Journal of Small Business and Enterprise - March, 2013 - CII

Journal of Small Business and Enterprise - March, 2013 - CII

Journal of Small Business and Enterprise - March, 2013 - CII


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InternationalThe network serves as one-stopshop for enterprises looking to go globalwith their innovative ideas. Joining thenetwork means they don't have to worryabout resource constraints. While theEEN can be the answer to such questionsas: who can <strong>of</strong>fer venture capital orloans, what's the best way to sell abusiness plan to investors, how to get aidfrom regional, national or EU authorities,or how to access public funds <strong>and</strong>grants for research <strong>and</strong> development,the h<strong>and</strong>holding SMEs get from expertsprepare them to face acid tests from themost dem<strong>and</strong>ing investors.With one <strong>of</strong> the world's largestbusiness cooperation database <strong>of</strong> morethan 23,000 pr<strong>of</strong>iles <strong>and</strong> businesssupport organisations from more than 50countries, the EEN is where an SME canstart search for international businesspartners, source new technologies <strong>and</strong>advisory services on issues as diverse asintellectual property, going international,or EU law <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards.The idea is to ensure that SMEs benefitfrom the EU Single Market as much as thebig players do. In Europe, 99 percent <strong>of</strong>all GDP is with SMEs, but the importancealways goes to MNCs as they do the bigdeals. The brunt <strong>of</strong> the economy is withthe SMEs. In <strong>CII</strong> too, 60 percent <strong>of</strong> itsmembers are SMEs, says Poul V. Jensen,director <strong>of</strong> European <strong>Business</strong> <strong>and</strong>Technology Centre (EBTC).The EEN helps sort out IntellectualProperty Rights (IPR) issues duringcollaborations between Indian <strong>and</strong>European firms, does the h<strong>and</strong>holding toguide them through red tape <strong>and</strong> helps innetworking, says Jensen.It will open the doors <strong>of</strong> EuropeanUnion to India <strong>and</strong> vice versa, he adds.The EU technology platform canadvise <strong>and</strong> assist SMEs from the initialcontacts to making the deal. When SMEsjoin the Network their cooperation <strong>of</strong>feror request is entered into the database<strong>and</strong> alerts are sent regularly to updatethem if their cooperation needs matchwith that <strong>of</strong> others. Matchmaking eventslike business-to-business meetings areorganized across Europe. Such meetingsare <strong>of</strong>ten organized at internationalfairs, keeping in mind the travel <strong>and</strong>accommodation costs.Moreover, the network ensures thatSMEs looking to exp<strong>and</strong> their businessto another country find competent <strong>and</strong>trustworthy partners. The network helpsSMEs find out that how EU laws <strong>and</strong>regulations affect businesses. Its expertshelp find the way through the legal maze<strong>and</strong> make it easier to sell product orservices in another EEN country.For instance, an SME selling Ayurvedicproducts st<strong>and</strong>s to gain by linking tothe EEN platform. Since such productshave to contend with a lot <strong>of</strong> regulation<strong>and</strong> stringent testing in EU that areprohibitively high, the network canhelp find a good European partner withwhom sharing <strong>of</strong> the cost <strong>of</strong> testing <strong>and</strong>marketing can be worked out.Similarly, the revised defenceprocurement procedure (DPP) focuseson the technology transfer to boostindigenisation. SMEs engaged in thesegment can realign their businessprocesses for strategic alliances <strong>and</strong>joint ventures using this technologyplatform to gradually assume therole <strong>of</strong> system integrator <strong>and</strong>manufacturer <strong>of</strong> complete defenceequipment <strong>and</strong> systems.Besides EU countries, Russia, Turkey<strong>and</strong> Israel have also joined the platform.In Asia, the partners are China, Japan,South Korea <strong>and</strong> the latest is India.Alerts on new EU legislations,tender opportunities <strong>and</strong> specialistmarket information for companies thatare exporting or preparing to importkeep SMEs updated. The network alsoorganizes from time to time trainingprogrammes to help members withEuropean policies <strong>and</strong> programmesrelevant to their business <strong>and</strong> how theycan be made to work for them.India has declared 2010-2020 as theDecade <strong>of</strong> Innovation for SMEs. The unionbudget 2012-13 too had several pluses forthe sector as was reflected in doubling there-finance funding <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Small</strong> IndustriesDevelopment Bank <strong>of</strong> India (SIDBI) <strong>and</strong>they can also avail the non-tax benefitsfor three years even after growing out <strong>of</strong>the category.Efforts are on to protect theirinnovations, inventions <strong>and</strong> designsthrough patents <strong>and</strong> copyrights <strong>and</strong>raise funds through external commercialborrowing (ECB). The government recentlyrelaxed ECB norms to allow easier accessto cheap dollar funds to housing financecompanies such as HDFC <strong>and</strong> SIDBI, <strong>and</strong>permitted non-resident entities to providerating enhancement facility to Indians.Thus keeping in view thesedevelopments, forging collaborativepartnerships between SMEs <strong>of</strong> India <strong>and</strong>EU through EEN is another importantstep towards ensuring their growth, <strong>and</strong>there<strong>of</strong> their contribution in creatingjobs <strong>and</strong> innovative products & servicesto increase India's share in the globalmarket place.MSME <strong>Business</strong> <strong>March</strong> <strong>2013</strong>21

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