Currents Sept 05 - Punahou School

Currents Sept 05 - Punahou School

Currents Sept 05 - Punahou School


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Last March, Kelly Aldinger ’06 andher parents began a year-long series ofarticles in <strong>Currents</strong> about their experiencesand perspectives as Kelly worksher way through the college searchprocess. In this issue, Kelly, who isnow preparing to make her choicesabout where to apply, and her mother,Charlie, who is also getting ready forsomething -- letting her child go --muse on the meaning of senior year.Kelly Aldinger ’06:Today I had a chat with a goodfriend who told me she was angrythat her parents told her she coulddo whatever she wanted to do inlife. She was finally looking at collegesand realizing just how toughthey were to get into. To be honest,I was at a loss for words: as much asI love her, what she said was a true statement, for everyone.We all figure we can get in anywhere (we’re <strong>Punahou</strong> kids!)and discovering we can’t is a scary fact. The only piece ofadvice I could give her was to not let it get you down. No,we can’t all get into <strong>School</strong> X, but there are 3,641 collegesout there, and chances are, one of those will make you a veryhappy person. Finding it just takes a bit of work.This summer, I definitely put in time searching collegereviews and websites. I’m glad I did because I’m two daysinto senior year and feeling pretty overwhelmed. My classesexpect more out of me, as do my friends and family. Gettinga good grasp on where I want to apply has at least given me asolid foundation as I enter the year; it definitely takes offsome of the pressure. I also filled out the informationalaspect of the common application: my birthday, social securitynumber, sports played, etc. This was another simple wayto slowly ease into the whole process. It helped me regain alittle control in my life and now, as deadlines approach, I’mglad I don’t have to start from scratch. Getting excited andfamiliarized with the amazing options available for next yearhas really kept me from being swallowed by the vastness ofthe unknown ‘world ofcolleges.’What I couldn’t prepare for wasthe fact that I’m a senior. Asschool begins, I’m starting todeal with the impact of thatstatement. Nine months fromnow, I will not be a <strong>Punahou</strong>student: an identity I’ve had for11 years. It’s frightening. It’sexhilarating. It’s emotional! I’vefound that my friends and I arereminiscing more and moreabout the Winne Years and thegood ol’ days, primarily becauseI think looking back seems easierthan looking forward. I’vewelled up in tears at the beachbecause, as a senior, every surfsession and every moment withfriends all mean that muchmore. I didn’t realize how incredibly different it would feel.As Forrest Gump’s “mama” used to tell him, “Life is like abox of chocolates; you never know just what you’re going toget.” And this is pretty much how I feel about college andsenior year. The only thing keeping me sane is that I’vefound you can pick which box you choose from: get a truffleassortment if you like truffles! Get a box of dark chocolates ifyou prefer them. Research the nutritional content if you’reworried about your figure! Maybe you can’t have exactly whatyou want, but in the end: is eating chocolate ever bad?On The Way toCollege #3:<strong>Sept</strong>ember 20<strong>05</strong>Charlie Aldinger:Summer always seems foreshortened by the echo of schoolbells ringing across the country. There were many remindersthat this year will be a momentous one: A new school ringon my daughter's finger. Senior pictures. The new dresscode. And plenty of college applications filling the mailbox.I feel as if I am preparing myself for the long goodbye...thelast Book Day....the last Carnival and Variety Showfinale...those April pronouncements of acceptances and rejectionswhen the reality of it all smacks you upside the4 CURRENTS

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