Adivsor Description Anime Club (full) - Punahou School

Adivsor Description Anime Club (full) - Punahou School

Adivsor Description Anime Club (full) - Punahou School


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2007-2008 Academy <strong>Club</strong>s<strong>Club</strong> Name (Status) <strong>Adivsor</strong> <strong>Description</strong><strong>Anime</strong> <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Anna Liem The <strong>Anime</strong> & Manga <strong>Club</strong> is a fairly recreational club, giving memberssomething to look forward to on Fridays after school. Thursdays are drawingworkshops in which we practice drawing in Japanese Manga style. OnFridays, we watch subtitled versions of Japanese animated series. Wepromote the learning of the Japanese language and culture.We may also tryto arrange get togethers with <strong>Anime</strong> clubs from other schools as we have onein previous years.AWARE (<strong>full</strong>)Emily McCarren andAlison TaiteThe purpose of this club is to publish magazines that will report global andlocal environmental and social issues, including advice about how readerscan help to keep our environment viable. Members will learn publication skillssuch as designing, reporting, editing while at the same time learning aboutour world.Chemistry <strong>Club</strong> (probationary) Mike Hu The chemistry club is made for students to gain laboratory experience notoffered in chemistry classes, and augment his or her general knowledge ofchemistry. A website will be made for the club, where videos of meetings willbe uploaded to display what the club is doing. The club aims to help makedaunting chemistry concepts easier, as well as to show how chemistry is usedin the real world.Chemistry Outreach Program (probationary) Mike Hu The Chemistry Outreach program will serve as a starting point in whicheverybody benefits: students assisting in the program will gain valuableteaching and lab setup experience, and the students watching thedemostration will hope<strong>full</strong>y learn an extensive amount of chemistry as ispossible in the time allotted, as well as gain an incentive to study hard inscience. Students will work in pairs of two or four, as well as having a teacheradvising, and will put on a couple of demonstrations for middle schoolstudents, ideally in an intimate classroom environment.Chess <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Marcus Kaya The pragmatic purpose of this club is to educate and refine the skills of chessplayers of all experience levels. The club will serve its members by giving anopportunity to explore the art of chess to all members of <strong>Punahou</strong>, whether itbe faculty or others. We will attempt ot serve the larger communities throughthe meeting of new people at tournaments as well as networking withexperience players to enrich the club.Chinese <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Linette Char Chinese <strong>Club</strong> serves as an outlet for creativity regarding Chinese culture.Activities include Chinese food, language, art and music. We hope to educateand encourage members to explore China and it's culture.Coffeehouse <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Jay Seidenstein To gather students in a creative, productive, and positive environment wherethey are free to share poetry, music, and any other material they wish toexpress themselves. We will meet once or twice a month and offer an openmic, food, coffee, and live music played by the students for the students.Computer <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Steve Wagenseller The Computer club is a technology based forum for those who are interestedin general computing, the internet, programming and coding. The goal of theComputer club is to bring students together so that they can both learn andteach each other how to become proficient at computing. We also encourageour members to offer a helping hand to those experiencing technicalproblems.Conservation <strong>Club</strong> (probationary)Gail Peiterson and DaveWhiteThe goal of this club is to provide an opportunity for <strong>Punahou</strong> students to getinvolved in and experience conservation work in Hawaii. Students can helprestore native Hawaiian ecosystems and endangered species hands-on. Wewill also do projects to raise awareness of the state of biodiversity in ourislands and globally and to raise awareness of various conservationorganizations.Updated as of: 5/1/2008 Page 1 of 6

