Answers for Infrastructure - Siemens

Answers for Infrastructure - Siemens

Answers for Infrastructure - Siemens


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Megatrends affect the way we think and do business. By the year 2025,there will be some eight billion people living on our planet, or almost 20%more than today. Most of these people will be living in cities. In addition, lifeexpectancy in industrialized countries is constantly rising. Tomorrow‘s worldwill thus be shaped by urbanization and demographic change: two megatrendsthat pose specific challenges to energy and water supplies, the protectionand security of people, properties and business processes, mobility andhealthcare.logyability.Intrusion detection and alarm systemsto protect people and properties.Voice-controlledevacuation systems.Extinguishing systemsgeared to the conditions.Video surveillance <strong>for</strong> thehighest possible level of security.Total Building Solutions<strong>for</strong> maximum productivity.Life-cycle management means moreprotection <strong>for</strong> your investment.Fire protection withGenuine Alarm Guarantee.From fossil fuels to renewablesources of energy.Energy supply and resource planning havebeen a key issue that has kept both buildingoccupants and operators equally busy <strong>for</strong>a number of years now. Lack of resourcesheightens the competition <strong>for</strong> energysources and leads to economic centersbeing moved to different regions. Risingenergy and water costs along with increasingenvironmental awareness and stricterregulations (CO 2 emissions and trading) areseeing a shift from fossil fuels to renewableenergy sources and to an optimization ofoverall energy supply and consumption.<strong>Siemens</strong> – providing answers <strong>for</strong> thepresent and the future.<strong>Siemens</strong> uses intelligently networkedinfrastructure solutions to meet today‘schallenges. Innovative products, systemsand solutions <strong>for</strong> electrical installationtechnology and building automationprovide com<strong>for</strong>t and energy efficiency inbuildings while reducing CO 2 emissions.Comprehensive fire protection equipmentand electronic security systems protectpeople, properties and business processesthroughout the entire life of the buildingand will keep the Building TechnologiesDivision from <strong>Siemens</strong> firmly within themegatrend in the future.5

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