Revised Spec. HG Fuse - Cescoorissa.com

Revised Spec. HG Fuse - Cescoorissa.com

Revised Spec. HG Fuse - Cescoorissa.com


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CENTRAL ELECTRICITY SUPPLY UTILITY OF ORISSASECTION - IVTECHNICAL SPECIFICATION(11KV 400Amps <strong>HG</strong> FUSES)CESU / P&S / 219 / 2011-12 /<strong>HG</strong> FUSESSECTION – IVTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR <strong>HG</strong> FUSES(For supply of 11KV H.G <strong>Fuse</strong> 400Amps 3 pole )1. SCOPE:- This specification covers the design manufacture, shop testing,loading, Transporation and delivery at departmental stores (Bhubaneswar//Choudwar) of 11KV 400Amp 3Pole H.G. <strong>Fuse</strong>s-600 Sets for out doorinstallations to be used at 33/11KV & 11KV/LV Sub-stations under the ClimaticConditions <strong>Spec</strong>ified. and Lines suitable for operation under off load conditions.2. DESCRIPTION OF THE MATERIALS:-The 11KV. 400Amps, 3 Pole H.G <strong>Fuse</strong> Sets shall confirm to the following parameters:-i) Number of Poles:- 3ii) No. of insulator per pole:- 2nos. 12KV Post Insulator/ Phaseiii) Nominal system voltage 11KViv) Highest system voltage:- 12KVv) Rated frequency:- 50 Hzvi) System Earthing:- Effectively earthedvii) Rated normal current 400 Ampsviii) Altitude of installation Not exceeding 1000 M.The post insulator used in the H.G. <strong>Fuse</strong> set shall have the following ratings:-i) Power frequency withstand voltage(dry) 35KV (RMS)ii) Power frequency withstand voltage( wet) 35 KV (RMS)iii) Impulse withstand voltage (dry) 75 KV (Peak)iv) Power frequency puncture withstand voltage 1.3 times the actual dryflashover voltage of the unit.3. STANDARDS:- The H.G. <strong>Fuse</strong> Set shall conform to the following standards:-i) IS-9385-1979 or its latest amendments if any (For high voltage expulsion fuses &similar fuses)ii) IS-2544-1973 or its latest amendments if any ( for porecelain post insulators.)iii) IS-2633-1979 or its latest amendments if any( For Galvanisation of ferrous parts )

4. INSULATOR MAKE:-The 12KV post insulator <strong>com</strong>plete with pedestal cap duly cemented to be used in 11 H.G.<strong>Fuse</strong> sets confirming to IS-2544/1973The tenderer shall furnish the type test certificate of the post insulators from theirmanufacturer for reference & scrutiny.The tenderer shall mention make, type of insulation materials, metal fittings, Creepagedistance, protected Creepage distance, tensile strength <strong>com</strong>pression strength, torsionstrength and cantilever strength.5. CLIMATIC CONDITIONS: - The H.G. <strong>Fuse</strong> Set shall be suitable for operationunder the following climatic conditions:-i) Maximum ambient air temperature 45 0 Cii) Maximum daily average air temperature 35 0 Ciii) Maximum yearly average ambient air temperature 30 0 Civ) Maximum temperature attainable by a bodyExposed to the sun.50 0 Cv) Minimum ambient air temperature 5 0 Cvi) Maximum relative humidity. 100%vii) Minimum number of rainy days per annum 70daysviii) Average number of rainy days per annum 120daysix) Average annual rain fall. 150 cm.x) Number of months of tropical monsoon conditions 4monthsxi) Maximum wind pressure. 260 Kg./ M 2xii) Degree of exposure to atmospheric pollution. Normally pollutedatmosphere.6. TECHNICAL DETAILS:-The Riser Cum Connectors may be made of straight copper Flat with minimum 98% CopperComposition6.1 The H.G. <strong>Fuse</strong>s shall have adjustable arcing horns made of No-“0”SWG solidcopper rod having 8.32 mm dia. The horns shall be fitted with screwing deviceswith fly-nuts for fixing and tightening the fuse wire. It shall have robust terminalconnector of size 80mm x50 mm x 8 mm made of straight copper Flat ( with 98%minimum copper <strong>com</strong>position) / of copper casting (with minimum 95% CopperComposition) duly silver plated with two numbers of 10mm(3/8”) dia StainlessSteel(S.S.) bolts and double nuts with flat S.S. washers. The connector should becapable of connecting crimpable conductor up to 100 Sq.mm. size ( ACSR/Alloy)with bimetallic solder less sockets .The H.G. <strong>Fuse</strong> Set shall be suitable forhorizontal mounting on sub-station structures. The minimum clearance betweenthe adjacent phases of the fuse set shall be 760 mm and the centre to centre (distance between two post insulators of the same phase) shall be 410 mm. Allmetal (ferrous) parts shall be galvanized and polished. Only 12KV post insulator(original cemented) and not pin insulators shall be used for the H.G. <strong>Fuse</strong> Set.

