Final Report Strong Fathers Strong Families Programme Descriptive Analysis

Final Report Strong Fathers Strong Families Programme Descriptive Analysis

Final Report Strong Fathers Strong Families Programme Descriptive Analysis


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QUESTION GUIDE FOR PARTNER ORGANISATIONSHi, my name is XXXX and I am from Urbis, a social research company that provides research andevaluation services to Government.We have been asked by the Department of Health to look into how the <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Fathers</strong> <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Families</strong>(SFSF) program works.To do this, we will be reviewing actions plans and progress reports, speaking with Department of Healthstaff, and speaking with those involved in implementing the SFSF program across Australia.Thank you for making the time to speak with me today. The sorts of things we will talk about are how theprogram is working, community engagement in the program, and the outcomes of the program.We are not assessing or making judgments on how [organisation] is running the program. Our job is to letthe Department know the different ways in which the program is working across the country.What you say to me today will remain confidential to our research team. Nothing you say will be publiclyattributed directly to you in our report without your permission.Do you have any questions before we start?1. I would like to first learn more about you and your organisation. What does your organisation do?What is your role?2. What involvement has your organisation had in the SFSF program and how did this involvementcome about?3. From your perspective, what sorts of things are happening under the SFSF program? (prompt: whatevents/activities are being held, who is being targeted etc)4. How easy or hard do you think it is to recruit men into the program? What sort of things encouragemen to participate in the program? In your view, what, if anything, could be done to encourage moremen to participate in the program?5. How have men responded to the program (prompt: interest, attendance, attrition)? What about thecommunity – what does the community think about the program? Why do you say this?6. How, if at all, has the community been engaged in the SFSF program (prompt: indeveloping/designing SFSF activities, implementing SFSF activities)? In what ways could this bedone better?7. How effective is your partnership with [organisation] and the SFSF program? In what ways could yourpartnership could be improved?8. What would you identify as the key outputs or achievements to date?9. What outcomes has the program delivered or do you expect the program will deliver to individuals,families and/or communities? What suggestions do you have on how you might measure theseoutcomes?10. What have been the key factors that have helped or been a barrier to implementing the program?11. Looking forward, to what extent can the program continue to operate in the community? What, ifanything, would the program need to continue to operate?URBISFINAL REPORTAPPENDICES

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