlarmIf the fire alarm sounds and you are bed bound, please stay calmand do not try to get out of bed. The nursing staff have beentrained and know exactly what to do in case of a fire. They will tellyou if it is a test or a false alarm, and whether or not you will bemoved out of the ward. If you do have to move, the staff will takeyou to a safe place very quickly.If you are up and about, please do what the nursing staff tell you.They will tell you what is happening and where to go if you need toleave the ward.SmokingSmoking is a health hazard and Victoria Hospital wishes to providea smoke-free environment. A no smoking policy operatesthroughout the grounds and hospital buildings. Yourco-operation is required and appreciated.6

StaffYou will be informed of the names of the nurse and doctor in chargeof your care. Staff will introduce themselves before attending to you.Staff UniformsThe staff in your ward wear different uniforms. Uniforms are in theprocess of changing so if you see a member of staff in a uniformyou do not recognise, or a member of staff who is unfamiliar toyou, feel free to ask them who they are.Charge Nurse - Navy with white piping,open neckSenior Staff Nurse - White with burgundy piping, openneckStaff Nurse - White with blue piping, openneckEnrolled Nurse - White with green piping,open neckPaediatric Nurse - Multicoloured Òchild friendlyÓ topAuxilliary Nurse - Lilac with white piping, openneckMale staff - white tops with appropriatecoloured epaulettesAll staff - Navy blue trousersSome staff have the opportunity not to wear uniform, however allstaff wear ID badges.7

Nurse Call SystemYou will have a nurse call system at your bedside, which will alertstaff if you need attention.Information About Your TreatmentPlease ask the doctor or nurse in charge if you want to knowanything about your condition, treatment or medicines. If you arein pain or discomfort at any time, please let them know.We will involve you as far as practicable in making informedchoices and decisions about your care and treatment.We will not give information about your illness to anyone otherthan your GP without your permission, except in exceptionalcircumstances. You have the right to see certain medical records.Please ask the nursing or medical staff for advice regarding this.X-ray ServicesWhilst you are in hospital as an inpatient you may be asked as partof your treatment to visit the X-ray Department to allow an x-rayexamination to be undertaken.There are a number of different x-ray examinations that can becarried out and these are listed below:-Plain RadiographyUltrasoundCT (Computed Tomography)MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)Nuclear MedicineFluroscopy (Barium Enemas/Meals)The nurse responsible for your care in the ward and the radiologist/radiographer responsible for undertaking your x-ray examinationwill explain the type of x-ray to be carried out and the reason why.8

ConsentIt is important that you should understand the nature of anytreatment which is to be carried out. This should be explained toyou by the doctor or nurse. You may be asked to read and sign aform of agreement should you require an examination/operationunder general anaesthetic. In the case of people under the age of16, usually a parent or guardianÕs consent will be asked for. TheLaw states that if the minor understands the procedure in theopinion of the doctor concerned, that minor can consent, otherwisethe legal guardian needs to consent.Involving Students in Your CareStudents of different professions work with patients in the hospital.This is an important part of their training. All students aresupervised by a qualified member of staff, they are not allowed tomake decisions on diagnosis or treatments. If you do not wish astudent to be present during your consultation or treatment, pleaselet the nurse or doctor know. The staff will understand and yourtreatment will not be affected.9

Visiting HoursVisiting times within the Victoria Hospital are:WardAll WardsWard 5 PaediatricsVisiting Times2pm Ð 8pm dailyOpen visiting for parents/guardians2pm Ð 7.30pm for relatives/siblingsAll visiting times are at the discretion of the Nurse in Charge.Fife Acute Hospitals reserve the right to alter visiting timesdepending on the needs of the patients.These times may vary slightly from ward to ward due to theatresessions. Arrangements may also differ if you are visiting childrenin hospital. Please check with the nurse in charge.If these times are difficult for your friends or relatives, they shouldtalk to the Charge Nurse who will try, if possible, to arrange asuitable alternative.No more than 2 visitors are allowed at the bedside at any one time.This is because patients can become overtired by too muchdisturbance, which may be from visitors other than their own.Children are welcome to visit, provided they are supervised. Theremay be occasions where this is not suitable and the nurse incharge will advise you.Guide dogs are generally the only animals allowedwithin the hospital.Visiting may be restricted should a patient be undergoing treatmentduring visiting time.10

