Vol. 5, Issue 1, March 2010 - Cosmile.org

Vol. 5, Issue 1, March 2010 - Cosmile.org

Vol. 5, Issue 1, March 2010 - Cosmile.org


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P Prepare an inventory of clamp kilnsP Study and monitor the existing firingpractices, emissions and ambient air qualitylevels of different types of clamp kilnsP Develop cost-effective modifications andimproved operating practices and undertakedemonstrationsP Evolve emission standards for differenttypes of clamp kilnsTERI has approached various statepollution control boards (SPCBs) with arequest to collate information relatated toclamp kilns. Discussions were also heldwith office bearers of the Gujarat BrickManufacturers’ Federation, Ahmedabad. Afield visit was undertaken to the Adalaj brickindustry cluster to interact with local clampoperators and identify logistical requirementsfor environmental monitoring planned inApril/ May <strong>2010</strong>.Opportunity to promote venturiscrubber for pollution controlTERI participated in a workshop on‘Environmental sustainability in foundry andelectroplating sectors’ which was <strong>org</strong>anizedby the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board(TNPCB) on 11–12 February <strong>2010</strong> in theCoimbatore foundry cluster, which has around680 units. The event, which was attended byaround 200 participants, took place in thebackdrop of growing concerns about pollutionfrom coke-burning cupolas, because of whichTNPCB is strictly enforcing environmentalregulations in the cluster. While large-sizefoundry units have switched over to electricalinduction furnaces, a huge number of smallerfoundry units are not able to afford such aswitchover and continue to operate coke-basedcupolas. TNPCB is concerned over the fact thatthese smaller units are unable to comply withpollution control norms, as they have installedsub-optimal pollution control systems (PCS).During the workshop, the smaller cokebasedcupola entrepreneurs discussedthe problems they are facing in meetingenvironmental norms. A number of them wereinterested in learning more about the highefficiencyventuri scrubber system developedand demonstrated in Howrah foundry clusterunder the TERI-SDC Partnership project.Following the workshop, TERI along withTNPCB held focused discussions withinterested entrepreneurs who were provideddetails about the venturi scrubber system andits proven ability to meet the most stringentenvironmental norms. It was agreed thatrepresentatives from the cluster would visitHowrah to witness the venturi scrubber systemin operation. TNPCB also responded positivelyto the suggestion of demonstrating the venturiscrubber in the Coimbatore cluster.Venturi scrubber system, Howrah7

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