Download full details and Registration/Sponsor form HERE. (PDF)

Download full details and Registration/Sponsor form HERE. (PDF)

Download full details and Registration/Sponsor form HERE. (PDF)


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5th Annual Charity Golf TournamentJune 18 th , 2009 – Glendenning Golf Course, St. John’sThe Eastern Education Foundation will hold its5th Annual Charity Golf Tournamenton June 18 th , 2009 at Glendenning Golf Course, St. John’s.It will be a fantastic day! We need your support to help make this happen.This tournament is a great networking opportunity <strong>and</strong> can help foster good working relationshipswithin the local business <strong>and</strong> education communities. Individual <strong>and</strong> team golfers are invited toparticipate <strong>and</strong> help a great cause – our students!Fee: $625 per teamIncludes: green fees, three-course luncheon, goodie bag, <strong>and</strong> a chance towin some great prizes! (Teams – max. 5 golfers playing best ball.)There are also a number of great sponsorship opportunities. Please consider donating team orindividual prizes for golfers <strong>and</strong>/or the prize table, sponsor a hole or a contest! Your support will beappropriately recognized on tournament signage, in the tournament program <strong>and</strong>/or in remarksfrom the podium during the luncheon awards ceremony.There are many opportunities to support our tournament which can be viewed online as well. Welook forward to your support.Cheers,Jerry RiceChair, Eastern Education Foundation Inc., Trustee Zone 14 (Mount Pearl).TO RSVP OR FOR MORE INFORMATION:Eastern Education Foundation Inc.Jerry Rice, ChairEmail: l_pike@nf.sympatico.ca Email: jerryrice@esdnl.caFax: (709) 758-2706 Fax: (709) 758-2706Tel: (709) 782-4685 Tel: (709) 687-0687Eastern Education Foundation Inc. Suite 601 Atlantic Place, 215 Water St., Box 64-66, St. John’s, NL A1C 3C9

5th Annual Charity Golf TournamentJune 18 th , 2009 – Glendenning Golf Course, St. John`sREGISTRATION/SPONSOR CONFIRMATION FORMCompany Name:GOLFER INFORMATION: (Up to 5 players/team - $625 per teamGolfer’s Name:Golfer’s Name:Golfer’s Name:Golfer’s Name:Golfer’s Name:Contact’s Name:Contact’s Email Address:Contact’s Phone Number:PLEASE SELECT ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES:Hole in One Contest <strong>Sponsor</strong> – $500Best Shot <strong>Sponsor</strong>(cash or prize - approx. retail value of $500)Hole-<strong>and</strong>- One <strong>Sponsor</strong> (one Team <strong>and</strong> one Holesponsor) $800.00Tournament Prizes – team <strong>and</strong> individualHole <strong>Sponsor</strong> – <strong>full</strong> hole $250; half hole $125Prize Table<strong>Registration</strong> <strong>Sponsor</strong> (150 goodie bag items)Cash DonationPlease send completed <strong>form</strong>, with payment, payable to the Eastern Education Foundation Inc. at the addressbelow.TO RSVP OR FOR MORE INFORMATION:Eastern Education Foundation Inc.Jerry Rice, ChairEmail: l_pike@nf.sympatico.ca Email: jerryrice@esdnl.caFax: (709) 758-2706 Fax: (709) 758-2706Tel: (709) 782-4685 Tel: (709) 687-0687Eastern Education Foundation Inc. Suite 601 Atlantic Place, 215 Water St., Box 64-66, St. John’s, NL A1C 3C9

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