Multi-Year Plan 2011-2014 - Eastern School District
Multi-Year Plan 2011-2014 - Eastern School District
Multi-Year Plan 2011-2014 - Eastern School District
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Table of ContentsExecutive Summary ..................................................................................................... 2<strong>Plan</strong>ning Considerations ............................................................................................. 3Recommendations by Zone ........................................................................................ 4Zone 1 – Lower Burin .......................................................................................................... 5Zone 2 – Upper Burin .......................................................................................................... 6Zone 3 – Lower Vista ........................................................................................................... 8Zone 4 – Upper Vista ......................................................................................................... 10Zone 5 – Crescent/Roncalli ............................................................................................... 12Zone 6 – Baccalieu ............................................................................................................ 14Zone 7 – Ascension ........................................................................................................... 16Zone 8 – Placentia / St. Mary’s .......................................................................................... 17Zones 9 to 12 – Greater St. John’s and Northeast Avalon .............................................. 18Zone 13 – St. Kevin’s/Mobile/Baltimore ........................................................................... 19Zone 14 – Mount Pearl (Paradise Elementary/Elizabeth Park Elementary) ................... 20Zone 15 – Conception Bay South ..................................................................................... 22Page 1
Executive SummaryThe <strong>Eastern</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> is the largest school district in the province both in terms ofstudent enrolment and number of schools. The <strong>District</strong> maintains approximately 5.5million square feet of floor space and 119 schools with approximately 40,000 studentsand 4,000 teaching and support staff.The mission of the <strong>Eastern</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> is to create enhanced learning environmentsso that all students can achieve and succeed in the 21 st century within a healthy,active, safe, caring, and socially just environment. As part of its governance function,<strong>Eastern</strong> <strong>School</strong> Board has a responsibility to ensure a wise investment of resources.All decisions regarding reconfigurations and/or closures have been evaluated in termsof meeting this function.This Draft <strong>Multi</strong>-<strong>Year</strong> Facilities Review Document has been developed as part of the<strong>District</strong>’s Strategic <strong>Plan</strong> (<strong>2011</strong> – <strong>2014</strong>). This draft plan was developed using theBoard’s planning considerations and using data collected through internal research andfeedback from school administrators and school councils. Within this plan, the <strong>Eastern</strong><strong>School</strong> Board is demonstrating its commitment to providing educational programs tostudents using a model of community and neighbourhood schools.