7.0 DRAWIING & LITERATURES:- Three copies of drawings of each item of11KV, 400Amp, 3 Pole H.G. <strong>Fuse</strong> shall be furnished along with the tender forreference. The details of construction and materials of different parts of the H.G<strong>Fuse</strong> shall clearly be indicated in the tender and illustrative pamphlet/ literaturefor the same shall be submitted along with the tender.8.0 TESTS & TEST CERTIFICATE:-8.1 Type Test:- Certificates for the following type tests conducted within five yearspreceeding to the date of opening of tender on a prototype set of H.G. <strong>Fuse</strong> Set ina Govt. Approved Testing Laboratory preferably at CPRI Bangalore shall besubmitted along with the tender.i) Impulse voltage dry testii) Power frequency voltage dry testiii) Power frequency voltage wet testiv) Temperate of resistance.v) Test to prove the capability of carrying the rated peak short circuit currentand the rated short time current.vi) Mainly active load breaking capacity test.vii) Transformer off-load breaking test.viii) Line charging breaking capacity test.ix) Operation tests.x) Mechanical endurance test.xi) Mechanical strength test for the post insulator as per IS:2544/1973, 5350(Pt-II)/1970 & relevant IEC.xii) Test for galvanization of metal (ferrous) parts as per IS- 2633/1973.Besides above, mechanical endurance test will have to be conducted on one set in thepresence of our authorized person who shall be deputed to carryout acceptance test beforedelivery of the materials.8.2 Routine Tests:- The following routine tests shall have to be conducted on eachsets and results are to be furnished for consideration for acceptance of deputinginspecting Officer for inspection & conducting testing of the materials.i) Power frequency voltage dry test.ii) Tests to prove satisfactory operation.iii) Dimension check.iv) Galvanisation test.9.0 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS :-The bidders are required to furnish the guaranteed technical particulars duly filledin along with the tender.

10.0 COMPLETENESS OF EQUIPMENT:-Any fittings accessories or apparatus which may not have been specificallymentioned in this specification but which are usually necessary in equipment of similarplant shall be deemed to be included in the specification and shall be supplied by theTenderer without extra charge. All plant and equipment shall be <strong>com</strong>plete in all detailswhether such details are mentioned in the specification or not.11.0 INSPECTION AND TESTING:-The Purchaser shall have free entry at all times, while work on the contract isbeing performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works which concern the processingof the equipment ordered. The manufacturer shall afford the Purchaser without charge, allreasonable facilities to assure that the equipment being furnished is in accordance withthis specification.The equipment shall successfully pass all the type tests and routine tests referredto and those listed in the most recent edition of the standards given in this specification.The Purchaser reserves the right to reject an item of equipment if the test resultsdo not <strong>com</strong>ply with the values specified or with the data given in the technical dataschedule.Type tests shall have been / shall be carried out at CPRI / National Govt.approved Laboratory and be witnessed by a representative of such laboratory or someother representative acceptable to the Purchaser . Routine tests shall be carried out by theSupplier at no extra charge at their works.Adequate facility with calibrated testing equipment must be provided by themanufacturer free of cost to carry out the tests. Type test certificates must be furnishedalong with the tender for reference of the Purchaser.All costs in connection with the testing, including any necessary re-testing, shallbe borne by the Supplier who shall provide the Purchaser with all the test facilities whichthe latter may require, free of charge. The Purchaser shall have the right to select thesamples for test and shall also have the right to assure that the testing apparatus is dulycalibrated and correct. Measuring apparatus for routine tests shall be calibrated at theexpense of the Supplier at an approved laboratory and shall be approved by thePurchaser.The Supplier shall be responsible for the proper testing of the plant or materialssupplied by sub-suppliers to the same extent as if the work, plant or materials were<strong>com</strong>pleted or supplied by the Supplier.Any cost, incurred by the Purchaser in connection with inspection and re-testingas a result of failure of the equipment under test or damage during transport or offloadingshall be to the account of the Supplier.The supplier shall submit to the Purchaser five signed copies of the testcertificates, giving the results of the tests as required. No materials shall be despatcheduntil the test certificates have been received by the Purchaser and the Supplier has beeninformed that they are acceptable.The test certificates must show the actual values obtained from the tests, in theunits used in this specification, and not merely confirm that the requirements have beenmet.