2007-2008 Academy <strong>Club</strong>s<strong>Club</strong> Name (Status) <strong>Adivsor</strong> <strong>Description</strong>Easter Seals of Hawaii <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Jennifer Duncan The goal of this club is to the spread word about Easter Seals of Hawaii, anon-profit organization with programs and services for children and adultswith disabilities. Members will participate in Easter Seal events such as theHalloween Haunted House, the Gingerbread Festival, Taste of Honolulu, andthe Nissan Golf tournament. At the same time, members may earncommunity service hours. This club encourages community responsibilitythrough service to others while teaching management skills, leadership, andcooperation.Film <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>)Sheryl Dare and DerekPalmoreThis club will develop a broad appreciation and understanding of cinemahistorically and artistically; it will also explore other cultures through themedium of film, thus fostering global awareness and diversity.French <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Jack Canfield The purpose of this club is to expand members' knowledge of French history,culture, and language. <strong>Club</strong> meetings include French games, music, moviesand food.FUEL (Faith Used inEveryday Living) (<strong>full</strong>) Matt Martinson Our mission is to provide a venue for students to gather in worship, prayerand fellowship in the name of Jesus Christ and to grow in the Christian faith,to love God and love our neighbors.Gay-Straight Alliance (<strong>full</strong>) Willam Ouellette The GSA comes together regularly to promote tolerance, acceptance,safety and support for lesbian, gay, bixexual and transgender students andtheir heterosexual allies. GSA members have fun in a safe and judgmentfreeenvironment. They watch movies, eat food, talk story, talk issuesrelevant to the LGBT community and participate in special events such as:National Day of Silence, AIDS walk, Queer Prom and its own GSAChristmas party."German Culture <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Hella Kihm To educate the community about Germany's diverse culture, and to raisemoney for charity through its awareness.Glass <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Mark Mitsuda Glass <strong>Club</strong> will meet on Friday nights for aspiring glassblowers to learn andpractice this art from each other as well as from professional glassblowers. Inkeeping with the current environmental awareness around <strong>Punahou</strong>, we inGlass <strong>Club</strong> will strive to both keep the glass labs in a safe and healthy statefor the general glassblowing community, as well as protect Hawaii's preciousenvironment. In an attempt to offset some of the waste produced byglassblowing, members will meet on prescribed weekends to assist inconservation efforts around the island. Because of its inherent risks, the clubmembership is restricted to juniors and seniors.Go <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Atsuko Motet The goal of this club is to teach more students how to play Go. Go is a boardgame which was created about 3000 years ago in China. Playing this gameinvolves a lot of thinking and anticipating future moves, but unlike chess it ismuch harder to predict your opponents moves. Learning this game will helpthe students concentrate a lot since it requires so much continuous thinking.This year we intend to have Go tournaments with other schools' Go clubs.Habitat for Humanity (<strong>full</strong>) Greg Puppione Our club will connect the <strong>Punahou</strong> community to Habitat for Humanity to helpbuild homes for disadvantaged families. This year we hope to sponsor ourown build project (in addition to helping with current build projects).Hanapa'a Fishing <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Marcus Kaya The goal of this club is to bring together the <strong>Punahou</strong> community throughinvolvement in fishing outings and community service. We will sponsormonthly fishing outings and clean up service projects.Hiking <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Jack Canfield The goal of this club is to encourage <strong>Punahou</strong> students to become involved inhiking/viewing Hawaii's natural beauty. We wish toencourage students to become more aware of nature in an enjoyable way thatoffers exercise in a relaxing setting.HOPE (Helping Other People Everywhere(probationary)Allison TaiteThe purpose of this club is to raise student's awareness of global issues byeducating them. We'll provide information and present ways in whicheveryone can be involved in helping others. We will also partner withAmnesty.org and continue to work with the Darfur campaign.Updated as of: 5/1/2008 Page 2 of 6