<strong>Multi</strong>-year planning brings many challenges to <strong>Eastern</strong> <strong>School</strong> Board. There are small,rural schools with challenges around program delivery and urban schools with largeclass sizes. <strong>Eastern</strong> <strong>School</strong> Board is however committed to continuing to work with allcommunities and school councils of this <strong>District</strong> to ensure that our students receivebroad, high-quality educational opportunities.Any decision to recommend a school for closure or reconfiguration is not taken lightly.The Board recognizes the importance of finding a balance between maintainingcommunity and neighbourhood schools as well as ensuring that students receivequality learning opportunities in healthy, active, safe, caring, and socially justenvironments. This draft plan reflects the Board’s attempt to find this balance.Phase Two of the 2006 – <strong>2011</strong> multi-year plan was focused on the greater St. John’sarea. This draft plan has a specific focus on areas of the district outside St. John’sand the Northeast Avalon. However, the objective of a second planning phase will beto focus on growth areas where new facilities may be required and to consider therealignment of feeder systems around the concept of community and neighbourhoodschools. As such, the plan includes a comprehensive review of Zone 14 – MountPearl and Paradise. It also includes interrelated continuing work concerning capitalfunding for the planning, land and design for potential new schools in Conception BaySouth, Torbay-Flatrock-Pouch Cove-Bauline, Paradise and Portugal Cove - St. Phillips.Page 2
Recommendations by ZonePage 4
Zone 1 – Lower BurinFeeder SystemRecommendationsJohn Burke High <strong>School</strong>(Grand Bank)John Burke High <strong>School</strong> (8-12), Grand Bank• Recommended for future review.Lake Academy (K-7), Fortune• Recommended for future review.Holy Name of MaryAcademy (Lawn)Holy Name of Mary Academy (K-12), Lawn• Recommended for future review.St. Joseph’s Academy(Lamaline)St. Joseph’s Academy (K-12), Lamaline• Recommended for future review.St. Lawrence Academy(St. Lawrence)St. Lawrence Academy (K-12), St. Lawrence• Recommended for future review.Page 5
Feeder SystemRecommendations• Grade 8 & 9 students from Marystowncatchment area attend Marystown CentralHigh (Marystown).Sacred Heart Academy (K-7), Marystown• Status quo.Fortune Bay Academy(St. Bernard’s –Jacques Fontaine)Fortune Bay Academy (K-12), St. Bernard’s-Jacques Fontaine• Recommended for future review.Page 7
Zone 3 – Lower VistaFeeder SystemRecommendationsClarenville High <strong>School</strong>ClarenvilleClarenville High <strong>School</strong> (10-12), Clarenville• Status quo.Clarenville Middle <strong>School</strong> (7-9), Clarenville• Status quo.Riverside Elementary (K-6), Shoal Harbour• Status quo.Random Island Academy(Random Island)Random Island Academy (K-12), Random Island• Recommended for future review.Southwest Arm Academy(Little Heart’s Ease)Southwest Arm Academy (K-12), Little Heart’sEase• Recommended for future review.Swift Current Academy(Swift Current)Swift Current Academy (K-12), Swift Current• Recommended to close June 2013.• Grades K-6 students from Swift CurrentAcademy, Swift Current be rezoned toattend Riverside Elementary, ShoalHarbour.• Grades 7-9 students from Swift CurrentAcademy, Swift Current be rezoned toattend Clarenville Middle <strong>School</strong>, Clarenville.• Grades 10-12 students from Swift CurrentAcademy, Swift Current be rezoned toattend Clarenville High <strong>School</strong>, Clarenville.Page 8
Feeder SystemRecommendationsTricentia Academy(Arnold’s Cove)Tricentia Academy, (Arnold’s Cove)• Status quo.Page 9
Zone 4 – Upper VistaFeeder SystemRecommendationsBishop White <strong>School</strong>(Port Rexton)Bishop White <strong>School</strong> (K-12), Port Rexton• Status quo.Discovery Collegiate(Bonavista)Discovery Collegiate (9-12), Bonavista• Reconfigure from a Grades 9-12 school to aGrades 7-12 school.• Grades 7-8 students from MatthewElementary, Bonavista, be rezoned to attendthe newly reconfigured Grades 7-12Discovery Collegiate, Bonavista.• Grades 7-8 students from CatalinaElementary, Catalina, be rezoned to attendthe newly reconfigured Grades 7-12Discovery Collegiate, Bonavista.Catalina Elementary (K-8), Catalina• Recommended to close June 2013.• Grades K-6 students from CatalinaElementary, Catalina, be rezoned to attendMatthew Elementary, Bonavista.• Grades 7-8 students from CatalinaElementary, Catalina, be rezoned to attendDiscovery Collegiate, Bonavista.Page 10
