Peacekeeping without Accountability - Yale Law School

Peacekeeping without Accountability - Yale Law School

Peacekeeping without Accountability - Yale Law School

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Top:The MINUSTAH base in Méyè.Below:MINUSTAH peacekeepersentering the base.U.N. peacekeeping troops from Nepal as thesource of the outbreak. 58 Outbreak investigations,environmental surveys, molecular epidemiologicalstudies, and journalistic accounts all demonstratethat the troops were exposed to cholera in Nepaland introduced V. cholerae bacterium into Haiti.These investigations highlight five key factsabout the epidemic. First, there was no activetransmission of cholera in Haiti prior to October2010. Second, the epidemic began at a single pointin an area that encompassed the MINUSTAHbase where Nepalese peacekeeping troops werestationed. Third, these troops had been exposedto cholera in Nepal, and fourth, their fecescontaminated the local water supply in Haiti.Finally, the Haitian outbreak involved a singlestrain of Nepalese origin.Historical records show no reported cases ofsymptomatic cholera in Haiti before the arrivalof MINUSTAH troops in October 2010. 59 Expertshave identified three major cholera outbreaks inthe Caribbean: in 1833–1834, 1850–1856, and 1865-13 minustah and the cholera outbreak in haiti

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