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These positive developments willinclude the strengthening of regionalfree trade agreements (FTAs), led bythe implementation of the TripartiteFTA, comprising 26 African countries,stretching from South Africa toEgypt, with a combined populationof approximately 600 million people.Improved trade relationships combinedwith new technologies will boostproductivity in the agricultural sector,bolstering food security and creatingnew jobs. Private-public co-operationin the energy sector will reduce thepower deficit, lowering costs and drivingthe growth in manufacturing that willenable structural transformation andsustainable job creation. Africa’s risingeconomies together with well-plannedgovernment incentive schemes drawback ever greater numbers of skilleddiaspora, who see more promise in theirhome markets than in more stagnantdeveloped markets.In the longer term, these factors combineto stimulate the private sector, resultingin job creation, growing domesticeconomic opportunities and a highertax base. Intra-African trade continuesto expand, together with a burgeoningmiddle class that produces a multipliereffect across African economies viadomestic demand driven growth. Thesefactors will, in turn, enable greaterlevels of regional integration and moreeffective government, and underpin andsustain Africa’s success story.TimelineOutcome15 Years 12 Years 9 Years 6 YearsInclusive,sustainable growthInter andintra regionalintegrationJobcreation inprivate sectorPowerdeficit metEnergyPPPsGreaterfood securitySAgrowing3%+More effectivegovernmentIntra-Africantrade growsLAPSSETsemioperationalMiddleclass expandsFTAsstrengthenNigeriafiscallydiverseSkilleddiasporareturnChinesedemandholdsAfrica 2030: Realizing the possibilities23

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