Final Report Strong Fathers Strong Families Programme Descriptive Analysis

Final Report Strong Fathers Strong Families Programme Descriptive Analysis

Final Report Strong Fathers Strong Families Programme Descriptive Analysis


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TABLE 2 –SITES SELECTED FOR A FIELD VISIT BY THE PROJECT TEAMJURISDICTIONNew South WalesNorthern TerritoryQueenslandSITE FOR FIELDWORK• Nepean-Blue Mountains Local Health Network• Southern NSW Medicare Local• Danila Dilba Biluru Butji Binnilutlum Health Service Aboriginal Corporation• Darling Downs Shared Care Incorporated T/A Carbal Aboriginal and Torres StraitIslander Health ServicesSouth Australia• Pangula Mannamurra Inc• Nunkuwarrin Yunti of South AustraliaThe project team conducted in-depth telephone interviews with the other six sites not selected for a sitevisit. All key staff at these sites were encouraged to participate in these interviews. The interviewsgenerally involved between one and three key staff from each site.All consultations were guided by a semi-structured interview guide, which was informed by the preliminarystakeholder interviews (Phase 1) and documentation review (Phase 2). All interview guides wereapproved by the Department in advance of all consultations. These interview guides are included inAppendix A.2.1.4 PHASE FOUR: ANALYSIS AND REPORTINGThe analysis phase of this project involved triangulating data collected in Phases 1-3, including datacollected through the documentation review, telephone interviews and fieldwork. This document outlinesthe key research findings and also provides some options for consideration moving forward.It is important to note that this document is not an evaluation of the SFSF programme but a descriptiveanalysis. It identifies how the programme has been implemented and outcomes as identified bystakeholders, but does not make an overall assessment about the implementation and impact of theprogramme.Also, because this project is a descriptive analysis, this document largely reflects the views of thoseindividuals involved in managing and implementing the programme. It does not reflect the full range ofperspectives that would be included in an evaluation exercise.4 METHODOLOGYURBISFINAL REPORT

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