In the case of <strong>com</strong>ponents for which specific type tests or routine tests are notgiven in this specification, The Supplier shall include a list of the tests normally requiredfor these <strong>com</strong>ponents. All materials used in the Contract shall withstand and shall becertified to have satisfactorily passed such tests.The Purchaser at his discretion may re-confirm the Test Results in his ownlaboratory or laboratory of his choice.No inspection or lack of inspection or passing by the Purchaser’s Representativeof equipment or materials whether supplied by the Supplier or sub-supplier, shall relievethe Supplier from his liability to <strong>com</strong>plete the contract works in accordance with thecontract or exonerate him from any of his guarantees.12.0 SUBMITTALS :-Submittals required with the bid.The following shall be required with each copy of the bid:i) Completed technical data schedule.ii) Descriptive literature giving full technical details of equipment offered.iii) Outline dimensions drawing for each major <strong>com</strong>ponent, general arrangementdrawing showing <strong>com</strong>ponent layout and general schematic diagram.iv) Type test certificates of the offered material conducted at CPRI / or anyNational Govt approved Laboratory.v) Sample routine test reports.vi) Detailed reference list of customers already using equipment offered alongwith performance certificates of such equipment, during the last 3 (three)years with particular emphasis on units of similar design and rating.vii) Details of manufacturer’s quality assurance standards and programme andISO 9000 series or equivalent national certification.viii) Deviations from this specification. Only deviations approved in writing beforeaward of contract shall be accepted.13.0 NON COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE:-On this schedule the bidder shall provide a list of non <strong>com</strong>pliance with this specification,documenting the effects that such non <strong>com</strong>pliance is likely to have on the equipment’slife and operating characteristics. Each non <strong>com</strong>pliance shall refer to the relevant clauseof the specification.Where there are no deviations from specifications, the bidder shall so indicate by stating“No deviations” in this schedule.Clause No.Non Compliance

14.0 TEST CERTIFICATES SCHEDULE:-On this schedule a list of the test certificates included with the bid shall be provided. Thelist should include type test certificates and sample routine test reports. Each certificatelisted shall be referred to the relevant specification clause and item of equipment to whichthe test applies.Clause No.Type Test Certificate or Routine Test Report

GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARSGURANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARSA. GURANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS FOR 11KV 400 AMPS 3POLE H.G. FUSES.Sl. No. Particulars Desired ValuesParticular asoffered by thetender.1 2 3 41 Maker's name and country of origin To be specified by the bidder2 Suitable for mounting Horizontal only.3Number of supporting post insulatorper phase4 Post Insulator2 nos. 12KV Post Insulator per phase as per ISS-2544/1973(a) Maker's name and country of origin To be specified by the bidder.(b) Type of cementing To be quoted for original cemented only.(c )One minute power frequency withstand35KV RMSvoltage dry(d)One minute power frequency withstand35KV RMSvoltage wet.(e) Visible discharge voltage 9KV RMS(f) Dry Flashover Voltage To be specified by the bidder(g)(h)Power frequency puncture withstandvoltageImpulse withstand voltage (switch inposition)1.3 times of actual dry flash over voltage.75KV (peak)(I ) Creepage distance320mm minimum. (actual creepage distance forwhich type test have been conducted is to bespecified by the bidderImpulse withstand voltage for positive5 and negative polarity (1.2/50 microsecond wave)(a) Across the isolating distance 85KV (peak)(b) To earth & between poles 75 KV (peak)6One minute power frequencywithstand voltage(a) Across the isolating distance 32 KV (RMS)(b) To earth & between poles 28 KV (RMS)

