User Manual - pancroma

User Manual - pancroma

User Manual - pancroma

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When the Input Box becomes visible, just click ‘Enter’. PANCROMA TM willautomatically register the band files. This utility is useful for gap filling, cloudmask and other operations requiring two sets of registered images.Finally you can subset a single multispectral or panchromatic band by selectingselect ‘Band Combination | ‘Subset Images’ | ‘Subset One Band’. You will bepresented with two menu options, similar to those for the three file method.Selecting the ‘8-Bit or 16-bit to 8-Bit Band File’ will save the subset image in 8-BitGeoTiff format. The ‘16-Bit to 16-Bit Band File’ selection accepts a 16-Bit file asinput and saves it in 16-Bit GeoTiff Format.IMPORTANT NOTE: When subsetting four or five band data sets that includethe panchromatic band, it may be necessary on some computers to uncheck the‘Display Subset Images’ check box. This will prevent the images from beingdisplayed and is useful if displaying all the images uses excessive memoryresources.PANCROMA TM also has a utility for determining the Maximum Common Extentscoordinates of any two files with overlapping areas. Open the two files andselect ‘Subset Utilities’ | ‘Subset Images’ | ‘Compute Maximum Common Extents’43

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