Limited overnight stay accommodation is available if required.The ward Charge Nurse can advise you.Gifts for PatientsMany visitors bring gifts of food and drinks for patients. Fife NHSBoard has a Food and Health Policy, to encourage everyone tochoose a healthier diet.This list gives suggestions of food and drinks you or your visitorsmight wish to bring into hospital.Remember that perishable goods should not be stored in yourlocker.Sugar-free squash or sugar-free fizzy drinksSoda water or mineral waterFresh fruitHigh fibre biscuits, e.g. digestives, oat biscuits, bran biscuits,cereal bars, wholegrain crispbreads and crackersJelly sweets, gums and pastillesLow fat yoghurt Ð natural and fruitLow fat fromage fraisDried fruit and nuts (not suitable for children)Sweeteners e.g. saccharine, aspartame11

MealsA menu card system is used within the hospital to enable you to selectyour choice of meal and meet any special dietary requirements.Meal Times:BreakfastLunchEvening Meal7am12.30pm5pm (approx.)Meal Times: ChildrenBreakfast 8amLunch11.45amEvening Meal 4.45pmSupper7.30pmDue to the risk of food poisoning, visitors and relatives are requestednot to bring prepared food to patients.Carry out cooked meals should not be brought onto the wardfor patients.The Food Hygiene (Scotland) Regulations does not permit there-heating of food and any hot food, which has cooled in transit, mayencourage the growth of micro organisms.If patients are unable to find suitable meals on the menus offered,they should advise the Charge Nurse who will make suitablealternatives available.Meals for Patients of Minority GroupsThe Trust aims to provide you with a menu which is suitable, familiarand acceptable to you, at the same time ensuring that your dietaryneeds and requirements are met. If you require a special meal, pleaselet us know, as far in advance as is practicably possible so that we canmake the necessary arrangements. On your admission to hospital,please ask a member of the nursing staff to contact the Dietitian orCatering Department. A Dietitian will be happy to discuss your dietwith you.12

FacilitiesThe following services are available to make your stay in hospitalas comfortable as possible.Hearing Loop SystemHearing Loop Systems are installed in the following areas:A&E reception deskMain appointments desk level 1Main appointments desk level 2Diabetic Centre reception deskXray Reception deskPhysio receptionTo ensure privacy during consultation with the medical staff,personal communication devices can be provided for patients whoare hard of hearing. Please ask the nurse responsible for yourcare should you require this.CateringThe Staff Dining Room is the building, located at the right handside of the Dunnikier Road entrance from Victoria Road. Visitorsand patients are welcome to use this facility.The hours of opening for the service of breakfast, lunch andevening meals are:7.30am Ð 7.30pm7.30am Ð 2pmMonday to FridaySaturday and Sunday13

RadioYou will find a radio headset at your bedside. You can tune into aselection of radio stations as well as Victoria Radio Network, yourdedicated Victoria Hospital radio service. The station broadcasts amixture of music to suit all tastes. You or your visitors can get arequest played by contacting hospital radio staff and cards areavailable for this within ward areas. Personal transistors may onlybe used if they have earpieces so they will not disturb otherpatients.TelevisionThere are televisions in all day rooms. Some wards havetelevisions in 4 bedded bays and single rooms.Portable TelephonesThese are available on each floor. They do not accept incomingcalls. Should you wish to use them, ask one of the staff. Patientsand visitors are requested to switch off mobile telephones whilst inthe hospital.Newspapers and MagazinesThese are on sale from the W.R.V.S. There is also a daily wardservice provided by a newsagent.PostPost is delivered daily to you. Please ask friends and relatives towrite your full name and ward number clearly on all your mail.There is a post box in the main entrance at Phase 2. Mail isuplifted from this box daily and transferred each afternoon to thesorting office in Kirkcaldy. Stamps can be purchased from theWRVS shop in the main entrance.14

