The complete issue [ 36 pages | 2.38MB ] - ST Electronics

The complete issue [ 36 pages | 2.38MB ] - ST Electronics

The complete issue [ 36 pages | 2.38MB ] - ST Electronics


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F E A T U R EVSAT leads the way inconnecting the worldmany mission-critical and remotesites worldwide.<strong>The</strong> reliability of the equipment, evenwhen operated under the harshest ofconditions, has stood <strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong>in good stead. This high standardof quality has led to <strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong>being awarded contracts to supply itsproducts to major telecommunicationsand VSAT service providers,enterprises and governments. Today,<strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong>’ VSAT products are soldto more than 100 countries.Air Traffic Control<strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong> plays a central role inAir Traffic Control (ATC) training bydelivering advanced ATC simulatorsto local and overseas traininginstitutions. <strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong>’ ATCsimulators provide realistic simulationof operational environments to trainair traffic controllers in managingaircraft operations and handlingemergency situations. All theseare done in accordance with thestandards and procedures set bythe International Civil AviationOrganisation (ICAO).With more than 20 yearsof experience in satellitecommunications (satcom),<strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong> (Satcom & SensorSystems) is leading the way on howthe world stays connected.<strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong>’ satcom and sensorproducts and solutions are wellrespected by eminent customerslocally and globally. Building onits impeccable record in producingphase-locked, dielectric resonatoroscillators (PL-DRO) and low-noiseblock down converters, the companyhas fine-tuned the scienceand art of developinghigh quality Very SmallAperture Terminal(VSAT) products andsystems.<strong>The</strong> superior features and functionsof its VSAT products and satcomsolutions (eg. compact size, lowpower consumption, wide DC inputvoltage range), as well as their lowoperating costs and easy set-up,allow customers to deploy them inWith a fully-equipped facility locatedin Singapore’s high technology andmanufacturing hub, the company’slatest R&D and production facilitiesensure continued delivery of innovativeand quality products for variousapplications. Backed by its highlyqualified field experts, <strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong>is the choice provider of reliable andversatile products and solutions.For more information, please contactDarene Wong at (65) 6521 7378 or email:darenewong@stee.stengg.com<strong>The</strong> advanced simulators facilitaterealistic training in the full-spectrumof ATC operations – from approachand departure phases to the enroutephase of flight, as well asground movement at the airport.Each simulator comes <strong>complete</strong>with dedicated controller trainingpositions, pseudo-pilots and instructorworkstations. Controller trainingpositions are fully customised andequipped with relevant ATC tools suchas electronic flight progress strips,aeronautical information displays (eg.meteorological data, NOTAMS, NAVAIDand equipment status), radar displaysand flight progress boards.An integrated communicationsnetwork provides associated radiofrequencies, intercom and telephonesfor simulation of ATC communications.Another significant feature is thesimulation of the full suite of aircraftemergencies to enable trainees todevelop critical skills in handlingabnormal situations. <strong>The</strong> simulatorsare also capable of recordingaudio and video data that can besynchronised and played back for debriefingpurposes. An added featureis voice synthesis and recognitionwhich can be customised for specifictraining scenarios. This feature helpsto reduce training overhead costs.24 ELECTRONICS REVIEW

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