Journal of Small Business and Enterprise - March, 2013 - CII

Journal of Small Business and Enterprise - March, 2013 - CII

Journal of Small Business and Enterprise - March, 2013 - CII


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Growth Driver<strong>of</strong> civil aerospace including aircraft, airengines, aircraft components, design,engineering services, etc. A widerange <strong>of</strong> weapons <strong>and</strong> servicesfor counter-terrorism have beenincluded in the list <strong>of</strong> products underinternal security.Niche SMEsHowever, these opportunities areopen only to niche SMEs that have thewherewithal to cater to this market.These niche SMEs are today seeingmultiple opportunities in design,development, <strong>and</strong> manufacturing in theaerospace sector. At the same time, tomove up the global defence value chain,these enterprises should have to focuson innovation, building intellectualproperty, <strong>and</strong> adopt quality <strong>and</strong> processst<strong>and</strong>ards to be able to <strong>of</strong>fer completesub-systems or assemblies.Aerospace manufacturing is ahigh technology <strong>and</strong> capital intensiveindustry. Its value chain is characterisedby a long project life cycle spanningR&D, engineering design, manufacturing,assembly, maintenance, repair <strong>and</strong>overhaul. Intensive technology <strong>and</strong>safety requirements require significantinvestments in R&D <strong>and</strong> quality control.Firms that focus on multipurposetechnology have secured their positionin the market by becoming specialisedsuppliers serving different globalvalue chains. SMEs <strong>of</strong> aerospace <strong>and</strong>precision engineering sectors havebecome conscious <strong>of</strong> their competitivestrengths, which they associate inparticular to flexibility <strong>and</strong> quality<strong>of</strong> their <strong>of</strong>fer.Looking ahead, two key areas thatmerit expeditious interventions areMSME R&D in aerospace industry, <strong>and</strong>talent development for building a globalworkforce for the niche SMEsPrivate sector participation indefence R&D is growing. Governmentshould look to create an ecosystemthat encourages more private playersto pursue high-level R&D in theaerospace industry.Meanwhile, United Nations IndustrialDevelopment Organisation (UNIDO)<strong>and</strong> the Society <strong>of</strong> Indian AerospaceTechnologies <strong>and</strong> Industries (Siati)have partnered to create a longtermdevelopment programme forBangalore-based aerospace SMEs. Thetwo organisations are to help SMEs insub-contracting <strong>and</strong> partnershipexchange, prepare for supplierdevelopment programmes <strong>and</strong> helpthem through matchmaking services viaglobal networks.As regards talent management,the focus for SMEs should be todevelop new employees throughspecialised training programs <strong>and</strong>assimilation, while keeping currentemployees <strong>and</strong> attracting highly skillednew workers to join the workforce. Itis a highly strategic effort <strong>and</strong> takes aconscious effort from management tosource, attract, select, train, develop,promote, <strong>and</strong> move employees throughthe organisation.Way ForwardIndian industry has time to timemade various suggestions to helpSMEs take full benefit from the newdevelopments in the global aerospaceindustry. They are:India should leverage its strengthsin the information technology <strong>and</strong>automotive industries to graduate intodesign, development <strong>and</strong> manufacturingin the aerospace <strong>and</strong> defence sector.Indian SMEs should aim tointegrate into the global aerospace<strong>and</strong> defence value chain throughIndian prime contractors involvedin global defence programs <strong>and</strong>/orbuild relationships with internationalSMEs in niche technology areas.OEMs in the aerospace <strong>and</strong> defencesector are shifting their focusto design <strong>and</strong> systems integration fromvertically integrated manufacturing.This provides an added opportunity toSMEs to venture into areas <strong>of</strong> aerospace<strong>and</strong> defence manufacturing which wereearlier the exclusive domains <strong>of</strong> OEMs <strong>and</strong>large prime contractors.The Indian aerospace <strong>and</strong> defenceindustry needs rapid development <strong>of</strong>domain knowledge. This would requireactive industry-government-academiapartnership with leading technologyinstitutes across the globe, to upgrade,design <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>fer tailor made coursesfor the aerospace <strong>and</strong> defenceindustry in India.SMEs in the aerospace <strong>and</strong>defence industry should focus onbuilding complementary activities <strong>and</strong>capacities <strong>and</strong> sharing common facilitiesthrough clusters.Government may consider focusingon areas <strong>of</strong> strategic importance <strong>and</strong>gradually integrate the private sectorinto non-strategic areas. To enable theprivate sector to plan their investments<strong>and</strong> supply chain in advance, the privatesector could be closely involved inplanning <strong>and</strong> project categorization.Private sector participation indefence R&D should be activelyencouraged <strong>and</strong> primarily financed bythe government, given the fact thatdefence R&D is expensive <strong>and</strong> markedby an element <strong>of</strong> uncertaintyOverall, there is a need to mitigatethe common challenges faced by SMEs,like credit shortage, through urgentpolicy interventions by governmentto support SMEs, which in turn willsustain <strong>and</strong> enhance the businesscompetitiveness.These steps will greatly help theIndian aerospace industry to account fora larger share <strong>of</strong> the $930 billion globalaerospace industry.9MSME <strong>Business</strong> <strong>March</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

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