2007-2008 Academy <strong>Club</strong>s<strong>Club</strong> Name (Status) <strong>Adivsor</strong> <strong>Description</strong>Hui O Aloha (<strong>full</strong>) James Kakos The purpose of this club is to offer tours to those students and parents whoare considering applying to and attending <strong>Punahou</strong>.Interact <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Kelly Smith Purpose: to do good works and service for our school, neighborhood,commuity and the world. To engage in meaningful and fun service projects.To provide opportunities that build leadership skills and personal integrity.Sponsored by Rotary International.Interschool <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Lynn Kunishige The purpose of this club is to organize student exchanges between otherschools, to give <strong>Punahou</strong> students an experience amongst a differentenvironment, as well as give other students the opportunity to experiencewhat is is like at <strong>Punahou</strong>.Italian Culture <strong>Club</strong> (probationary)David Del Rocco/JackCanfieldThe purpose of the Italian Culture club is to generate student awareness ofand celebrate Italian cultural practices. Our club will focus on all aspects ofculture including language, food, music, arts, sports, and geography.<strong>Punahou</strong> boasts a wide array of cultural clubs and we believe that Italy shouldhave its fair representation. The Italian Culture club will diligently serve itsmembers by hosting bimonthly meetings. During these meetings we will plancultural events and share cultural experiences. Since one of our foundingmembers will be embarking on the <strong>School</strong> Year Abroad Program in Italy thiscoming year, we will also have the privilege of gaining an authenticperspective of the Italian daily lifestyle through video chats and daily emails.Our correspondent can deliver to us up to the moment news and breakingevents. We will have the unique opportunity to bring <strong>Punahou</strong> to Italy. Whilewe promote cultural awareness on campus, we would also like to focus oncommunity service and bring public awareness to the issues that impact usall.Japanese-Okinawan <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Jan Asato To introduce the Japanese and Okinawan cultures to the <strong>Punahou</strong> communityin order to educate and differentiate between the cultures through activitiesand service-oriented events.Karaoke <strong>Club</strong> (probationary) Scott Leitner Our main goal is to bring the fun back into singing and community service.We plan on offering a karaoke night once a month and a community serviceoppportunity once every two months that incorporates singing (caroling @Christmasat an elderly home, etc.). Our club will allow for friendships to formwhile having fun and helping the community.Key <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Jonah Kaakua <strong>Punahou</strong> Key <strong>Club</strong> is a student led organization which strives to give itsmembers opportunities in community service and leadership. Key <strong>Club</strong> is aninternational organization and Punahoau is part of the Hawaiii chapter. We'reinvolved in projects with clubs from all over the state. Members interact witheach other and community members through service.Korean <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Rick Tune The primary mission of the Korean <strong>Club</strong> is to give students the opportunity tolearn more about the Korean culture. We will promoteKorean culture through areas such as food, customs/traditions, music,television dramas/movies, language, lifestyle, etc. Our club will alsoperform service for the Korean community. In addition, we plan to participatein Korean events and support Korean community activities.Meat <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Jack Belli Do the most work with the least "overhead" or hassle. <strong>Club</strong> activities arebased around service events. The club facilitates the events by providingfunds and structure as well as access to the resources of <strong>Punahou</strong> <strong>School</strong>.Medical Science <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Jamey Clarke This is a club for students interested in the medical profession. Students gainfirst hand knowledge of the medical profession by touring hospitals, servingas volunteers and inviting medical professionals to speak about their work.Military History <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Eric Eads To honor those who fought for our world today, and to educate the communityabout the role the military holds for history.Updated as of: 5/1/2008 Page 3 of 6

2007-2008 Academy <strong>Club</strong>s<strong>Club</strong> Name (Status) <strong>Adivsor</strong> <strong>Description</strong>Mock Trial (<strong>full</strong>) Bonnie Christensen This club is meant to support <strong>Punahou</strong> students who want to compete in theHawaii State Mock Trial Tournament. Two students from the club will alsorepresent <strong>Punahou</strong> in the annual Hawaii Moot Court competition. The clubteaches students about law and courtroom procedure. By teaching studentsto value the law and operations of the courts we could bring a new respect forthose who work in the legal profession and help students think about the lawas a profession. We also hope to raise awareness and give students arealistic view of the government by teaching them the workings of the judicialsystem.Model United Nations (<strong>full</strong>)Native American People's Society(NAPS)(probationary)Chai Reddy and TerrinaWongMark MaretzkiModel United Nations works to teach students about diversity andmulticulturalism. Students are assigned to represent different nationsin the UN and debate foreign policy in a moch General Assembly andSecurity Council with other high school students across Hawaii. Also,MUN sponsors a multi-culture day for the Academy where Academy cultureclubs are encouraged to present their cultures.We would like to establish a place of learning, self-discovery and cultural explorationby founding a club for the <strong>Punahou</strong> High <strong>School</strong> focusing on Native American Indians.In this club we hope to increase the appreciation of different cultures by doingactivities which reflect the Native American way of life. We hope to make theconnection between our lives and theirs. To do this, we will explore their heritage andtraditions with critical thinking and various activities. We plan to design a t-shirt whichwill be sold to the entire <strong>Punahou</strong> High <strong>School</strong> community and money from the t-shirtsales will be donated to a national Native American organization. Lastly, we hope toencourage the continuation of learning about Native American Peoples.Philosophy <strong>Club</strong> (probationary)Ben HaldemanThe purpose/goal of Philosophy <strong>Club</strong> is to provide an intellectually stimulatingand congenial atmosphere for learning about different ways of thinking. Theclub will serve its members by providing them with a place to sharpen theircritical thinking skills and exposing them to other points of view, thuspromoting understanding and tolerance throught the greater communities.Project Global Cooling <strong>Club</strong> (probationary) Chris WatsonThis club will join and build a network of students in cities worldwide, planningand promoting student-organized global Earth Day concerts for local bandsand green-minded students. All concerts will be streamed online. The club willcontribute student-created sustainable projects, movies, writing, and ideas toa collaborative website, celebrating and sharing <strong>Punahou</strong>'s vision.<strong>Punahou</strong> Car <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Jim Herbert This club has been primarily established to serve as a club and place wherestudents from different groups of the Academy can get together to share theirinterests about cars. Furthermore, thie club also is an educational club thatteaches safe driving techniques, how automobiles operate, the repair andtuning of cars as well as the discussion of new automobiles. Some activitieswill include fund-raising to continue the education about how automobileswork as well as donations to organizations such as MADD.<strong>Punahou</strong> Engineering & Technology Team Aaron Dengler(PETT/Robotics <strong>Club</strong>) (<strong>full</strong>) formerly known asthe Science <strong>Club</strong>PETT provides an opportunity for Academy students to gain hands onexperience in the world of mechanical design, engineering and technologyplayed out in the spirit of gracious professionalism through the annual FIRSTRobotics competition. By example, we promote an appreciation for science,mathematics, and technology amongst all <strong>Punahou</strong> students and the widercommunity. We honor and celebrate personal qualities such as integrity,initiative, leadership, generosity and professionalism. Our membership isopen to any student willing to learn, work hard, and freely share theirknowledge and experience with others.Updated as of: 5/1/2008 Page 4 of 6