7Rated normal current and ratedfrequency.400 amps. 50 Hz8 Operating Voltage 11 KV910Vertical clearance from top of insulatorcap to mounting ChannelHeight of the riser for carrying thehorns.254mm (minimum)150mm from the cap (top) of insulator.11 Details of Arcing Horns12 Riser Unit (150mm total height).Copper rod having 8.32mm dia Silver-platedprovided with screwing arrangement for fixingfuse wire made of copper casting. (Total length635mm). All the bolts, nuts and washers shouldbe made out of brass.a) The Riser Cum Connectors may be made ofstraight copper Flat with minimum 98% CopperComposition / of copper casting with minimum95% Copper Composition having Riser Size(50mm height X 50mm width X 8mm thickness) & Connector Size (80mm X 50mm X 8mm )duly Silver Plated & Machine Finished providedwith 2 Nos of 10mm(3/8”) Dia StainlessSteel(S.S.) Bolts, Brass double nuts, with FlatS.S. washers and spring washers. The connectorshould be capable of connecting crimpableconductor up to 100 Sq.mm. size (ACSR/Alloy) with 2 nos bimetallic solderless sockets per each connector.(b)100mm height G.I. Riser made of 19mmnominal bore medium gauge G.I. Pipe weldedwith 2 nos. G.I. Flat of 30 x5mm at both endsfixed with 10mm dia stainless steel, bolts andnuts with flat stainless steel spring washers.13 Supporting Channels 75mmx40mmx5mm M.S. Channel (galvanized)14 GalvanisationAll ferrous parts should be galvanized as per IS-2633/1972 or it’s latest amendments if any & allnon-ferrous part should be duly electroplatedwith silver.15 Weight of each pole (<strong>com</strong>plete) To be specified by the bidder.N:B:- Certificate from a Govt. Approved Laboratory regarding <strong>com</strong>position of copper in electrolytic coppercasting and galvanization as per ISS may be furnished during inspection of materials at the cost of tender.

CENTRAL ELECTRICITY SUPPLY UTILITY OF ORISSASECTION - IVTECHNICAL SPECIFICATION(HARDWARE FITTINGS)CESU / P&S / 217 / 2011-12 /HARDWARE FITTINGSSECTION – IVTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR <strong>HG</strong> FUSES(For supply of Hardware Fittings)3. SCOPE:- This specification covers the design manufacture, shop testing,loading, transporation and delivery at departmental stores (Bhubaneswar//Choudwar) of Hardware Fittings of Different Types for out door installations tobe used at 33/11KV & 11KV/LV Sub-stations and Lines suitable for operationunder both on & off load conditions.4. DESCRIPTION OF THE MATERIALS:-a) Tension Hard Ware Fittings ( B & S )Type Suitable for 100mm2 AAAC with Sets 2200minimum failing load not less than 70KNb) Tension Hard Ware Fittings ( B & S )Type Suitable for 80mm2 AAAC Sets 3000with minimum failing load not less than 70KNc) i)Tension Hard Ware Fittings ( B & S )Type Suitable for 55mm2 Sets 4000AAAC with minimum failing load not less than 70KNii) Tension Hard Ware Fittings ( B & S )Type Suitable for 55mm2&34mm2 Sets 600AAAC with minimum failing load not less than 45KNiii) Tension Hard Ware Fittings ( T&C)Type Suitable forSets 30055mm2&34mm2 AAAC with minimum failing load not less than 45KNThe Hardware Fittings of Different Types shall confirm to the following parameters:-a) TENSION HARDWARE FITTING ( B & S Type for 100mm2AAAC ) : – This is to besuitable for Conductor Sizes up to100 mm2 AAA conductor as per IS : 2486 / Part-1-1993, Part-2-1989 & Part-IV-1981 and their latest amendments if any with minimumfailing load of the Hardware not less than the permissible limit of breaking load/UltimateTensile Strength for the particular conductor as per IS. This should be bolted type havingminimum of 3nos. of “U” bolts & provided with a suitable tongue.b) TENSION HARDWARE FITTING ( B & S Type for 80mm2AAAC ) : – This is to besuitable for Conductor Sizes up to 80 mm2 AAA conductor as per IS : 2486 / Part-1-1993, Part-2-1989 & Part-IV-1981 and their latest amendments if any with minimumfailing load of the Hardware not less than the permissible limit of breaking load/UltimateTensile Strength for the particular conductor as per IS. This should be bolted type havingminimum of 3nos. of “U” bolts & provided with a suitable tongue.c)i) TENSION HARDWARE FITTING ( B & S Type for 55mm2AAAC ) : – This is to besuitable for Conductor Sizes up to 55 mm2 AAA conductor as per IS : 2486 / Part-1-1993, Part-2-1989 & Part-IV-1981 and their latest amendments if any with minimumfailing load of the Hardware not less than the permissible limit of breaking load/UltimateTensile Strength for the particular conductor as per IS. This should be bolted type havingminimum of 3nos. of “U” bolts & provided with a suitable tongue.