Hospital ChaplaincyThere is always a hospital Chaplain available to give pastoral careand spiritual support. You may contact the Chaplain by asking amember of staff or through the hospital switchboard. Your ownfaith representative / leader may also visit you at any time.The hospital Chapel is a place of peace and quiet available to everyoneand open 24 hours. The Chapel is located beside Ward 5.Women’s Royal Voluntary Service (W.R.V.S.)The W.R.V.S. visit some wards on Tuesdays selling toiletries,writing materials, sweets, etc.A Cafeteria and shop is also available in the main hall for visitorsand outpatients.Bank FacilitiesThere is a Bank of Scotland in the Main Hall. Withdrawals can bemade with a cheque book and bankers card.The hours of opening are:10.00am Ð 12.30pmMonday to FridayThere is also a 24-hour autoteller available.ToiletsToilet facilities are sign-posted in the hospital. There are toilets inthe main entrance of the hospital for men and women, includingone that has been adapted for people with a disability.Parent and Child RoomFacilities are provided for parent and child needs. This room issituated in the Orthopaedic Suite within the Outpatients Department.15

TelephonesPublic telephones are situated in the main foyer. Patients andvisitors are requested to switch off mobile telephones whilst in thehospital.Going <strong>Home</strong>We will involve you in the planning of your discharge. Usually, atleast 24 hours notice will be given to allow you to make anynecessary arrangements. Exceptionally, a shorter period of noticemay apply, by agreement with you.Before you are discharged, the staff will organise any supportservices you may need on your return home such as:-●●●●●<strong>Home</strong> HelpDistrict NursePhysiotherapyMeals on WheelsEquipmentYou will be given a letter of discharge to give to your GP.may also be given a letter to give to your District Nurse.YouSuch letters should be passed on as soon as practicable as theycontain details of what treatment you should receive.If you need any medicines you will be given a 7-day supply beforeyou leave the ward, to tide you over until you see your GeneralPractitioner.If you need an Outpatient appointment, a date may be given to youbefore you leave. Otherwise, a card giving the necessaryinformation will be sent to your home.16

Before leaving the ward, check that you have collected all yourbelongings. If you are not going back immediately to your ownhome, please leave a forwarding address. This will allow hospitalstaff to send on any mail.Integrated Response TeamIn some instances you may be referred to the Integrated ResponseTeam who are a team of professionals providing a quality packageof care focusing on rehabilitation in your own home. RehabilitationCare Assistants will visit you in your home after discharge for aperiod of up to 14 days to support you in returning to independentliving.The programme of rehabilitation will be personally supervised byone of the following team: Nurse, Physiotherapist, OccupationalTherapist, Social Worker, <strong>Home</strong> Care Manager.Our Commitment to YouWe believe that our patients, relatives and carers should expect toreceive services of the highest quality. This we will aim to provide.If our services do not meet these expectations we will welcomeyour comments on our service and any suggestions for futureimprovement. Comment cards are conveniently positioned incentral locations throughout the hospital. They will allow you tomake your views known at any time. Please make use of them.Our CharterWe are constantly looking at ways in which we can improve thestandard of our service and we are committed to providing you withthe best possible care at all times.17

Patient SupporterThe PatientÕs Charter tries to involve you more in making decisionsabout your treatment and care. Often when people come intohospital they feel nervous about asking questions.If you feel like this then you may find a patient supporter helpful.This is a new scheme which you may find useful if:-●●●●●●●●You want help with asking questions about your illness ortreatment;You want support when you are being given importantinformation;You want your views to be explained to your health workers;You have problems being understood or understanding what youare being told;You are not happy with the service that you have been givenand need help to complain;You want help to read and understand your health records;You want someone to give confidence and moral support;You have a special need or disability.Who Can Be a Patient SupporterAnyone who has your best interests in mind and who understandsyour needs. This could be a member of your family, a carer, aneighbour or a friend.A patient supporter could also be a professional who you are incontact with such as a social worker, a GP, health visitor,community worker or district nurse.You may prefer to have support from CitizenÕs Advice Bureau, FifeHealth Council or Local Support Group.Comments, Suggestions and ComplaintsAt Victoria Hospital we are continually looking at ways to improveand extend the care we offer. We value any comments orsuggestions you may have.18