2007-2008 Academy <strong>Club</strong>s<strong>Club</strong> Name (Status) <strong>Adivsor</strong> <strong>Description</strong><strong>Punahou</strong> Filipino Cultural <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Estrel Lohmeier This club attempts to offer all members a chance to further their familiarity ofthe Filipino culture and traditions. The membership of this club is notexclusive to students of Filipino ethnicity, but is open to students of allbackgrounds with an interest in the culture. Our activities and events hope tocreate a sense of family and promote community involvement and awarenessof this culture. We also hope to bring significance to the uniqueness ofFilipino-Americans and of the members who wish to share this culture.Through this club, we intend to develop leaders who will continuously educatethemselves beyond their educational experience to affect the greater society.<strong>Punahou</strong> Lacrosse <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>)<strong>Punahou</strong> Technical Theatre <strong>Club</strong>(probationary)Emery MitchemBrian GilhoolyThe mail goal of the club is to introduce new people to the sport of lacrosse. Italso gives lacrosse players the opportunity to get together before the seasonstarts in order to practice or just refamiliarize themselves with the sport.Assist and enhance theatrical performances using technical aspects (ligths,sound, set). Set up/strike equipment for school related functions (assemblies,concerts). Provide groundwork/basic training for those interested in technicaltheatre or those hoping to go into a career as a theatre technician.Organize/officialize the <strong>Punahou</strong> "techie" community.Punavision (<strong>full</strong>) Yuri Biersach The Punavision <strong>Club</strong> is responsible for producing "Punavision", the half-hourshow that airs on local community television and also streams from the<strong>Punahou</strong> website. Membership in the club allows its members to learnadvanced video production and TV journalism skills, and the subject matter ofthe show's stories are of educational interest to members of the <strong>Punahou</strong> andlarger communities.Ranger <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Bob Takao The Ranger mission continues to be providing exciting adventure training in amilitary field environment where highly motivated cadets can: develop selfdiscipline,confidence, and physical and mental endurance to meet everychallenge with success; develop a spirit of teamwork, camaraderie, andespirit de corps; train to participate in highly competitive Ranger challengeRed Cross <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Jamey Clarke The club's goal is to aid the National and Regional Red Cross organizationsin their humanitarian and service goals, through volunteering, collecting aid,and fundraising. This club will not only help the ARC but promote thegenerosity and kind nature of the <strong>Punahou</strong> community, and to forge lifelongbonds with other schools and students around Hawaii.Science Fiction <strong>Club</strong> (probationary) Deb Peterson Science fiction is an important literary genre because, to quote one of thegreatest science fiction authors of all time, Isaac Asimov, "[Science fiction]consistently considers the changes around us, the possible consequences,and the possible solutions." The goal of the Science Fiction <strong>Club</strong> is to providean environment in which students can gather and discuss science fictionthrough viewing films or reading literature. The second goal is to foster aninterest in this genre among students who have not previously experiencedscience fiction in any shape or form.Service Learning <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Carl Ackerman The goal of the Service Learning <strong>Club</strong> is to help underprivileged teenagersprepare for life after high school. This club serves as an opportunity for<strong>Punahou</strong> seniors to help individuals their own age learn to supportthemselves, and to hope<strong>full</strong>y provide those individuals with the tools theyneed for a brighter future. Students work at McKinley High school withstudents and teachers there.Signing for Jesus (<strong>full</strong>) Yukio Hamada This club is dedicated to worshipping our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,through our signing ministry. Students who join or view the performances inchapel will experience a language they may not have seen before, thusseeing language in a new light. Our group will sign interpretively to Christianlyrics and music.Updated as of: 5/1/2008 Page 5 of 6