ii) TENSION HARDWARE FITTING ( B & S Type for 55mm2&35mm2AAAC ) : –This is to be suitable for Conductor Sizes up to 55 mm2&35mm2 AAA conductor as perIS : 2486 / Part-1-1993, Part-2-1989 & Part-IV-1981 and their latest amendments if anywith minimum failing load of the Hardware not less than the permissible limit of breakingload/Ultimate Tensile Strength for the particular conductor as per IS. This should bebolted type having minimum of 3nos. of “U” bolts & provided with a suitable tongue.3. STANDARDS:- The Hardware Fittings of Different Types shall conform to thefollowing standards:-i) IS : 2486 / Part-1-1993, Part-2-1989 & Part-IV-1981 and their latest amendmentsif any.4. CLIMATIC CONDITIONS: - The Hardware fittings shall be suitable foroperation under the following climatic conditions:-i) Maximum ambient air temperature 45 0 Cii) Maximum daily average air temperature 35 0 Ciii) Maximum yearly average ambient air temperature 30 0 Civ) Maximum temperature attainable by a bodyExposed to the sun.50 0 Cv) Minimum ambient air temperature 5 0 Cvi) Maximum relative humidity. 100%vii) Minimum number of rainy days per annum 70viii) Average number of rainy days per annum 120ix) Average annual rain fall. 150 cm.x) Number of months of tropical monson conditions 4xi) Maximum wind pressure. 260 Kg./ mm 2xii) Degree of exposure to atmospheric pollution. Normally pollutedatmosphere.6. TECHNICAL DETAILS:-6.1 The Hardware Fittings of Different Types shall confirm to the followingparameters:-a) TENSION HARDWARE FITTING ( B & S Type for 100mm2AAAC ) : – This is to besuitable for Conductor Sizes up to100 mm2 AAA conductor as per IS : 2486 / Part-1-1993, Part-2-1989 & Part-IV-1981 and their latest amendments if any with minimumfailing load of the Hardware not less than the permissible limit of breaking load/UltimateTensile Strength for the particular conductor as per IS. This should be bolted type havingminimum of 3nos. of “U” bolts & provided with a suitable tongue.b) TENSION HARDWARE FITTING ( B & S Type for 80mm2AAAC ) : – This is to besuitable for Conductor Sizes up to 80 mm2 AAA conductor as per IS : 2486 / Part-1-1993, Part-2-1989 & Part-IV-1981 and their latest amendments if any with minimumfailing load of the Hardware not less than the permissible limit of breaking load/UltimateTensile Strength for the particular conductor as per IS. This should be bolted type havingminimum of 3nos. of “U” bolts & provided with a suitable tongue.c)i) TENSION HARDWARE FITTING ( B & S Type for 55mm2AAAC ) : – This is to besuitable for Conductor Sizes up to 55 mm2 AAA conductor as per IS : 2486 / Part-1-1993, Part-2-1989 & Part-IV-1981 and their latest amendments if any with minimumfailing load of the Hardware not less than the permissible limit of breaking load/Ultimate