Feeder SystemRecommendationsMatthew Elementary (K-8), Bonavista• Reconfigure from a Grades K-8 school to aGrades K-6 school.• Grades 7-8 students from MatthewElementary, Bonavista be rezoned to attendDiscovery Collegiate, Bonavista.• Grades K-6 students from CatalinaElementary, Catalina, be rezoned to attendMatthew Elementary, Bonavista.Heritage Collegiate(Lethbridge)Heritage Collegiate (7-12), Lethbridge• Status quo.Anthony Paddon Elementary (K-6),Musgravetown• Status quo.St. Mark’s <strong>School</strong>(King’s Cove)St. Mark’s <strong>School</strong> (K-12), King’s Cove• Status quo.Page 11
Zone 5 – Crescent/RoncalliFeeder SystemRecommendationsCrescent Collegiate(Blaketown)Crescent Collegiate (7 - 12), BlaketownAcreman Elementary (K - 6), Green’s Harbour• The student attendance zone of AcremanElementary, Green's Harbour be expanded toinclude Grades K - 6 students from thestudent attendance zone of EpiphanyElementary, Heart’s Delight.Epiphany Elementary (K - 6), Heart’s Delight• Recommended to close June 2013• Grades K-6 students from EpiphanyElementary, Heart’s Delight, be rezoned toattend Acreman Elementary, Green'sHarbour.Holy Family Elementary (K - 6), Chapel Arm• Recommended for future review.Whitbourne Elementary (K - 6), Whitbourne• Recommended to close June 2013.• Grades K-6 students from WhitbourneElementary, Whitbourne, be rezoned to attendWoodland Elementary, Dildo.Woodland Elementary (K - 6), Dildo• The student attendance zone of WoodlandElementary, Dildo, be expanded to includeGrades K-6 students from the studentattendance zone of Whitbourne Elementary,Whitbourne.Page 12
Zone 6 – BaccalieuFeeder SystemRecommendationsBaccalieu Collegiate(Old Perlican)Baccalieu Collegiate (7-12), Old Perlican• Recommended for future review.Tricon Elementary (K-6), Bay de Verde• Recommended for future review.Cabot Academy (K-6), Western Bay• Recommended for future review.Perlwin Elementary (K-6), Winterton• Recommended for future review.Carbonear Collegiate(Carbonear)• This is currently in progress resulting from aBoard motion approved June 7, 2006. Nofurther action required.Current Board motion -June 7, 2006Carbonear Collegiate (10-12), Carbonear• Reconfigure from (10-12) to (9-12).Davis Elementary (K-5), Carbonear• Recommended to close when new DavisElementary (Carbonear Academy) opens(2013).• Reconfigure from K-5 to K-8 when newDavis Elementary (Carbonear Academy)opens (2013).Harbour Grace Primary (K-5), Harbour Grace• Recommended to close when new DavisElementary opens.Page 14
Feeder SystemRecommendations• Grade K-5 students from Harbour GracePrimary (K-5), Harbour Grace, be rezoned toattend a reconfigured St. Francis <strong>School</strong> (K-8), Harbour Grace.Persalvic Elementary (K-9), Victoria• Reconfigure from K-9 to K-8.• Grade 9 students from Persalvic Elementary(6-9), Victoria, be rezoned to attend areconfigured Carbonear Collegiate (9-12),Carbonear.• Secure funds from Government to renovatePersalvic Elementary.St. Francis <strong>School</strong> (6-9), Harbour Grace• Reconfigure from 6-9 to K-8 when newDavis Elementary (Carbonear Academy)opens (2013).• Grade 9 students from St. Francis <strong>School</strong>(6-9), Harbour Grace, be rezoned to attenda reconfigured Carbonear Collegiate (9-12),Carbonear.• Secure funds from Government to renovateSt. Francis <strong>School</strong>.Page 15
Zone 7 – AscensionFeeder SystemRecommendationsAscension Collegiate(Bay Roberts)All Hallows Elementary (K-6), North River• Status quo.Ascension Collegiate (10-12), Bay Roberts• Status quo.Amalgamated Academy (4-9), Bay Roberts• Status quo.Coley’s Point Primary (K-3), Coley’s Point• Secure funds from Government to replaceColey’s Point Primary, Coley’s Point.Holy Redeemer Elementary (K-9), Spaniard’sBay• Status quo.St. Peter’s Elementary (K-9), Upper Island Cove• Status quo.Page 16