Should you have cause to complain about your treatment, youshould speak to a member of staff who is involved in your care,e.g., doctor or nurse, receptionist, in many cases your problem willbe resolved right away.However, if you should prefer to speak to someone not involved inyour care or make a formal complaint, you can telephone, write,e-mail or fax your concerns to the:-Patient Liaison ManagerFife Acute HospitalsHayfield House, Hayfield RoadKIRKCALDY KY2 5AHTel No: 01592 648153E-mail: louise.ewing@faht.scot.nhs.ukFax: 01592 648063We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint and deal with itpromptly. You will receive a written reply once an investigation hasbeen carried out. The above procedures are known as LocalResolution.If you are dissatisfied with the response as a result of the LocalResolution process, you may wish to make a request for anIndependent Review of your complaint. Details of how to do this willbe contained in the letter of reply.If you remain dissatisfied following the Independent Review of yourcomplaint, the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman may be ofassistance or, in certain cases, the Mental Welfare Commission forScotland.Scottish Public Services Ombudsman23 Walker StreetEDINBURGH EH23 7HXTel No: 0870 011 537819

The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman has replaced the functionof the Scottish Health Service Commissioner for Scotland and hasalso taken over complaints handling responsibilities from the MentalWelfare Commission with regard to Mental Health Complaints.However, the Mental Welfare Commission has retained its otherresponsibilities, for example, reviewing the compulsory detention ofpatients and can be contacted at:The Mental Welfare Commission for ScotlandFloor K, Argyle House3 Lady Lawson StreetEDINBURGH EH3 9SHTel No: 0131 222 6111Fife Health Council can assist you at all stages of the ComplaintsProcedure.Scottish Ambulance Service ComplaintsIf you have a complaint about any aspect of the service providedby the Scottish Ambulance Service, write direct to:Fife Health CouncilDivisional ManagerScottish Ambulance ServiceEast Central DivisionDivisional H.Q.76 West School RoadDownfield, DUNDEE DD3 8PQFife Health Council, among other things, monitors all local healthservices including hospital care. It has 15 voluntary members wholive in Fife and are NHS users.The Council is there to make sure that the rights of the public usingthe NHS are protected. It can provide information and adviceabout health services. It can also assist you to clear up problemsor to make a formal complaint if you are unhappy with the healthcare provided.20

Fife Health Council,Hayfield Clinic, Hayfield Road,KIRKCALDYTel: 01592 200555Email: fhc@fifehealthcouncil.comThe service is free and confidential.Code of Practice on Openness in the NHSin ScotlandThis sets out the basic principles underlying public access toinformation about the NHS in Scotland. You can obtain a copyfrom Fife NHS Board or from this Trust. All enquiries in relation tothis should be addressed to:Scottish Health ServiceThis is free and confidential.Medical DirectorFife Acute HospitalsHayfield House, Hayfield RoadKIRKCALDY KY2 5AHN.H.S. Helpline (0800 22 44 88)Monday – Friday 9am – 8pmTrained staff can answer questions about:-●●●●●a particular illness/conditionpatients rightslocal and national self-help groups and support groups andorganisationswaiting timesNHS dental treatment21

Fife Healthline 0845 7626799 is your point of contact for anyquestions or comments about health services in Fife. This canalso be accessed by Minicom users. Calls are charged at localrates.ConfidentialityAre My Healthcare Records Confidential?When you attend any of our hospitals, information is recordedabout who you are, about your condition, and about the medicalcare you receive. This information is kept in your medical notesand we also hold some information on computer. The informationis used to ensure you receive proper care and treatment.The Data Protection Act 1998 strictly protects the information wehold about you and only those with the appropriate authority haveaccess to this information. At all times staff working for the NHSmust observe a strict Code of Confidentiality to keep privateinformation held about you and prevent access by people notentitled to know.Will Information About Me Be Used For OtherReasons?Information we record may be used for a number of reasons notdirectly associated with your care. Some of the uses involvepassing of information to other parts of the NHS and in particular tothe Health Board area in which you live. Many of the uses do notrequire you to be identified and wherever possible your name andaddress will be removed.The following are examples of the uses to which information maybe put:22