Tensile Strength for the particular conductor as per IS. This should be bolted type havingminimum of 3nos. of “U” bolts & provided with a suitable tongue.ii) TENSION HARDWARE FITTING ( B & S Type for 55mm2&35mm2AAAC ) : –This is to be suitable for Conductor Sizes up to 55 mm2&35mm2 AAA conductor as perIS : 2486 / Part-1-1993, Part-2-1989 & Part-IV-1981 and their latest amendments if anywith minimum failing load of the Hardware not less than the permissible limit of breakingload/Ultimate Tensile Strength for the particular conductor as per IS. This should bebolted type having minimum of 3nos. of “U” bolts & provided with a suitable tongue.7.0 DRAWIING & LITERATURES:- Three copies of drawings of each item ofHardware Fittings of Different Types shall be furnished along with the tender forreference. The details of construction and materials of different parts of the HardwareFittings shall clearly be indicated in the tender and illustrative pamplet/ literature for thesame shall be submitted along with the tender.8.0 TESTS & TEST CERTIFICATE:-8.1 Type Test:- Certificates for the following type tests conducted within five yearspreceding to the date of opening of tender on a prototype set of Hardware Fittings in aGovt. Approved Testing Laboratory preferably at CPRI Bangalore shall be submittedalong with the tender.Besides above, mechanical endurance test will have to be conducted on one set in thepresence of our authorized person who shall be deputed to carryout acceptance test beforedelivery of the materials.8.3 Routine Tests:- The following routine tests shall have to be conducted on eachsets and results are to be furnished for consideration for acceptance of deputinginspecting Officer for inspection & conducting testing of the materials.v) Visual Examination.vi) Protection against Corrosion.vii) Dimension check.viii) Galvanisation test.ix) Mechanical Routine Tests9.0 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS :-The tenderers are required to furnish the guaranteed technical particulars dulyfilled in along with the tender.10.0 COMPLETENESS OF EQUIPMENT:-Any fittings accessories or apparatus which may not have been specificallymentioned in this specification but which are usually necessary in equipment of similarplant shall be deemed to be included in the specification and shall be supplied by theTenderer without extra charge. All plant and equipment shall be <strong>com</strong>plete in all detailswhether such details are mentioned in the specification or not.

11.0 INSPECTION AND TESTING:-The Purchaser shall have free entry at all times, while work on the contract isbeing performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works which concern the processingof the equipment ordered. The manufacturer shall afford the Purchaser without charge, allreasonable facilities to assure that the equipment being furnished is in accordance withthis specification.The equipment shall successfully pass all the type tests and routine tests referredto and those listed in the most recent edition of the standards given in this specification.The Purchaser reserves the right to reject an item of equipment if the test resultsdo not <strong>com</strong>ply with the values specified or with the data given in the technical dataschedule.Type tests shall have been / shall be carried out at CPRI / National Govt.approved Laboratory and be witnessed by a representative of such laboratory or someother representative acceptable to the Purchaser . Routine tests shall be carried out by theSupplier at no extra charge at their works.Adequate facility with calibrated testing equipment must be provided by themanufacturer free of cost to carry out the tests. Type test certificates must be furnishedalong with the tender for reference of the Purchaser.All costs in connection with the testing, including any necessary re-testing, shallbe borne by the Supplier who shall provide the Purchaser with all the test facilities whichthe latter may require, free of charge. The Purchaser shall have the right to select thesamples for test and shall also have the right to assure that the testing apparatus is dulycalibrated and correct. Measuring apparatus for routine tests shall be calibrated at theexpense of the Supplier at an approved laboratory and shall be approved by thePurchaser.The Supplier shall be responsible for the proper testing of the plant or materialssupplied by sub-suppliers to the same extent as if the work, plant or materials were<strong>com</strong>pleted or supplied by the Supplier.Any cost, incurred by the Purchaser in connection with inspection and re-testingas a result of failure of the equipment under test or damage during transport or offloadingshall be to the account of the Supplier.The supplier shall submit to the Purchaser five signed copies of the testcertificates, giving the results of the tests as required. No materials shall be despatcheduntil the test certificates have been received by the Purchaser and the Supplier has beeninformed that they are acceptable.The test certificates must show the actual values obtained from the tests, in theunits used in this specification, and not merely confirm that the requirements have beenmet.In the case of <strong>com</strong>ponents for which specific type tests or routine tests are notgiven in this specification, The Supplier shall include a list of the tests normally requiredfor these <strong>com</strong>ponents. All materials used in the Contract shall withstand and shall becertified to have satisfactorily passed such tests.The Purchaser at his discretion may re-confirm the Test Results in his ownlaboratory or laboratory of his choice.

