Activity - Agape Centre Sibu

Activity - Agape Centre Sibu

Activity - Agape Centre Sibu


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<strong>Activity</strong>What is our definition ofEarly Childhood Intervention?‘Early Intervention can be defined in all forms ofchild-oriented training activities and parent-oriented guidance activities which areimplemented in direct and immediateconsequence of the identification of thedevelopmental condition. Early Interventionpertains to the child as well as to the parents, thefamily and the broader network.’Heinen (1997, p.6)NECIC 2012 <strong>Sibu</strong> Malaysia7NECIC 2012 <strong>Sibu</strong> Malaysia8‘Providing effective Early Intervention programmes forvulnerable children and their families constitutes oneof the most important challenges for contemporarysocieties. State-of-the-art intervention requires thecontributions of specialists from many disciplines, theconstruction of programmes that are firmly rooted inbio-medical and behavioural research, a programmedevelopment component that is capable ofincorporating emerging research findings, andadvocates and administrators to ensure that funding,personnel and related resources policies are availableand consistent with the knowledge base and goals ofEarly Intervention.’International Society for Early InterventionNECIC 2012 <strong>Sibu</strong> Malaysia9Early Intervention – the cornerstone ofGovernment strategy in ensuring that ‘everychild matters’‘Early intervention is the cornerstone of ourstrategy. ‘Every Child Matters’ recognisedthe lasting benefits of early intervention –providing a sound foundation for futurelearning and development … it shouldmean that help is available as early aspossible, reducing the risk of long-termunder-achievement and dissatisfaction’‘Removing Barriers to Achievement’, 2004NECIC 2012 <strong>Sibu</strong> Malaysia10The Government proposes….‘A modern family policy for the21st century, which starts fromwhat helps family life to flourish’The Children’s Plan (2008)‘Early Intervention means professionals working inpartnership with parents of children with special needsto help their children develop their knowledge andskills to reach their potential. It builds upon thestrengths found in all children and families. Researchand practice have proven that Early Interventionproduces immediate and long term benefits forchildren with disabilities, their families, and society.’Carpenter (2001)NECIC 2012 <strong>Sibu</strong> Malaysia11NECIC 2012 <strong>Sibu</strong> Malaysia12NECIC 2012 <strong>Sibu</strong> Malaysia 2

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