●●●●●To meet a legal obligation. We are required by law to inform thelocal RegistrarÕs Office about births or deaths.To help protect the health of the general public, for example bynotification of certain infectious diseases.To ensure the NHS runs efficiently and can account for itsactions.To carry out clinical audit, which means we use the informationto compare care and patterns of care within Fife and acrossScotland. For this purpose registers are kept for patients withparticular conditions such as cancer, diabetes, stroke.To help train and educate clinical staff.Am I Entitled to See My Healthcare Records?Two Acts of Parliament give you the right to see the information werecord about you if you wish. There will normally be a charge forthis and for any photocopies requested.You should feel free to ask the Doctor you see in the Out-patientClinic or on the Ward to discuss your records with you, alternativelyyou can complete an Application Form, which is available from:Patient Records & Information ManagerFife Acute HospitalsVictoria Hospital, Hayfield RoadKIRKCALDY KY2 5AHTel: 01592 643355 Ext 8721For computer held information, write to:Medical DirectorFife Acute HospitalsHayfield House, Hayfield RoadKIRKCALDY KY2 5AHWebsite www.show.scot.nhs.uk/fhb23

EnquiriesStaff at Victoria Hospital are always willing to answer enquiries. It isbest if one relative or friend makes telephone enquiries to the ward andthen passes on information to others.There is direct access by telephone to each ward. The numbers to beused are 01592 6480 which is then followed by the ward number, i.e.Ward 5 direct line telephone: 01592 648005Ward 6 direct line telephone 01592 648006Wards from 5 Ð 16 inclusive use this systemWard 17A direct line telephone 01592 648017Ward 17B direct line telephone 01592 648018Minicom phones for people with hearing difficulties:Audiology Department 01592 648003Main Reception 01592 648101Accident & Emergency Reception 01592 648108Ward 12 01592 64801224


Victoria HospitalInpatient Satisfaction SurveyIn order to help us monitor and improve the quality of ourservice, we would like to offer you the opportunity to give usyour opinion. We hope you will be able to take a few minutesto complete this questionnaire.Thank you very much.Name and Address (optional)Please tell us which ward you were in ÉÉÉÉÉÉ(please tick one of the boxes)Was your admission: planned? ❒as an emergency? ❒26

AdmissionYesNo1. Were you made to feel welcome? ❒ ❒2. Were you admitted to the ward promptly? ❒ ❒If No –❒within 30 mins❒within 1 hour❒longer ÉÉÉÉÉÉ.hrs ❒3. Were you given enough information to helpyou settle into the ward? ❒ ❒4. Were you given the name of your doctor? ❒ ❒5. Were you given the name of your nurse? ❒ ❒Your Care1. Were you informed as to your likelylength of stay? ❒ ❒2. Were you kept informed as to the progressof your care/treatment? ❒ ❒3. Were you given the opportunity to beinvolved in decisions about your care? ❒ ❒4. Were you treated with kindness andcourtesy at all times? ❒ ❒5. Was your care/treatment provided withrespect for your privacy and dignity? ❒ ❒27

Your Discharge From HospitalYesNo1. Did your named nurse involve you andyour carers in discharge arrangements? ❒ ❒2. Were you given 24 hours notice of yourdischarge? ❒ ❒3. Were you satisfied with arrangementsfor discharge home? ❒ ❒Caring For You And Yours1. Did you feel that staff anticipated yourneeds? ❒ ❒2. Did you feel that staff anticipated yourcarers needs? ❒ ❒3. Did staff listen to your comments andvalue your opinions? ❒ ❒4. What is the one aspect of your care thatyou would most like to change?ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ..ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ..Please feel free to comment on anything that you were particularlyhappy or unhappy about on your visit.If you wish someone to contact you regarding your comments,please add your name, address and phone number.Please return to:Quality Co-ordinatorFife Acute HospitalsHayfield House, Hayfield RoadKIRKCALDY KY2 5AH28

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