No inspection or lack of inspection or passing by the Purchaser’s Representativeof equipment or materials whether supplied by the Supplier or sub-supplier, shall relievethe Supplier from his liability to <strong>com</strong>plete the contract works in accordance with thecontract or exonerate him from any of his guarantees.12.0 SUBMITTALS :-Submittals required with the bid.The following shall be required with each copy of the bid:ix) Completed technical data schedule.x) Descriptive literature giving full technical details of equipment offered.xi) Outline dimensions drawing for each major <strong>com</strong>ponent, general arrangementdrawing showing <strong>com</strong>ponent layout and general schematic diagram.xii) Type test certificates of the offered material conducted at CPRI / or anyNational Govt approved Laboratory.xiii) Sample routine test reports.xiv) Detailed reference list of customers already using equipment offered alongwith performance certificates of such equipment, during the last 3 (three)years with particular emphasis on units of similar design and rating.xv) Details of manufacturer’s quality assurance standards and programme andISO 9000 series or equivalent national certification.xvi) Deviations from this specification. Only deviations approved in writing beforeaward of contract shall be accepted.13.0 NON COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE:-On this schedule the bidder shall provide a list of non <strong>com</strong>pliance with this specification,documenting the effects that such non <strong>com</strong>pliance is likely to have on the equipment’slife and operating characteristics. Each non <strong>com</strong>pliance shall refer to the relevant clauseof the specification.Where there are no deviations from specifications, the bidder shall so indicate by stating“No deviations” in this schedule.Clause No.Non Compliance

14.0 TEST CERTIFICATES SCHEDULE:-On this schedule a list of the test certificates included with the bid shall be provided. Thelist should include type test certificates and sample routine test reports. Each certificatelisted shall be referred to the relevant specification clause and item of equipment to whichthe test applies.Clause No.Type Test Certificate or Routine Test Report

GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARSGURANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARSA. GURANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS FOR HARD WAREFITTINGS.a) Tension Hard Ware Fittings ( B & S )Type Suitable for 100mm2 AAAC with Sets 2200minimum failing load not less than 70KNb) Tension Hard Ware Fittings ( B & S )Type Suitable for 80mm2 AAAC Sets 3000with minimum failing load not less than 70KNc) i)Tension Hard Ware Fittings ( B & S )Type Suitable for 55mm2 Sets 4000AAAC with minimum failing load not less than 70KNii) Tension Hard Ware Fittings ( B & S )Type Suitable for 55mm2&34mm2 Sets 600AAAC with minimum failing load not less than 45KNiii) Tension Hard Ware Fittings ( T&C)Type Suitable forSets 30055mm2&34mm2 AAAC with minimum failing load not less than 45KNSl. No. Particulars Desired ValuesParticular as offered by thetender.1 2 3 41 Maker's name and country or orgin To be specified by the tenderder.2 GalvanisationAll ferrous parts should begalvanized as per IS-2633/1972 &all non-ferrous part should be dulyelectroplated with silver.3 Weight of each set (<strong>com</strong>plete) To be specified by the tenderder.456.7.8Drawing of Each Type of HardwareFittings providing details of each ofit’s <strong>com</strong>ponents.Dimension of each part of EachType of Hardware FittingsMechanical Strength & Propertiesof each part of Each Type ofHardware Fittings if anyChemical Composition & Propertiesof each part of Each Type ofHardware Fittings if anyAny other relevant Particularsrelating to Each Type of HardwareFittings if anyTo be furnished by the tenderder asper relevant ISSTo be furnished by the tenderder asper relevant ISSTo be furnished by the tenderder asper relevant ISSTo be furnished by the tenderder asper relevant ISSTo be furnished by the tenderder asper relevant ISSN:B:- Certificate from a Govt. Approved Laboratory regarding <strong>com</strong>position of various <strong>com</strong>ponents of eachtype of Hardware fittings’ casting and galvanization as per ISS may be furnished with the bid as well as duringinspection of materials at the cost of supplier.

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