PDF version (794 Ko) - Agence spatiale canadienne

PDF version (794 Ko) - Agence spatiale canadienne

PDF version (794 Ko) - Agence spatiale canadienne

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The BusinessOpportunityThe need for new actuators inrobotics and automation ispervasive. However, any newlydeveloped actuator mustundergo extensive mechanical,electrical, control and thermaltests. Currently, actuator testscan be performed on a robotprototype built with the newlydeveloped actuators. However,the prototyping process isexpensive, inflexible, and notapplicable for space robots, assuch robots do not operate inthe thermal and gravityconditions of Earth.This invention is designed for aspecialized test-bed facility thatdevelops and testselectromechanical actuatorsfor robotics and automationapplications. Its designinnovations allow for lessexpensive and more costeffectivedevelopment andtesting of actuators.Dynamometer with Active Load forTesting Manipulator's Joint PrototypesThe TechnologyA product derived from this invention could beused as a development tool for manufacturersof electromechanical actuators for roboticsapplications, in various industrial sectors. Themechanical load of a mechatronics systemcan be replaced with an active load systemand the actuators of a mechatronics systemcan be tested before the rest of themechanical system is fabricated.Commercial PotentialThe demand for development of newactuators for mechatronics systems isestablished and growing. Yet prototyping ofthe complete system for testing is often anexpensive and inflexible process. A productderived from this invention would be a costeffectivereplacement for traditionalprototyping.This invention is designed for a facility fortesting space or terrestrial robot actuatorsunder their end-use thermal and mechanicalconditions. Unlike the conventionaldynamometer, which has a brake to applyfriction torque, this invention uses active loadthat generates the torque dynamics of a targetmanipulator.TechnologyTransfer DetailsA commercializationlicense for this technologyis available.The businessopportunity may bereferred to by itsCSA case ID: 50706CommercializationContactIntellectual PropertyManagement andTechnology TransferCanadian Space AgencyTel.: (450) 926-5800Fax: (450) 926-4613E-mail: iptt@asc-csa.gc.ca10

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