2007-2008 Academy <strong>Club</strong>s<strong>Club</strong> Name (Status) <strong>Adivsor</strong> <strong>Description</strong>Speech and Debate (<strong>full</strong>) Carol Halbur This team fosters critical thinking and oral communication skills in apersonalized, collaborative, and nurturing environment. It also providesopportunities for local, state, and national competition.STARSS (<strong>full</strong>) Jane Rowland STARSS is a club that has two purposes. One is to tutor children at ahomeless shelter and assist them with schoolwork. The second purpose is tovisit senior adults in nursing homes and plan fun activities. We hope to beable to teach the senior adults some things about our generation, as theyshare some of the wisdom they have gathered throughout their lives.Table Tennis <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Vinh Dang The purpose of this club is to introduce and foster a place for students toenjoy table tennis. While playing this Olympic sport students can improvetheir concentration skills and make new friends. During the year, the <strong>Punahou</strong>Table Tennis club also organizes a Ping Pong tournament, a chance forstudents to show off their awesome table tennis skills.Tabletop Gaming <strong>Club</strong> (probationary) Rick Bilenchi To provide a safe, welcoming environment for tabletop gamers to meetregularly (which is especially important for such games) and to provide afriendly setting for new or interested players. We define "tabletop games" aspen-and-paper or miniatures-based games though board games are alsowelcome.The heART Project (<strong>full</strong>) Ben Haldeman The heART project is designed primarily to take advantage of the artistictalents & interests of service-oriented students. Through a variety of serviceprojects (with the Honolulu Zoo, Shriners Children's Hospital, etc.) studentsseek to take art out of the academy and into the lives of people in theircommunity. Art is a powerful way to connect people. Through individual andcollect self-expression, both <strong>Punahou</strong> students and those in the communitywill be challenged to expand their empathy and understanding in new andexciting ways.Well-Being <strong>Club</strong> (probationary) Paula Crabb The purpose of the Well-Being club is to promote health around campus byworking with the cafeteria and other faculty. To them we hope to voice thefood preferences of the student body and assist them in making the changesnecessary to offer more nutritious and healthy food that the students wouldeat. We also plan to have fundraisers in which we will sell healthy snacks anddonate the profits to charitable organizations. This way, we'd be serving themembers of the <strong>Punahou</strong> community, by offering them healthier snackchoices, as well as the outer community, by giving to the charitableorganizations. Members of the club, on top of gaining an understanding of theimportance of health and well-being, will take leading roles in their respectiveclasses and represent, in the club, the desires of their class. By doing so, wewill be encouraging leadership, community service, and a sense of wellbeing.Young Entrepreneur & Investor <strong>Club</strong> (<strong>full</strong>) Pauline Bailey To educate and inform <strong>Punahou</strong> and its students about finance and business.To teach not only the value of a dollar, but also the way money can affect acommunity. Through financial education, we strive to learn how to do good forourselves, but more importantly others.Young Life (<strong>full</strong>) Janet Oshiro The main goal for Young Life is to point the way for students to a <strong>full</strong>er life.We also create a fun environment for students and encourage them to dotheir best in every aspect of their lives based on Christian principles.Updated as of: 5/1/2008 Page 6 of 6

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