Zone 8 – Placentia / St. Mary’sFeeder SystemRecommendationsDunne Memorial Academy(St. Mary’s)Dunne Memorial Academy (K-12), St. Mary’s• Recommended for future review.Fatima Academy(St. Bride’s)Fatima Academy (K-12), St. Bride’s• Recommended for future review.Laval High <strong>School</strong>(Placentia)Laval High <strong>School</strong> (7-12), Placentia• Status quo.St. Anne’s Academy (K-6), Dunville• Status quo.St. Catherine’s Academy(Mount Carmel)St. Catherine’s Academy (K-12), MountCarmel• Recommended for future review.Stella Maris Academy(Trepassey)Stella Maris Academy (K-12), Trepassey• Recommended for future review.Page 17
Zones 9 to 12 – Greater St. John’s and NortheastAvalonFeeder SystemStatusSee St. John’s <strong>Plan</strong> Phase 2of (2006 - <strong>2011</strong>) <strong>Multi</strong>-year<strong>Plan</strong>• Recommendations implemented <strong>2011</strong>.• Funding for planning, land and design forpotential new schools in Conception BaySouth, Torbay - Flatrock - Pouch Cove -Bauline, Paradise, and Portugal Cove - St.Phillips announced in the 2012 Budget.Page 18
Zone 13 – St. Kevin’s/Mobile/BaltimoreFeeder SystemRecommendationsBaltimore <strong>School</strong>(Ferryland)Baltimore <strong>School</strong> (K-12), Ferryland• Recommended for future review.Mobile Central High(Mobile)Mobile Central High (7-12), Mobile• Recommended for future review.St. Bernard’s Elementary (K-6), Witless Bay• Recommended for future review.St. Kevin’s High <strong>School</strong>(Goulds)Goulds Elementary (K-6), Goulds• Recommended for future review.St. Kevin’s Junior High (7-9), Goulds• Recommended for future review.St. Kevin’s High <strong>School</strong> (10-12), Goulds• Recommended for future review.Page 19
Zone 14 – Mount Pearl (ParadiseElementary/Elizabeth Park Elementary)Feeder SystemRecommendationsMount Pearl Senior High(Mount Pearl)Mount Pearl Senior High (10-12), Mount Pearl• Recommended for review 2013-<strong>2014</strong>.Elizabeth Park Elementary, Paradise• Status quo.Mount Pearl Intermediate (5-9), Mount Pearl• Recommended for review 2013-<strong>2014</strong>.Morris Academy (K-4), Mount Pearl• Recommended for review 2013-<strong>2014</strong>.Paradise Elementary (K-6), Paradise• Status quo.St. Peter’s Elementary (EFI K-6), Mount Pearl• Recommended for review 2013-<strong>2014</strong>.O’Donel High <strong>School</strong>(Mount Pearl)Mary Queen of the World <strong>School</strong> (K-6), MountPearl• Recommended for review 2013-<strong>2014</strong>.Newtown Elementary (K-6), Mount Pearl• Recommended for review 2013-<strong>2014</strong>.O’Donel High <strong>School</strong> (10-12), Mount PearlPage 20
Feeder SystemRecommendations• Recommended for review 2013-<strong>2014</strong>.St. Peter’s Elementary (K-6), Mount Pearl• Recommended for review 2013-<strong>2014</strong>.St. Peter’s Junior High (7-9), Mount Pearl• Recommended for review 2013-<strong>2014</strong>.Page 21
Zone 15 – Conception Bay SouthFeeder SystemFeeder <strong>School</strong>sQueen Elizabeth High <strong>School</strong> (10 – 12)(Foxtrap)Funding for planning, land and designfor potential new school in ConceptionBay South and Paradise wasannounced in the 2012 Budget. Thiswill impact this feeder system and assuch it will be reviewed at that time.St. Edward’s <strong>School</strong> (K-6), KelligrewsSt. George’s Elementary (K-6), LongPondUpper Gullies Elementary (K-6), UpperGulliesFrank Roberts Junior High (7-9),FoxtrapQueen Elizabeth High (10 -12), FoxtrapHoly Spirit High (9 – 12)(Manuels)Funding for planning, land and designfor potential new schools inConception Bay South and Paradisewas announced in the 2012 Budget.This will impact this feeder system andas such it will be reviewed at that time.Topsail Elementary (K-4), TopsailHoly Family Elementary (K-6), ParadiseVilla Nova Junior High (5-8), ManuelsHoly Spirit High (9-12), ManuelsPage 22